Semroc Saturn 1B

Semroc - Saturn 1B {Kit} (KS-1)

Contributed by Chan Stevens

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Diameter: 3.94 inches
Length: 37.00 inches
Manufacturer: Semroc
Skill Level: 4
Style: Clone, Scale

Semroc Saturn 1B

After teasin' t' rocketry community for nearly a year, matey, shiver me timbers, Semroc finally released t' reproduction 1/70th scale Saturn 1B just in time for Christmas. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! Faithfully reproduced based upon t' 1967 Estes design (K-29), ya bilge rat, this kit is a very challengin' but rewardin' build. Ahoy! This is nay for t' faint hearted, me bucko, nor for t' rocketeer lookin' for a weekend project. Well, blow me down! Standard design calls for t' original 4x18mm cluster although you can wimp out and use a 24mm single motor option as well.Don't expect it t' be an exact match o' t' original though--the K-39 listed for $9.95 and currently fetches well above $100 on t' open market today. Begad! T' Semroc offerin' is available for a relatively modest $55.

In a surprisin' break from t' usual Semroc kit, this one comes in a box, nay a bag. T' reason for this be t' extensive quantity o' parts. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! T' highlights o' what you'll find unpackin' t' special box:

  • Apollo capsule kit
  • 8 BT-51 body tubes
  • BT-70 upper body tube
  • BT-100 main body tube
  • BT-101 fin can tube
  • 2 ST-990 inner tubes
  • 4 18mm motor tubes
  • 1 24mm motor tube (optional)
  • 5 embossed/corrugated wraps
  • Cardstock fin skins
  • Cardstock/glossy shroud
  • Laser-cut balsa fins, assorted details
  • Fiber centerin' rings, details
  • 32" plastic chute, ya bilge rat, elastic shock cord
  • Waterslide decals

Buildin' this is quite a project, comparable in complexity t' t' Apogee Saturn 1B. Avast! Avast! T' instructions are about 30 pages and nearly 100 steps. Begad! This is described as a skill level 4 kit and I would say it's at least that, if nay a 5. Blimey! T' steps are clearly written and well illustrated so as long as you're careful, shiver me timbers, you can get through this build without major problems.

One feature t' t' kit I found t' be very helpful: with a number o' scaled dimensions gettin' down t' t' third decimal place and nay exactly workin' t' t' nearest 1/16th or even 1/32nd o' an inch, Semroc decided t' include a preprinted ruler with every dimension already marked, matey, includin' t' construction step number. Now that's convenient!

Before beginnin' construction, it is essential that you thoroughly read all instructions first all t' way through t' t' paint notes. I say this because if you build exactly as t' instructions say, shiver me timbers, you'll find paintin' t' be a pain and thar are alternatives you can pursue along t' way that make for a better finish.

Semroc Saturn 1B Then comes joinin' a pair o' inside stuffer tubes (ST-990, matey, roughly 24mm) usin' a coupler. Aye aye! Since t' cluster or 24mm motor tube is designed t' plug into this tube, matey, a removable mount could be trickier than t' typical SLS designs.

Next up be t' 8-tube cluster assembly (these are nay actual motor tube clusters as t' actual 1B fired a full cluster). Aye aye! Blimey! If you went with 4x18 motor cluster, 4 o' t' BT-51 tubes need t' have slots cut out a bit t' fit around t' motor tubes. Blimey! Ahoy! T' cluster assembly starts with a couple o' star-pattern centerin' rings mounted t' t' stuffer tube, followed by bondin' t' 8 BT-51 tubes in t' correspondin' slots in t' centerin' rings. Avast! This is one o' those steps where, matey, once you've bonded t' tubes, you'll be askin' yourself, me bucko, "How am I goin' t' paint those alternatin' white and black?". Well, blow me down! Aye aye! I chose t' paint me tubes first and bond later, however, shiver me timbers, arrr, that did require some creativity t' retro-fit other painted details (I applied many o' t' techniques from t' Apogee kit).

Semroc Saturn 1B T' aft end o' t' 8-tube cluster is beefed up a bit with small ribs t' which a BT-101 body tube is bonded. Avast! Just forward o' t' BT-101 you bond balsa fairin' support pieces. Begad! These are a very helpful way t' deal with bondin' t' rolled paper fairin' shroud. Begad! Well, matey, blow me down! After rolling/formin' t' fairin' shroud, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, it slides down t' tube assembly from above and bonds t' t' BT-101. Arrr! This will be another point at which you're goin' t' wonder how t' mask off t' black and white patterns plus deal with a potentially nasty seam betwixt t' fairin' shroud and t' BT-101. Aye aye! I wound up bondin' me fin can, fins, and fairin' shroud offline, arrr, painting, then fittin' it in after bondin' t' 8 BT-51 tubes.

At t' forward end o' t' stuffer tube, arrr, a couple o' centerin' rings are attached t' support t' upper BT-70 body tube, matey, matey, shiver me timbers, which is also t' main chute tube. First though, you slide one t' BT-101 main body tubes until it slightly overlaps t' fuel tanks.

T' last o' t' body construction consists o' rollin' a cardstock shroud. T' shroud has a glossy side, which is very handy if you happen t' smear a little extra glue as it can be wiped off easily with a damp cloth.

There are a total o' 5 embossed/corrugated wraps. Begad! It is best t' apply a very thin smearin' o' white glue t' t' edges and pull them fairly tightly as you wrap them around t' tubes. Well, blow me down! Ya scallywag! I found they fit extremely close--one was a little short and t' others fit perfectly without trimming. Arrr! Be sure t' fill t' tube spirals before applyin' t' wraps though as this is tough t' do once t' wrap has been applied. Avast! Otherwise, you'll wind up sandin' right up against t' edge o' t' wrap.

