The Launch Pad AMRAAM AIM-120

The Launch Pad - AMRAAM AIM-120A {Kit} (K048)

Contributed by Joe Cacciatore

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Published: 2011-03-01
Diameter: 2.60 inches
Manufacturer: The Launch Pad
Skill Level: 3
Style: Scale

Rocket PicBrief:
Single-stage, ya bilge rat, me bucko, scale model o' Air Force AMRAAM AIM 120 medium range air t' air missile. Begad! Well, blow me down! Uses 18" chute and dual "D" or "E" engine power.

Kit consists o' two (2) body tubes (similar t' Estes') o' different lengths. Plastic nose cone and mylar chute which is bright blue. Ahoy! T' eight (8) fins are made from balsa wood. T' engine mounts are standard "D" engine size mounts with metal hooks. Aye aye! T' centerin' rings are stiff cardboard and are laser cut. Arrr! Begad! T' shock cord is elastic and t' kit comes with quick change swivels. There is a parachute platform inside near t' top for t' chute t' rest on. Aye aye! There is no pay load section.

This be me first Launch Pad kit and I be favorably impressed with it. Blimey! It is very similar t' t' dozens o' Estes kits I have made. Aye aye! T' instructions were adequate for everyone except maybe t' very beginner. Arrr! There are 16 steps on t' 3 pages o' instructions. Aye aye! Well, blow me down! There is no parts list.

T' only thin' you really need t' watch out for is that this kit has no information on mountin' t' launch lugs. Avast! They are included in t' kit but its up t' you t' know where they go. I forgot until after I had painted t' model t' put them on. Avast, me proud beauty! I had t' sand off t' paint and then glue them on. I put t' shorter lug at t' bottom o' t' rocket and t' long one about an inch aft o' t' CG.

Everythin' fit together very nice. Begad! I had a little trouble removin' t' tube couplers which are shipped inside t' body tubes. Avast! There is such a small difference in dimensions that t' coupler must be pulled evenly out or they will get stuck. And regardin' t' couplers, thar was one step that is confusing. T' step says that t' engine mount must be exactly 1.5" from t' bottom end o' t' body tube and t' use a tube coupler t' set this distance. Unfortunately me coupler was 1.75" long so I assume it wasn't suppose t' stick out from t' bottom o' t' rocket so I cut down t' coupler t' 1.5" and then glued it in. Ahoy! Since t' two engines are recessed 1.5" inside t' body, matey, I would think t' body could get burnt a little when t' engines fire. I have never seen an rocket with engines this far in.

I used yellow glue for everythin' with no problems. Begad! Blimey! On t' fins I used super glue per t' instructions t' strengthen t' wood. Ya scallywag! Blimey! T' wood is soft! Blimey! Just layin' t' rocket on its fins durin' assembly caused t' wood t' compress at t' tips! Blimey! Placin' t' 8 fins would have been easier if a fin template for t' body tube be available. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! Instead it is up t' t' builder t' somehow mark 4 lines on t' body for t' 8 fins. Begad! Blimey! T' fins have t' be cut out from scratch from t' balsa sheets. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! Two paper templates need t' be cut out and traced on t' wood. Avast! Blimey! There is enough wood t' comfortably make t' 8 fins.

T' kit had a couple o' things that, shiver me timbers, matey, although small, made t' kit a little easier t' put together...the shock cord mount and engine hook tabs were already cut out and ready t' use. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! T' parachute too was already cut t' size. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! There is a parachute platform that needs t' be glued 5" from t' top o' t' body tube. Blimey! Nay real easy t' do but t' concern be t' picture o' t' platform didn't match t' part I had. Blimey! T' picture shows a disc with about 9 little holes drill near t' outer edge. Ya scallywag! Avast! Mine had just one big hole on t' center.

All put together this rocket seems rather strong even though it is only 9 ozs empty.

Like most o' t' TLP kits thar be no decals but a picture showin' color scheme and markings o' t' real model. Ahoy! I used regular Kyron paint on me model. Ahoy! I haven't gotten tape yet so no pin strippin' has been done.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

T' recommended motors are two (2) D12-5's or E15-7's. Recovery waddin' is needed but t' amount needed is nay mention. Avast, me proud beauty! T' motor mounts use standard Estes style engine hooks.

Rocket PicFirst flight be with a pair o' D12-5's. Avast! Ya scallywag! Since t' instructions don't say, ya bilge rat, matey, matey, I guessed at about 12 sheets o' Estes wadding. Avast! T' weather was nice and sunny but with variable winds 5 t' 10 mph. Begad! At lift-off, matey, t' rocket noticeably weathercocked into t' wind. Well, blow me down! So, matey, I guess this rocket isn't as unstable as some o' t' other Launch Pad kits. Blimey! My rocket weighed in at 8 oz. Begad! empty and hit about 700' as a guess. T' 5 second delay was perfect and t' bright blue mylar chute made for a very good descent and easy recovery on t' ground. Well, blow me down! Begad! T' flashy mylar was easy t' spot on t' ground from quite a distance.

