Scratch Lump-O-Lead Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Lump-O-Lead {Scratch}

Contributed by Matt Gillard

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Matt Gillard - 12/14/07) LOL

I was full o' good ideas for t' glider that I was goin' t' make. Avast! Arrr! None o' these came t' be and instead I made a pop pod glider. Aye aye! I foolishly went for a large (ish) glider as I did nay want t' simply replicate a glider that I already had. T' result was a glider that needs at least a D t' lift it, but will also shred on a D.


T' glider itself consists o' a four panel win' with a three panel tail. Aye aye! Blimey! Two 1mm by 1mm spruces act as side by side booms, with a front fuselage made out o' 3/8th inch balsa. T' pop pod was t' pod from a Quest Flat Cat.

Win' Construction:

2 panels. Blimey! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! 3.5 by 6 inch

2 panels, 6 inch long with ends measurin' 2 inch and 3.5 inch

T' centre panels were glued together with one win' tip 1 inch o' t' bench.

When t' glue had dried, me hearties, t' outer win' panels were added, again with a one inch lift.

Side Tail:

Two panels o' balsa measured 5 inch with t' sides bein' 2 and 2.5 inch, shiver me timbers, were glued together. Avast, me proud beauty! T' angle formed matched t' front wing.

A rudder was attached underneath, this panel measured 4 by 2 inch, shiver me timbers, and was trimmed down somewhat.


These were made from 1mm by 1mm spruce (which turned out t' be a big mistake) both rods were 17 inches long. Aye aye!

T' booms were glued t' t' outside edges o' t' tail, and them t' front win' be glued t' t' front.

Front Fuselage:

A 15 inch piece o' 3/8th square balsa formed t' fuselage. Avast, me proud beauty! A 3 inches piece was glued t' t' top end o' the fuselage. Ahoy! When this dried, me bucko, a front cavity was made t' hold balancin' mass, matey, and t' hook/catch mechanism be cut out. Two thin pieces o' balsa were then glued t' t' out side edges o' t' front fuselage t' complete t' cavity box and edge off t' catch. Begad! This whole front end be very similar t' front end o' a Quest Flat Cat t' fuselage be then glued to t' front wing.

Pop Pod:

This was a steal from t' Quest Flat Cat.


T' whole glider was sanded down, me bucko, all edges were rounded and a slight aerofoil added t' t' liftin' surfaces. The rocket be then sealed.

T' design be that as t' aft booms were out o' t' way o' t' motor thrust, ya bilge rat, thar was no need t' protect the fuselage. Arrr! I knew t' glider would be tail heavy so t' cavity at t' front would take mass t' balance. Ya scallywag!

Wing Test Glides:

Several test glides were needed t' get t' glide right, ya bilge rat, in t' end a big lump o' lead be needed t' balance the glider –this is where t' glider's name comes from.


First flight was on a B4-2

Lift be straight but nay t' high, me hearties, t' lump o' lead at t' front came out and she fell tail down –my fault.

Second flight be on t' came motor with a lump o' clay actin' as t' mass at t' front. Avast, me proud beauty! Again t' lift was straight, but t' pop pod did nay pop! T' whole thin' came in nose first, me hearties, thar was a lot o' balsa t' glue back together.

Third flight be a few days later, and after repairs. This time a C6-3 was used, t' higher thrust made t' whole thin' shake on lift, me hearties, so much so that t' tail shredded. Blimey! Blimey! T' glider, matey, now heavy, ya bilge rat, matey, nosed in again – more gluing.

Damage Fourth flight. Again a C6-3 was used, arrr, t' flight be straight again with less wobble, shiver me timbers, ejection was clean and t' glider glided in on a steep angle. Begad! Blimey! There be damage.


T' glider is too heavy for an 18mm motor and a D would rip it apart. Ahoy! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! I should learn t' walk before I can run, I have had me own design smaller gliders perform very well, and I've had large kit gliders work, but I'm nay quite ready for t' large birds yet.

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