Semroc Saturn 1B Your second construction choice comes regardin' t' fins. There are laser-cut 1/8" balsa fins, matey, which are somewhat scale-like and happen t' be t' easy route. Ya scallywag! Blimey! There is also a "built up fin" option made by assemblin' balsa ribs/frames, then wrappin' skins over them. Ya scallywag! This built up approach is more difficult but offers a much better lookin' tapered fin. Obviously, me bucko, arrr, if you're buildin' a kit o' this magnitude, me hearties, you're no wimp, me hearties, and t' built-up fins are t' only true option...

With t' main construction done, matey, it is now time t' turn t' t' details. Ya scallywag! Arrr! This is an amazin' aspect o' this kit and was a pleasant surprise for me (as I'd never built t' original Estes). Blimey! There are a good number o' fiber details for tunnels, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, camera targets, arrr, ya bilge rat, antennae, ya bilge rat, sensors, latch pads, matey, ya bilge rat, and covers. Well, blow me down! There is also a neat little technique for makin' t' 3 discharge tubes. You start by cuttin' a launch lug at a tapered angle t' serve as inner support, then wrap/glue a rolled pattern over it, and finally cuttin' away a small scallop. Begad! See photos for close-up o' these and other details.

T' last phase o' t' main rocket construction be t' 4 service module nozzles. Avast! These are a pain t' build but look pretty nice when complete. Ya scallywag! T' main/center body is laser-cut balsa. Aye aye! That's t' easy part. Blimey! Well, blow me down! T' hard part be t' nozzles themselves, me bucko, all 16 o' them, cut from a wood dowel that's been cut t' a taper via a pencil sharpener. 3/64" on one end and growin' t' 3/32" at t' "fat" end, me hearties, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, we're dealin' very close t' t' sharpest tip o' t' point.

Semroc Saturn 1B If you've still got energy and ambition, you're ready for t' finishin' touch o' t' construction:buildin' t' Apollo capsule. Avast, me proud beauty! See me Little Joe review for details on this. Arrr! Suffice it t' say I found this a very tedious and overly challengin' build and will definitely be lookin' for a source o' 0.041" and 0.058" diameter dowels/wire somewhere before buildin' another Semroc Apollo capsule.

Paintin' Saturns is about as hard as rocket paintin' gets. Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! You've got roll patterns, arrr, maskin' around corrugations, and if you followed t' directions t' letter, you'll find yourself maskin' over some awkward details.

I'm nay goin' t' get into a detailed rehashin' o' t' paint scheme, but I will offer up some o' t' tips/techniques I applied t' get a satisfactory finish.

First, me bucko, t' emphasis is on very light, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, very thin coats. Ahoy! I used flat white and flat black, ya bilge rat, which is unforgiving, so I couldn't pile on 4-5 coats without globbin' over t' corrugations. Begad! I used white primer, so could get by with just two base coats, shiver me timbers, sandin' away most o' t' first one.

When masking, ya bilge rat, I let t' base white coat dry for a full week then used t' expensive low tack purple maskin' tape. Before applyin' t' black, I shot one more light white coat so that it would seal off any miniscule gaps in t' maskin' job. I then followed up with two coats o' black.

For t' occasional blemish, ya bilge rat, I be able t' touch up usin' a black Sharpie, which was especially helpful sharpenin' lines along t' corrugations.

Before bondin' t' details, I also checked t' color scheme. Begad! It's a lot easier t' paint a small fiber panel white then tack it on usin' CA, than it is t' try ot mask it off and paint around it.

T' finishin' touches are t' decals. Arrr! Avast, me proud beauty! They apply beautifully but are slightly glossy and therefore noticable against me flat background.

Semroc Saturn 1BSemroc Saturn 1B

Construction Rating: 5

I'll hate t' do this, me hearties, but I wound up pickin' up two o' these kits. Begad! T' first one be built for display, nay for flight, matey, so t' flight report is goin' t' have t' wait until I've had a chance t' build t' second one.

With t' oversized fins, I have no doubt that this will be a stable flyer.

I think I might need t' update me Saturn comparative review, arrr, ya bilge rat, as this one definitely stands out in t' crowded field. Avast! It's almost as detailed as t' Apogee but nowhere near as expensive. Arrr! Begad! It's about t' same loot as t' Saturn Press (Peter Alway) Saturn V but much larger and offers more details, arrr, arrr, albeit it many you have t' construct by hand. Aye aye! Overall, I'd have t' say this is an even better bang for t' buck than a Zooch and that's really sayin' something. Avast, matey, me proud beauty! Nay that thar's anythin' wrong with these other models (they're all outstandin' kits), but this one is hands down t' best balance o' value and scale detail on t' market.

T' only con I can offer up t' t' overly difficult Apollo capsule. Avast! Arrr! It's a good value (sells as a separate kit for $10 if you want a spare), but I'd much rather have dropped another $5 t' avoid spendin' a couple hours sandin' down dowels.

Overall Rating: 5

Other Reviews
  • Semroc Saturn 1B By Duane and Keith Boldt (October 25, 2009)

    Brief: 1/70 scale, 18mm cluster of 4 motors or single 24mm motor mount Construction: 18 body tubes + Apollo capsule kit 8 laser cut balsa fins or more advanced cardstock over balsa frame Choice of single 24mm motor mount of cluster of four 18mm motors 10 centering rings Various dowels for sanding and building capsule escape tower Many other laser cut parts for ...

  • Semroc Saturn 1B By Frank Casey

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D.W.M. (February 4, 2007)
The Estes original Saturn 1-B is also packed inside a box.
R.M.G. (March 8, 2008)
Nice rocket to have, great price. Looks good on display, on the pad, and especially in flight. Just take your time building it.

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