Estes Echostar Modification Modification

Scratch Echostar Modification

Contributed by Neil Thompson

Manufacturer: Scratch

Rocket Pic Brief:
I made t' Echostar into a fun sport rocket by doin' t' following:

  • Removed t' lower stage
  • Removed t' body tube adaptor
  • Made it a little longer
  • Removed t' fins on t' upper part o' t' sustainer

I scrapped those fins that are on t' very top, took out t' adaptor and second stage, added an extra length o' tube, and found a new way t' attach t' shock cord: I looped one end t' shock cord through one o' t' upper fin slots (about 1/4 inches long), and tied t' other end t' t' nosecone. Aye aye! I then wrapped a few long pieces o' tape around t' holes t' make this a very effective, shiver me timbers, me bucko, easy t' replace mount. Avast! I have flown it about a dozen times like this and it has yet t' fail on me. I did everythin' else normally. Ya scallywag! T' engine hook came out on flight number eight, ya bilge rat, so I use t' friction fit method now.

Through t' wall fins, me bucko, two tubes, a nose cone, me hearties, me bucko, me bucko, a bit o' shock cord, and a homemade chute.

All t' parts were in t' original kit. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! No real alignment issues. I modified t' rocket so much that I did nay use t' instructions included with t' kit.

I used a 15 inch homemade nylon chute and it be perfect. Well, blow me down! I made t' tube coupler tough enough nay t' come apart at ejection, but easy enough t' come apart with a bit o' a pull so that I can easily put recovery waddin' in after t' parachute. Ahoy! I did nay originally plan on this, but I figured it out before flight number six durin' CMASS Space Day in 2003.

Easy build and finish. Ahoy! Blimey! A fun rocket with no real cons.

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