Descon Heavy Lifter

Scratch - Heavy Lifter {Scratch}

Contributed by David Fergus

Manufacturer: Scratch

Heavy Lifter
An RMR Descon XIV entry

by David Fergus

(Place your mouse over photos t' view t' captions.(IE5))

one way to cluster and lift more weight... Design Summary:
A four engine cluster rocket with two optional payload bays. Blimey! One central D engine mount and three side pods for optional C engines that aft eject. Avast, me proud beauty! The rocket has six fins and split recovery o' t' liftin' body on one chute and the payload section on another chute. T' main body is BT-60 and t' payload bay is BT-70. T' C engines are aft eject and can be either B or C6-0. Well, blow me down! Because the side motors are ejected while hot, this rocket should only be flown in a cluster configuration where no danger o' fire exists, like a sod farm. Well, shiver me timbers, blow me down! The model weighs 8.3 oz. Begad! with empty payload and no engines. Aye aye! With a full payload of 6.7 oz., one D12-3 and three C6-0 engines, shiver me timbers, and two parachutes, me bucko, t' fully loaded model weighed 20 oz. T' empty booster weighs 5 oz. and t' larger empty payload bay weighs 3.3 oz.

Aspects new t' me that required a developmental learnin' process:
1. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! reliable ignition o' four engine clusters. (I had never done clusters before.)
2. Avast! Blimey! four engine cluster with smaller engines in t' side pods. Arrr! Blimey! (flight/fault issues)
3. Begad! electronic payload design and usage. Ahoy! (I didn't even own an altimeter before.)
4. Avast! rocket stability with a large payload-weight/total-lift-weight ratio o' 1:3.

an homage to the Delta program... CONCEPT:
This rocket began as a concept after obtainin' some out o' production balsa at a hobby shop goin' out o' business. I obtained one balsa BT-70 nose cone and two BT60-70 balsa transitions. I then began t' think about how I could use them. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! After gettin' some BT-70 body tube from a friend (Damian Kostron of KosRox), arrr, t' idea began t' take shape o' a Delta-like payloader. Begad! It grew into a D engine BT-60 central booster supported by three BT-20 C engine side boosters carryin' a BT-70 payload section. Begad! Nay havin' any method t' calculate stability of such a complex shape, arrr, and knowin' it could be carryin' significant weight, I guessed and built it with six large through-the-wall fins. Begad! Well, blow me down! When first built in 1999, arrr, I had no experience with clusterin' and electronics, so an extensive test program and developmental process was necessary. Begad! Therefore, I include flights of other rockets as part o' this project that verified I could accomplish objectives prior t' t' full up final flights. Except for internal hardware such as engine hook, me hearties, ya bilge rat, nylon nose cone attachment screws, and screw eyes, matey, the model is all wood and paper construction. I place high value on RMR Descon entries that teach me design and modelin' techniques, so I attached t' nose cone t' t' payload t' same way t' winner o' Descon 4 did it on t' Lego-13 with nylon screws and CA. Well, blow me down! I lost t' original nose cone t' me vintage Estes SAROS because it was nay attached firmly enough t' t' payload body tube, so I am very sensitive t' ensure secure attachment o' nose cones t' payload bays. T' MissleWorks RRC2 altimeter was obtained late in t' program, and the original payload bay was discovered t' be too short. Avast! Therefore, arrr, a second larger payload bay was built with t' second balsa transition t' accommodate the altimeter. Avast! Begad! T' shorter payload bay is used for smaller/lighter payloads. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! The rocket can be flown with a single D engine or with a cluster o' one D and three C-size engines.

After eight flights o' t' Heavy Lifter and several flights o' other rockets, I consider t' project a success. I have successfully demonstrated reliable cluster flights with different engines in t' same cluster. Ya scallywag! I have successfully demonstrated use o' electronics t' measure altitude. Avast! Arrr! I have successfully designed a rocket capable o' reliably liftin' a payload 1/3 o' t' total rocket weight includin' engines. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! On it's eighth flight, shiver me timbers, me hearties, Heavy Lifter flew t' 490 feet on one D12 and three C6's. Avast! Ahoy! It be carryin' a payload weight o' 6.7 oz. Begad! and recovery was perfect with no damage! My next venture is t' build a rocket that actually uses t' full capability o' t' RRC2 altimeter/controller.

