Madcow Rocketry Scooter

Madcow Rocketry - Scooter {Kit}

Contributed by Nick Esselman

Published: 2010-11-13
Diameter: 2.20 inches
Length: 22.00 inches
Manufacturer: Madcow Rocketry
Skill Level: 3
Style: Sport

Scooter Side-by-side(08/25/08) T' Madcow Scooter™ is a classic-looking, stubby rocket with t' capability o' flyin' on D12's. Aye aye! From another view, me hearties, t' Scooter™ is a 29mm, mid-powered, me hearties, solid-construction rocket that can reach 2,260 feet on a G64.

Overall, matey, arrr, ya bilge rat, t' Scooter™ is an easy rocket t' build and other than t' balsa nose cone it finishes just as easy. You can do a lot with your paint schemes and still incorporate t' checker-board and name decals. On Madcow's website, the Scooter™ has an attractive yellow/black paint scheme (far right), me bucko, whereas, I chose different colors. Begad! Ya scallywag!

Parts PictureT' rocket includes a pre-slotted 17" long, 2.2" diameter body tube. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! Add t' that, three through-the-wall laser-cut plywood fins and a 4.4" long balsa nose cone t' make up t' 22" length. Well, blow me down! The recovery system includes a Keelhaul®©™® shock-tether, me hearties, arrr, me bucko, a nylon shock cord, a Nomex® parachute protector, ya bilge rat, and an 18" rip-stop nylon parachute.T' remainder o' parts include laser-cut plywood centerin' rings, shiver me timbers, eye-bolt (with nut and washers), arrr, a 29mm motor tube, me bucko, ya bilge rat, matey, two 1/4" launch lugs, ya bilge rat, arrr, and lastly water-slide decals. Ahoy! Blimey! (parts picture t' left courtesy o' Madcow)


T' instructions are printed in a small booklet o' 4 pages. Avast, me proud beauty! This is a very easy rocket t' build and a nice introduction t' mid-power rocketry. Begad! T' techniques used are described well in text and thar are some illustrations to ensure understanding.

T' instructions say t' use 5-minute epoxy throughout t' build, ya bilge rat, however, me hearties, me hearties, I built mine with wood glue (other than the fin fillets). Aye aye!

T' motor mount is built first. Ahoy! It is a typical build but care must be taken t' follow t' instructions so the through-the-wall fins fit correctly. T' Keelhaul®©™® shock-tether is tied around t' motor tube and fed past t' upper centerin' rin' through a notch.

T' fins are next and as mentioned they are through-the-wall mounted t' t' motor tube. Easy stuff here especially with t' pre-slotted body tube.

ScooterT' nose cone is assembled next. Begad! Blimey! Madcow suggests addin' nose weight if needed t' have your CG at 20.75" from t' nose tip. Blimey! Blimey! Since I be shippin' this t' NARAM-50, I didn't want any surprises so I filled the bore hole in t' nose cone with BB's, shiver me timbers, me bucko, poured in some Gorilla polyurethane glue, arrr, and added t' eye-screw and plywood bulkhead. Avast! Blimey! Apparently I added a lot o' weight since me rocket weighed in at 10.2 ounces verses Madcow's estimate o' 6 ounces.

Normally for balsa nose cones I use many, arrr, me hearties, matey, many coats o' Plasti-Kote Primer and sand in betwixt each coat. For the Scooter™ I used DecoArt's Multi-Purpose Sealer. Blimey! I used about 3 coats o' it by applyin' it with a foam brush and sandin' inbetween coats. Arrr! Avast! Then I used Plasti-Kote Primer on t' whole rocket, matey, sandin' in-between coats t' get a smooth finish. Avast, me proud beauty! This be followed by using Krylon's white and red paint.

I must have done a good job (and I did) because many commented on how smooth t' nose cone looked. Ahoy! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! One person said it looks like it is plastic.

T' decals were then applied and voila'... a good lookin' Scooter™.

Overall, for CONSTRUCTION I would rate this kit 5 points. Avast! Aye aye! Build sequence and quality/fit o' parts be excellent. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! Instructions are simple and easy t' follow. Decals make for a nice finish, especially t' checker-board one. Aye aye!

Chris Taylor's PhotoFLIGHT/RECOVERY:

Madcow lists a whole slew o' recommended motors rangin' from D12-5 and E9-4 (with 24mm adapter) up t' G40-7 and G64-7. Arrr! Aye aye! They indicate that t' D12-5 should get about 500 feet altitude while t' G64 should push t' Scooter™ to 2,260 feet.

As mentioned earlier, arrr, shiver me timbers, Madcow indicates that t' rocket should weigh about 6 ounces with a CG at 20.75" from the nose tip.

My finished rocket weighed in at 10.2 ounces with a CG at 10" from t' nose cone. My attached RockSIM has a mass object t' simulate me finished rocket. Well, blow me down! If you use this for testin' you may need t' adjust it for your finished rocket.

I shipped this rocket t' NARAM since I was only goin' t' be thar a day or so. Begad! Well, blow me down! This plan included buyin' motors at the site. When I arrived on Thursday afternoon I be able t' buy a two-pack o' F23-7's.

T' first flight went off perfectly. Ya scallywag! Avast! Nice and straight. Avast! From me angle t' ejection looked t' be perfectly at apogee. RockSIM says a 6-second delay would be optimal. Aye aye! Begad! Look at this awesome shot (left) that Chris Taylor took from his great site NARAM LIVE! You can click on it t' enlarge it.

T' rocket landed about 150 yards from t' launch area. I took a picture o' it on t' ground (below) showin' off the Tie-Dye parachute that I used. Begad! (I replaced t' 18" rip-stop nylon 'chute provided by Madcow with this 18" rip-stop 'chute... performance would be equal). Arrr! Ya scallywag! Notice t' Nomex® parachute protector.

On Ground

T' second flight was on t' other F23-7. Blimey! Caught this one on t' me camera's video (so nay t' best quality). Interestingly, me bucko, ya bilge rat, t' flight was again perfect and it landed within inches/feet o' t' previous flight!

T' next day, I purchased an Aerotech G77-7 t' fly t' Scooter™. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Avast, me hearties, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' wind be carryin' rockets into the neighborin' area and I didn't want t' loose this one, ya bilge rat, so I reefed t' 'chute about half-way up t' shroud lines. (I seem t' do this on a lot o' rockets).

F23-7I didn't say it, me hearties, ya bilge rat, but one o' t' observers said (without intendin' t' make t' pun), "Boy that really scooted on that Redline!". And it did. Begad! RockSIM says t' about 2,050 feet. T' deployment be early, shiver me timbers, but recovery system held together and t' rocket recovered nicely. Arrr!

For FLIGHT/RECOVERY, I would rate this rocket 4 ½ points. T' Keelhaul®©™® to nylon shock cord system is excellent along with t' Nomex® parachute protector and nylon parachute. Blimey! There is no motor retention. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down!

I give t' rocket an OVERALL ratin' o' 5 points. Begad! Ahoy! I would recommend it as an excellent transition kit from low-power t' mid-power. Arrr! I also prefer this "size" o' rocket and look forward t' many flights. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! Some might din' it for t' balsa nose cone, however, I don't mind finishin' them and they are easy t' repair when dinged. Avast! I would like t' see a motor hook added t' further support me recommendation for it t' be a transition kit. Addin' t' 24mm adapter wouldn't be a bad idea either.

All-in-all, I would say that t' Madcow Scooter™ is an excellent kit.


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