NHP Clear-n-Simple Epoxy Finishing Resin

NHP - Clear-n-Simple Epoxy Finishing Resin {Supplies}

Contributed by Ric Testagrossa

Overall Rating: starstar_borderstar_borderstar_borderstar_border
Published: 2010-03-04
Manufacturer: NHP


Since I've gotten many great tips for rocket construction from this site, I thought I'd give somethin' back. I wanted t' review a finishin' epoxy t' suggest t' other rocketeers for reinforcin' body tubes with fiberglass, shiver me timbers, instead I have some negative comments on this stuff and would suggest everyone stay away from it. T' product is NHP "Clear-n-Simple Epoxy Finishin' Resin".

First, a disclaimer about me experiences with fiberglassing: I'm nay by any means an expert. Begad! When I was into R/C sailplanes, matey, I used t' fiberglass t' wings. Blimey! Blimey! They came out light and strong but any expert lookin' at them closely would see that it was a "homemade" job. Avast! After bein' into rockets for several years, arrr, I started gettin' into larger, more powerful rockets and havin' fiberglass reinforced body tubes became necessary. Avast! Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! Blimey! I have fiberglassed all o' me 4" rockets and some o' me 2" and 3" rockets that were designed for high altitudes. Avast! Blimey! I've used regular 30 minute epoxy on t' smaller ones with OK results. Arrr! Blimey! I've used 2 hour epoxy on t' larger ones with better results and used another brand o' finishin' epoxy on several 4" rockets and several 8" body tubes (which will become rockets shortly) with probably t' best results yet.


When I saw this product listed on a website I be purchasin' some other rocket supplies from, it seemed like an excellent choice. Let me quote some o' t' advertisin' copy:

"Use Clear-n-Simple for applyin' fiberglass cloth"

"thin consistency for easy application"

"workin' time: 20-30 minutes and sets in 3 hours (curin' times listed were determined at room temp o' 72 degrees F in a 4 ounce mass). At temps below 72 degrees t' curin' time is considerably longer."

I ordered several 8oz. Blimey! packages and when they arrived, shiver me timbers, I setup for glassin' a short section o' 8" diameter body tube; put everythin' in me 68 degree workshop, set t' BT on a horizontal stand, cut t' cloth, matey, put on me gloves, and mix up 4 ounces o' t' epoxy. Well, blow me down! As I'm stirrin' it up, it looks kind o' thick, matey, me hearties, ya bilge rat, about t' consistency o' honey, but maybe it will thin out as I work it. Nope. Begad! It goes on thick, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, with all t' difficulties that follow: nay wettin' out t' cloth well, matey, puddlin' in some places and still dry in others. Arrr! Tryin' t' spread it out just creates wrinkles and bunchin' o' t' cloth. I try scrapin' with an old credit card that I use for just such situations but that doesn't help and within about 10 minutes after mixin' it up, me bucko, me bucko, me bucko, it starts t' get t' t' "gluey" stage.

"Oh *^%&$# ", me hearties, I think, "I've still got about a third o' t' body tube t' do". I grab some alcohol and try mixin' it in t' now jelly-like mixture, ya bilge rat, but I can see that this isn't goin' t' work. So I throw that batch out and smartly mix up about an ounce o' new mixture, shiver me timbers, but this time I mix in t' alcohol right away--hopin' t' get it t' a thinner consistency from t' start. Arrr! Blimey! Again it pretty much stays at t' consistency o' honey but I'm able t' do t' rest o' t' BT with it before it starts gettin' t' t' jelly stage.


I tear off me gloves and check t' temp o' t' workshop; still at 68 degrees. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I re-read t' instructions: equal parts o' resin and hardener, just like I used. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! Blimey! Maybe those bottles were from a bad batch?

So I get a 4" coupler that needs t' be fiberglassed, matey, open up t' other package o' Clean-n-Simple, mix up a 2 oz batch, matey, arrr, me bucko, and it's t' same story: thick consistency and gets jelly-like within about 10 minutes..


As far as I know thar's no way t' fix this stuff, like if I heat up t' components t' thin out t' mixture, it sets up even faster.

So me recommendation is stay away from this product. If you've already bought some, shiver me timbers, just use it for small repairs where t' short workin' time won't be a problem.

I'm goin' t' write a letter t' t' company explainin' me experiences and if I hear anythin' back I'll let you know.

Overall Rating: 1 out o' 5


A.H. (November 2, 2004)
I wouldn't blame the product you possibly need to learn more about epoxy in general and how to use it, the wrong tools, wrong product, adding alcohol(?) will usually generate bad results. Better luck next time.
W.T.K. (November 7, 2004)
Interesting... I've used the NHP Finishing Resin and have NOT experienced the same problems. A couple of differences should be pointed out. I have never used it at a temperature as cool as 68F, usually closer to 72F and at that temperature I have a thinner consistency than "honey". Still needs to be worked with a brush to help wet out the cloth though. And, I have never glassed tubes with it but have used it extensively for glassing fins with either Silkspan tissue or light (3/4 oz) cloth. I have had very satisfactory results in both cases. Just my two cents worth... ... Bill
R.T. (March 9, 2006)
Well, since I wrote this review, I've had the chance to try Mr. Fiberglass epoxy using the same technique, work area, tools, temperature...fantastic stuff. Just the right consistency, goes on smoothly, doesn't set up too quickly. I do all my fiberglassing with it now. But since everything else was the same, and the other people who offered their opinions didn't have the same problems I had, I just have to believe it was a bad batch of the NHP epoxy. They never did respond to my email.
H.W.H. (March 16, 2006)
Try some Z-Poxy finishing Resin from Tower Hobbies or elsewhere. I've had good results with it. You can thin it with Alcohol or Acetone equally well. Plenty of working time, cures overnight.

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