Art Applewhite Rockets Pyramid 13mm Plan

Art Applewhite Rockets - Pyramid 13mm {Plan}

Contributed by Donald Besaw Jr

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Art Applewhite Rockets

Art Applewhite 13mm Pyramid

T' Pyramid is a free downloadable 13mm four-sided pyramid rocket with tumble recovery, shiver me timbers, although I received this one free with an order from Art Applewhite.

T' kit came printed on a single sheet o' cardstock with t' top and bottom as one whole section, me hearties, motor mount tube, shiver me timbers, and instructions.

This rocket is very easy t' build and requires very little time and extra materials. All that is needed is a hobby knife or scissors, ball point pen, shiver me timbers, matey, a ruler and white glue.

I started by cuttin' out t' launch lug holes and motor mount tube holes in t' main section and then I cut out t' main section and indented t' lines with a ball point pen as recommended, which makes foldin' so much easier. Avast, me proud beauty! I then glued t' top section together and followed by gluin' t' bottom into t' top section.

I cut out t' motor mount tube, wrapped it around a 13mm motor, and glued it together. Well, blow me down! After t' glue dried, me hearties, it was into place and a fillet was added for extra strength t' complete t' assembly.

Overall, I went from havin' nothin' but a single sheet o' cardstock t' havin' a flyable rocket in about 15-20 minutes.

PROs: Easy and quick assembly.

CONs: None.

No finishin' was required due t' t' yellow cardstock but I sprayed on a light coat o' Krylon clear t' protect t' cardstock from moisture.

PROs: No finishin' required

CONs: None.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

T' only recommended motor for this rocket be t' Estes A10-PT. Blimey! Usin' a motor with an ejection charge would most likely blow out t' front o' t' rocket as it is closed off at this point. Ahoy! T' motor is friction fitted in place for flight. I flew this in me front yard on an A10-PT. Begad! T' rocket zipped off t' pad straight and fast t' maybe 75 feet up, matey, flipped over, arrr, and came down on me roof then bounced into one o' t' gutters where it be recovered with a slight amount o' tip damage.

PROs: Low altitude flights, matey, great for backyard flying.

CONs: None.

This rocket uses tumble recovery which is sufficient due t' it's light weight but if it hits a roof or other hard surface, it will most likely suffer some minor tip damage. Aye aye! Arrr! On t' other hand, it does land close t' t' pad.

PROs: Easy, arrr, me bucko, quick, arrr, matey, and close recovery.

CONs: None.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

I really like this rocket. It was free and only took a few minutes t' build. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! In fact, I would like t' see this offered in larger sizes like 18mm and 24mm as well. I highly recommend that you download, assemble, arrr, me hearties, and fly one o' these. You will nay be disappointed.

PROs: Easy and quick assembly, shiver me timbers, flight performance.

CONs: None.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5


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