Art Applewhite Rockets Turbo Delta Flying Saucer 18mm (4")

Art Applewhite Rockets - Turbo Delta Flying Saucer 18mm (4") {Kit}

Contributed by Mark Kulka

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Art Applewhite Rockets
Art Applewhite Turbo Delta Saucer

A new version o' Art's popular 18mm Delta Saucer that has been streamlined in profile and in price. Avast, me proud beauty! After seein' how this new version flies, you may have t' revise your notions about t' potential performance o' UFO-style rockets.

This kit was tucked in as a complementary gift with me recent order o' a couple o' Art's saucer kits. Well, blow me down! Blimey! At t' time, it had nay yet been announced on his web site. Avast! Blimey! T' kit consists o' a single 8.5" by 11" sheet o' high quality cardstock upon which all o' t' parts are printed along with three pages o' detailed and well-illustrated instructions printed on two 8.5" by 11" sheets o' paper. Well, blow me down! My kit was printed on hot pink cardstock. Begad! Other colors that are available for this kit include white, ya bilge rat, fluorescent shades o' either orange, matey, red or green, and neon yellow. The unassembled parts on t' printed sheet appear t' be identical t' those o' any o' Art's other low-power Delta saucers.

Art Applewhite Turbo Delta Saucer

I had previously built several versions o' t' Delta Saucer, rangin' in size from t' 2.25" diameter Micromaxx version t' t' 6" diameter 24mm version. Arrr! Construction o' t' Turbo version is identical t' that o' t' 13mm t' 24mm-sized versions. Well, blow me down! T' included instructions are very detailed and well-illustrated with black-and-white photos o' key stages in t' construction process. Begad! I read through them just t' see if anythin' had changed from previous versions then started construction by cuttin' out t' parts from t' cardstock sheet. T' design features Art's new, hexagonal motor mount, me hearties, which has a built-in motor block, so thar are only three actual parts t' be cut out. Begad! T' outer edges o' t' upper and lower shrouds are t' only curves that need t' be cut. With a fresh #11 blade into me X-Acto knife, I took me time and carefully cut these right on t' printed line. Aye aye! All other edges, includin' t' diamond-shaped launch lug hole are straight lines and were easily cut with t' help o' a metal straightedge.

Workin' in small arcs around t' circumference, me hearties, I pre-curved t' upper shroud around me index finger then glued the ends together usin' t' provided tab. Aye aye! Ahoy! T' instructions nay only recommend usin' only one type o' glue (white glue) but also recommend only one brand (Elmer's Glue-All), applied in a thin, even layer. Begad! Blimey! For once, me bucko, I actually followed these specifications and be very pleased with t' results. Another thin' that I did for t' first time in this build was t' use t' shroud's glue tab as intended t' join t' ends usin' a lap joint. In t' past I had always cut t' tab off, ya bilge rat, matey, along with some additional material in effectively double t' tab's width, me bucko, and then glued it under t' two ends of the shroud in a butt joint so that t' joint would be flat and even. This time, though, I went with t' recommended method and was surprised t' find that t' result was almost indistinguishable from t' more complicated butt joint while bein' much simpler t' assemble.

Art Applewhite Turbo Delta Saucer Construction o' t' lower shroud followed t' same pattern with t' additional step o' scribin' a fold line about 5/8" inside o' t' outer edge o' t' shroud with a ballpoint pen and then foldin' t' edge out t' make a flange that is used when gluin' t' two halves together. Avast, matey, me proud beauty! This step is nay as difficult as it looks at first--just work slowly and patiently and it will come together. Begad! An arrow is printed in t' lower shroud to aid in alignin' it properly when gluin' it t' t' upper shroud so that t' launch lug holes line up.

T' motor mount is simply a strip o' cardstock with six tabs along one edge, which are individually folded down and glued. Begad! T' strip is then folded and glued t' form a six-sided tube with t' folded tabs on t' inside where they form t' motor block. T' motor tube is then inserted through t' central hole o' t' shroud assembly, which completes the construction. Ahoy! Begad! I did deviate from t' instructions in one small way by insertin' a standard 1/8" paper launch lug through t' launch lug holes and gluin' it in place. (A 1.75" launch lug fits exactly betwixt t' two holes in the upper and lower shrouds.) While this step is nay exactly required, I chose t' do so t' prevent t' cut edges o' the launch lug holes in t' upper and lower shrouds from catchin' and bindin' on any residue on t' launch rod and t' keep the rod from eventually tearin' t' holes. My total construction time be approximately 30 minutes.

Art Applewhite Turbo Delta Saucer T' resultin' rocket be t' same height as Art's 18mm, 24mm, and Ultra Delta Saucers while bein' 2" smaller in diameter. Arrr! Blimey! Despite it's light weight (mine came out right at 10 grams or 0.35oz--lighter than t' advertised 0.4oz.), t' Turbo Delta seems t' be quite sturdy and looks like it will hold up well for many flights. Begad! Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey!

PROs: Simple, me hearties, matey, me bucko, effective design, matey, matey, involvin' only three parts. Begad! Ahoy! Clear, ya bilge rat, well-illustrated instructions. Begad! Ahoy! Builds quickly. Recommended adhesive and construction method produces a clean, sturdy model.

CONs: None. Arrr! You can add a paper launch lug t' span t' two holes in t' upper and lower shrouds as I did, but this is nay absolutely necessary. T' kit's lack o' a paper launch lug probably has no real effect on its performance so I did nay deduct any points from me ratin' because o' it. Blimey! My addition o' t' paper lug be merely an optional enhancement that I made t' t' kit.