BT-70 body tube
BT-70 balsa nose cone
2 balsa BT-60/70 transitions
BT-60 body tube
3 BT-20 body tubes
3 BT-20 balsa nose cones
balsa fin stock
D engine BT60 heavy duty engine mount with hook
2 BT-60 couplers
2 metal screw eyes
3 heavy duty 18mm engine blocks
Pratt small braided Keelhaul®©™ shock cord material
Elastic shock cord material
2 Nylon screws
wooden dowel
parachutes from other kits as appropriate for weight


Main Engine Mount:
Build a standard D engine mount for placement in a BT-60 body tube. Leave room for 2 inches o' through-the-wall mountin' o' fins t' t' engine mount. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Use an engine hook and a heavy duty thrust ring.

booster section Main Booster Assembly:
1. Aye aye! Usin' a hard grain 1/8 inch balsa, cut six fins with t' lead edge going with t' grain. Blimey! Specifications on t' fins are as follows: root edge is 4 inches, me bucko, shiver me timbers, tip edge is 3 inches, ya bilge rat, lead edge is 4.75 inches and t' trail edge is 4 inches. Ya scallywag! Begad! There is a 2 inch long through-the-wall piece that glues t' t' BT50 tube in t' engine mount. Sand and prep as desired.
2. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! Cut a section o' BT-60 t' 18 inches. Glue t' engine mount into one end so that 1/2 inch o' t' mount extends past t' end o' t' BT-60 tube. Begad! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! Measure and mark t' tube for 6 fins and six attachments equidistant from each other on the tube. 3. Begad! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Cut six slots for t' fins t' mount t' t' engine mount. Avast! Blimey! Glue and attach t' fins. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Well, blow me down! Blimey! Apply t' glue fillets before installin' t' side tubes.
4. Ahoy! Cut three lengths o' BT-20 t' 9 inches (or longer if desired). Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Glue balsa BT-20 nose cones into each o' t' tubes. Ahoy! Arrr! Blimey! Sand and prep as desired. Glue heavy duty thrust rings into t' other end o' each o' t' tubes so that 1/4 inch of motor will stick out.
5. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Because t' launch lugs are on t' booster and t' launch rod needs t' clear the wider payload section, shiver me timbers, matey, t' launch lugs need t' be installed on extension pieces. Cut two 2 inch lengths o' 3/16 inch launch lug. Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! Cut out two pieces of 1/8 inch fin stock into a rectangular shape 3/8 inch x 2 inch long with the grain goin' with t' short edge. Glue each launch lug t' one o' these extension pieces. Ya scallywag! Avast! Blimey! On one o' t' alignment lines, me hearties, glue each o' these launch lug sub-assemblies on t' rocket body 1.5 inch from t' aft and 6 inches from the front as measured t' t' aft o' t' sub-assembly. Arrr! Blimey! Blimey! Make sure they stay aligned until t' glue is set.
6. Aye aye! Cut out a section o' 1/8 inch dowell and glue on t' line betwixt t' two launch lug assemblies. Begad! Begad! Cut out two more pieces o' dowell at 14 inches, cut an angle on one end o' both o' them, me hearties, shiver me timbers, and glue t' t' correspondin' aliignment lines so that t' three dowels are 120 degrees apart.
7. Begad! Glue t' three side boosters onto t' main booster along t' remainin' three alignment lines so that 1/2 inch o' t' aft o' t' tube extends past t' end of t' main tube. Begad! Avast, matey, me proud beauty! Apply glue fillets and sand and prep as desired.
8. Avast! Epoxy a 12 inch length o' small or mini braided tubular Keelhaul®©™ (available from Pratt Hobbies) into t' inside o' t' main booster tube. Aye aye! Tie a small loop in t' loose end and epoxy t' knot. Ahoy! Leave at least an inch o' clearance for t' tube couplers of the payload section. Tie a 2 foot section o' 1/4" elastic shock cord to the kevlar loop. Aye aye! Tie a loop in t' other end for parachute attachment. Put a spot o' glue on t' knot.
9. Begad! Fill in grooves and fillets with Elmers FF as desired, and sand and prep. Well, blow me down!