Rocket PicThis flight did highlight a concern I had about t' engines bein' recessed 1.5" inside t' body tube. Begad! Blimey! T' inside edge o' t' body tube, from t' edge up t' .25" was burnt or charred. Begad! Durin' construction you place that tube coupler into t' bottom end o' t' body tube t' protect it from t' flames and t' strengthen t' tube. But with just one flight t' coupler was burnt completely away in places, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, matey, exposin' t' body tube. Begad! Ahoy! Blimey! Also, t' bottoms o' all 4 fins were seared. I had used a 1.5" spacer t' lift t' rocket off t' blast deflector. Perhaps a taller spacer would help with some o' this. Begad! I can't imagine what E15's would do.

T' shock cord is elastic band fashion t' a shock cord anchor just like all t' Estes rockets used t' be. Well, blow me down! T' other end o' t' shock cord goes t' a swivel. Begad! From t' swivel t' t' nose cone is a 10" long string. Arrr! I worry about havin' just a little strin' holdin' me nose cone t' t' rocket! We'll see t' first time I fly it if I lose it! T' 18" mylar chute has a swivel which can be smartly attached t' t' shock cord swivel for flight. Arrr! Ahoy! From past experience an 18" chute should brin' this rocket down okay if nay a bit fast considerin' that it weighs about 11.5 ozs with engines.

Overall it be excitin' t' see this "D" engine cluster rocket take off and land. Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! Since t' common problems, ya bilge rat, me bucko, broken fins, arrr, tangled chute, broken shock cords, me bucko, etc. didn't happen, I would rate t' overall recovery at 4/5.

Flight Rating: 3 out o' 5

Pros: T' parts are good quality and fit together nicely. Ya scallywag! T' plastic nose cone was t' best quality I have seen. Ya scallywag! Begad! Blimey! T' cute and shock cord mounts already cut out. Well, blow me down! T' Launch Pad is probably t' only company makin' this and many other scale model rocket kits. Avast! Well, blow me down! Blimey! If you are used t' Estes and you want t' move up t' somethin' bigger which can take "E" engines or if you are lookin' for a two (2) engine "D" or "E" rocket, this is probably t' only one out there. Aye aye! Begad! Blimey! Cons: No instructions on launch lug placement. Coupler insertion at back o' body tube nay clear. Well, blow me down! Wood seems soft but able t' work if super glued t' strengthen. T' nose cone is attached t' t' rocket with a 10" piece o' thin string. Ahoy! Ahoy! There is no tube markin' guide for t' fins.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

UPDATE 6/01 - On t' 5th flight, t' strin' holdin' t' nose cone t' t' shock cord broke and t' nc fell t' t' ground. Begad! Ahoy! Luckily t' rocket and nose cone were nay damaged. Ya scallywag! Begad! I replaced t' strin' with very thin Keelhaul®©™®strin' (as I did for t' other TLP rockets I have) and I don't expect this t' happen again. Regardin' t' burnin' inside o' t' tube near t' engines, it has progressed and more has been burnt but after 5 flights t' rocket outer body tube is still OK and t' rocket still flyable.

Other Reviews
  • The Launch Pad AMRAAM AIM-120 By Michael Nipper (May 28, 2008)

    ( Contributed - by Michael Nipper - 05/28/08) Brief: Only kit parts used were body tubes and coupler. Basswood used for wings/fins, tunnel cable cover, and missile hangers. Ogive BT-80 nose cone from Apogee Components 4-cluster motor mount from BRS Hobbies All markings created on home computer with Harvard Graphics Modifications: After basic construction of body tube, ...



F.C. (December 2, 2006)
I generally agree with the review. This was my second TLP kit and aside from having to re-work the nose cone (it had a lot of pock marks) I follwed the instructions and the finished product looks great. The one thing to think about are the fins. Even after using the CA method of coating the fins referenced by the TLP, the fins are the weak point on this rocket. I've broken upper and lower fins just transporting this to the launch site. If you have this kit in your build pile. Do yourself a big favor and just replace the flimsy fin material with stronger stock. This is a big rocket and this thing hits the ground with a thump when it lands. The stronger the fins the better.
M.N. (December 11, 2006)
Ihave built several TLP kits, and enjoy them all. When I built my AMRAAM, I used a nose cone from Apogee Components, the kit nose was to round at the tip. I used basswood for the fins, and moved the motors aft about 1 inch. And since I used 4 motors instead of 2, I had to add nose weight. But it fly's great, and I haven't had any burning of the body tube. This is a great kit, and I plan to add a couple more.

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