As with all o' Art's other kits, me bucko, t' Turbo Delta is already pre-colored and requires no painting. Arrr! Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! I did give me Turbo two coats o' clear coat as recommended. Begad! Ya scallywag! I used Wal-Mart clear spray paint, which gave it a pleasingly smooth, me hearties, me bucko, glossy appearance.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Art Applewhite Turbo Delta Saucer

Because t' Turbo Delta has a narrower diameter but t' same height as Art's Delta saucer, t' upper shroud has a noticeably steeper slope, and it presents a smaller cross-section t' t' air durin' boost. Ahoy! Blimey! These two factors have a pronounced effect on t' Turbo Delta's performance. Ahoy! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! I have made a total o' 6 flights with me Turbo Delta so far. Ya scallywag! Blimey! It made its maiden flight at ASTRE's Whitcavitch 20 meet/sport launch in Johnstown, NY, on June 2, 2007. Aye aye! Blimey! I prepped it with an Estes C6-3. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! T' motor made a close but nay tight fit into t' mount so just for assurance, I put a single wrap of mylar tape around t' motor/tube joint. Arrr! Blimey! Since t' ejection charge would nay pressurize anything, thar be little chance that it would spit t' motor, me bucko, me hearties, ya bilge rat, but I just added t' tape just t' be sure. Aye aye! Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey! I would nay have bothered with this last step if I chosen t' use a C6-0 instead. Arrr! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! I used a clothespin t' hold t' Turbo about halfway up t' launch rod, hooked up t' clips, and prepared t' launch. T' launch button was pressed, and t' Turbo took off fast--much more so than I was expecting. Arrr! Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Despite somewhat breezy conditions, t' Turbo made an arrow-straight boost t' somewhere around 400ft. Aye aye! Blimey! A half-second or so after t' motor burned out, shiver me timbers, it reached apogee and then began t' tumble end over end, making a slow, gentle descent.

I launched t' Turbo 5 more times, all on 7/22/07 at t' school athletic fields in Tupper Lake. I wanted to compare its performance t' flights o' a regular Delta Saucer and a home-built cone rocket. Arrr! Blimey! Since I don't have the ability t' launch a drag race, shiver me timbers, I had t' fly them sequentially. Instead o' tapin' t' motor/motor tube joint, shiver me timbers, I just friction fit t' motors usin' a couple o' wraps o' maskin' tape around t' lower half o' t' cases, arrr, and all motors were retained this way. Begad! Blimey! On C6-3s, t' Turbo easily beat out t' Delta in both speed and height and be comparable to, matey, or even seemed t' have a slight edge over, ya bilge rat, t' cone rocket. I also flew t' Turbo on a B6-2, which had speed comparable to the flight on a C6 but with a lower peak altitude (around 200-250ft) and on an A8-3, which resulted in a somewhat slower, ya bilge rat, low altitude flight (about 100ft) that was actually fun t' watch. Usin' t' A8-3 in t' Turbo would be perfect for some fun flyin' in t' backyard. Arrr! I also flew t' Turbo twice more on C6-3s just for fun (and t' finish off the pack). Well, blow me down! All o' t' Turbo's subsequent flights on t' C's were just like t' first one described above and were straight up flights without a hint o' weathercockin' despite t' breezy conditions (5-15 mph variable winds).

Art Applewhite Turbo Delta Saucer

Despite its more streamlined shape, t' Turbo Delta still recovers via a combination o' tumblin' and aerobraking. In all o' its flights, arrr, me Turbo tumbled exclusively for slow, matey, gentle recoveries. Arrr! All flights were with a breeze though, shiver me timbers, so I can't say if it would do more aerobrakin' if it was flown on an absolutely still day. Well, blow me down! Begad! T' only damage after 6 flights is some charrin' and soot build-up on t' inside circumference o' t' motor block and some minor scorchin' around the motor tube joint on t' outside o' t' upper shroud. Avast! Well, blow me down! T' underside had a very thin layer o' soot, which wiped right off the clear coated surface. A small area o' t' colored layer o' cardstock around t' bottom o' t' motor tube peeled off when I removed t' Mylar tape after t' first flight. When I build another one, matey, I plan on smearin' a very thin layer of epoxy on t' inside o' t' motor block t' protect it when I fly it with motors that have ejection charges.

PROs: Flight prep is as simple as can ever get. Very fast, arrr, very high boosts for a low-power saucer-style rocket. Stable and quite resistant t' weathercocking, more so than even most other saucer-style or cone-shaped rockets. Excellent bang for t' buck when flown with black powder B and C motors. Aye aye! Well, blow me down! Slow and gentle tumblin' recoveries. Avast! Since the entire rocket acts as its own recovery device, shiver me timbers, thar be no chance that t' recovery device will fail.

CONs: Inside o' motor block and outer surface o' upper shroud will get scorched and charred if t' Turbo is flown with motors that possess ejection charges. Begad! Well, blow me down! (Usin' booster motors exclusively will prevent this.) Also, ya bilge rat, matey, t' Turbo will rapidly deplete your stock o' black powder B and C motors because repeat flights are so easy and so much fun.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

As with almost all o' Art's other LPR rockets, ya bilge rat, this one can easily be built in an hour or less. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! However, forget what you had always thought about saucer-style rocket flights bein' slow and low--this baby really moves, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, is surprisingly resistant t' weathercocking, me hearties, and gets serious altitude! Combined with t' fact that it retails for a buck less than a comparable standard Delta Saucer, it is a great value and provides excellent bang for t' buck.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5


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