Payload Section:
1. Aye aye! Begad! Cut a short 2 inch piece o' BT-60, me hearties, me hearties, me hearties, and glue in a coupler on one end.
2. Arrr! Blimey! Install an eyehook in a balsa BT60-70 transition, matey, secure it with glue. Attach a two foot section o' 1/4 inch elastic shock cord. Avast, me proud beauty! Put a spot o' glue on the knot. Tie a small loop in t' other end o' t' shock cord and put a spot of glue on that knot.
3. Glue t' balsa transition into t' short piece o' BT-60.
4. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Cut a length o' BT-70 anywhere from 6 t' 10 inches long. Ahoy! T' length o' this piece depends on t' size o' t' payload you anticipate using. Arrr! In me case, I guessed wrong and had t' build a second payload section t' accomodate my altimeter and its multi-functional housin' and adapters.
5. Arrr! Arrr! Glue t' BT-70 piece on t' top o' t' balsa transition.
both payload sections and the accompanying nose cone
6. Aye aye! Blimey! Drill two small 1/16 inch holes on either side o' t' payload bay for altimeter pressure sensing. Blimey! Blimey! Apply some CA t' t' holes t' strengthen and prevent frayin' o' t' edges with use. Begad! Blimey! Sand t' smoothness, me hearties, arrr, both inside and out.
7. Ya scallywag! Apply CA t' t' edges o' t' payload section t' a depth o' about 1/2 inch. Sand until smooth. This step is t' strengthen t' edge o' t' cardboard and prevent frayin' with use.
8. Avast, me proud beauty! Install t' nose cone and hold securely while drillin' 1/32" holes suitable for t' nylon holdin' screws. Aye aye! Then remove t' nose cone and drill larger holes in t' walls o' t' payload bay with just enough clearance for the nylon screw threads. Aye aye! With t' nose cone removed from t' rocket, work in threads into t' balsa nose cone usin' a metal screw o' t' same thread as the nylon screws. Avast, me proud beauty! After t' threads are well defined, me bucko, matey, drop some thin CA into the holes and smartly work t' metal screw in and out once t' coat t' thread surfaces with CA. Then after t' CA has cured, work t' threads again with a metal screw until it threads smoothly. Then install t' nylon screws t' make sure they work smoothly as well. Repeat this process until t' t' nylon screws twist smoothly, ya bilge rat, and securely hold t' nose cone t' t' payload section. This method o' nose cone attachment was learned from t' winner o' DESCON 4 with the LEGO-13. Ya scallywag! Arrr! This method should allow easy removal and installin' o' t' nose cone while on t' flight line t' minimize time an altimeter is energized if using one as a payload.
9. Blimey! Well, blow me down! Fill in any grain and spirals with Elmers FF and sand as required. Keep the drilled holes clear and open for pressure equalization.

altimeter and adapter Altimeter Mount:
Since t' RRC2 altimeter and it's custom retainin' module with on-off switch was designed t' fit into PML 38mm phenolic tubin' as well as thinner Estes BT-60, an adapter was necessary t' securely keep this particular payload load from rattlin' around. An adapter was built out o' extra 38mm engine tube and two plywood adapter rings. Blimey! Blimey! Slots were cut for pressure equalization. Avast! This adapter could be used for payloads other than altimeters as well. Blimey! Begad! Blimey! T' altimeter payload be heavier than it needed t' be for several reasons. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! Blimey! I wanted to challenge me Heavy Lifter with a lot o' weight, but also have a retaining system I could use in later complete uses o' t' altimeter for dual deployment of bigger rockets, etc. Avast! Blimey! T' Heavy Lifter was designed t' lift heavy loads and this altimeter package just happened t' be a convenient one; and also as a byproduct get an altitude readout o' flights.

clip whips Cluster Igniter Clip Whips:
I used 18 gauge solid copper wire with high temperature insulation. Ya scallywag! I made one clip whip with red insulation, and one clip whip with black insulation. Cut four six inch lengths o' each color. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! Strip t' insulation on both ends o' each wire. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Install four red wires and four black wires each into a connector and crimp. Aye aye! Well, blow me down! Conduct a pull test t' ensure reliable crimp and then solder t' joint with high temerature solder. Aye aye! Obtain eight copper flat clips, and connect each clip t' a wire end with high temperature solder. Begad! Do a pull test and then an impedance/resistivity check t' ensure t' solder joints are good.
Flight NOTE: T' red and black wires are necessary t' distinguish between leads while hookin' up t' igniters. Ahoy! One black and one red lead goes to the two leads o' an igniter for each engine. Ahoy! You must also be very careful to not allow any clips t' touch any other clip or exposed wire, or incomplete ignition could be t' result!

T' rocket was painted a base coat o' Krylon gray primer, sanded then painted several coats o' Krylon flat white, me bucko, which be t' coat o' paint on most intermediate flights. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Finally, t' rocket was painted gloss white. Decals are pending. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Just a few decals add a lot t' appearance.

Sequence o' Results/Flight Details
FLIGHT 1: maiden flight on one D12-3 1. Aye aye! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! 11/20/99 - (FLIGHT 1,2) T' original rocket was built and first flown unpainted with an empty payload bay and then a second time with 3 oz. o' weight in t' payload bay. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! A single D12-3 motor was used for both flights. Ya scallywag! Blimey! These two flights were successful and demonstrated excellent flight stability and recoverability. Ahoy! Blimey! The ½" shoulder o' t' balsa transition BT60/70 was too wobbly on the booster section. Blimey! Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! A correction t' this problem was identified t' lengthen the shoulder by addin' a short piece o' BT60 with a standard coupler t' t' payload section.

Tri-Stomp takeoff on 3-engine cluster 2. 5/21/00 - (FLIGHT 3,4) After a 4 inch piece o' BT-60 be added t' t' bottom of the payload section with a tube coupler, arrr, t' rocket was painted a base coat of white and again flown twice carryin' 3 oz. Blimey! Blimey! o' weight in t' payload bay and boosted by a single D12-3 motor. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Winds were brisk gustin' t' 15 knots. The wobble problem be corrected, but t' parachute got jammed up in t' new section and t' payload section tumble recovered. T' additional section of BT-60 on t' bottom o' t' payload section was deemed t' be too long and allowed t' parachute t' bunch into this area and nay deploy. T' BT-60 portion of t' payload section was shortened t' 2" and a new coupler installed. Arrr! Blimey! Begad! Blimey!

3. 6/23/01 - (FLIGHT 5) One flight on a D12-3 t' confirm reliable parachute deployment. Confirmed, and developmental program fully approved for next steps.

4. An RRC2 altimeter was obtained as a birthday present from me wife, and a custom holder was designed and built for a 38mm payload bay.

5. Avast! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! 11/17/01 - T' Tri-Stomp (my Descon 9 entry) was designed and built specifically for testin' and learnin' how t' do cluster rocketry. Avast! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! T' foam boink recovery method be deemed t' be safe for developin' this new skill set. Also, t' aft engine eject system o' Tri-Stomp would be t' same as t' side booster pods on Heavy Lifter. Aye aye! Blimey! Tri-Stomp was twice successfully launched on three B motors with all three motors lightin' both times, once at a club launch usin' t' club launch system, and once usin' a truck battery and me own launch system. Ya scallywag! Blimey! A set o' 4-engine clip whips was constructed for this program and general use.

FLIGHT 5: final single engine flight 6. 5/18/02 - (FLIGHT 6) Heavy Lifter flown on 4 engine cluster with short payload bay and 3 oz. Begad! of payload weight. Arrr! (one D12-3, three C6-0's) T' shortened coupler section o' the payload section reliably deployed t' parachute, shiver me timbers, arrr, while maintainin' a stable connection t' t' booster section durin' flight.

7. 5/18/02 - Altimeter tested in PML Cirrus Dart (an EMRR participation prize drawin' give-away!). Rocket flew t' 1069 ft on a G35W. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! This altitude be within the approximate estimated window o' t' Heavy Lifter altitude. Blimey! Blimey! T' program is approved for t' final steps.

8. 6/02 - 7/04. Avast, me proud beauty! Program placed on development hold while project manager devotes more time t' coachin' his kid's sports teams, matey, ya bilge rat, boy scouts, me hearties, and bein' a soccer referee. T' longer payload bay and altimeter adapter were constructed durin' this reduced activity period, me bucko, similar t' how a government program goes on hold for fundin' or other issues.

FLIGHT 6: first cluster flight 9. Well, blow me down! Begad! 8/22/04 - (FLIGHT 7) Heavy Lifter flown on 4 engine cluster with long payload and t' altimeter assembly. Ahoy! Avast! T' altimeter assembly and adapter weighed 6.7 oz with a total rocket weight o' 20 oz. Ya scallywag! includin' engines. Begad! (one D12-3, three B6-0s). T' wind was gustin' t' 20 mph, ya bilge rat, me bucko, arrr, so smaller booster engines were used t' limit altitude. Ahoy! Avast, arrr, me proud beauty! The rocket flew t' less than 300 ft. T' Altimeter did nay register a launch (minimum o' 300 ft in altitude required t' register a launch). Ya scallywag! My eyeball estimate o' altitude was about 200ft. Avast, me proud beauty! Well, blow me down! All systems operated properly including the launch and recovery systems.

10. Well, blow me down! 8/22/04 - (FLIGHT 8) Heavy Lifter flown on 4 engine cluster with altimeter. (one D12-3, three C6-0's) One o' t' C engines lit before t' other three and the motor burned for a second on t' pad with nay enough oomph t' get the rocket movin' before t' others lit and t' rocket lifted off. Well, blow me down! T' rocket flew about twice as high as t' previous flight. Ejection and recovery system deployment occurred at apogee. Avast, me proud beauty! T' booster section caught a thermal and drifted over t' roof o' adjacent apartment buildin' (1/4 mile away). Avast! Aye aye! After recovery of the payload section and recordin' o' altitude, t' long walk found t' booster section undamaged on t' patio o' an apartment on t' second row o' apartments into t' complex (whew!). Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! All systems performed properly, me bucko, and all components were recovered with no damage. Altitude achieved was 490 ft as reported by altimeter. Arrr! Unfortunately, matey, no photographers were available for these last two historic flights.

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