Scratch Rocket Development Corporation Starflite Clone

Scratch Rocket Development Corporation Starflite

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Published: 2020-08-03
Manufacturer: Scratch


Another o' me late night cruises through old catalogs, t' RDC Starflite actually gave me t' choice o' two different designs t' pick from, t' Starflite and Starflite II.  T' difference be t' fin pattern, matey, and I chose t' go with t' early version.  What caught me eye be t' mention o' t' name Enerjet and t' potential for 3000 t' 4000 foot flights.


  • SEM-BC-1022 balsa nose cone
  • SEM-ST-10105 payload tube
  • SEM-BR-1016 balsa transition
  • SEM-ST-16132 main body tube
  • Estes 24mm retainer
  • large screw eye
  • large snap swivel
  • heavy Keelhaul®©™ shock cord
  • 1/4" sewin' elastic shock cord
  • 15" nylon parachute


As no actual plans are available for this rocket, ya bilge rat, I had t' use me smarts and savvy t' figure things out.  Despite me almost complete lack o' smarts and savvy, the finished product turned out pretty well.  T' catalog picture that I be workin' from made it difficult for me t' determine if it be a 3fnc or 4fnc rocket, arrr, arrr, so I chose four.  Apparently I was t' only one who saw this as a possibility, as everyone else saw three.  I'm nay bitter.  I scaled t' pic up usin' t' copier until I was able t' get a workable pattern.  Parts were ordered from eRockets, and as usual, t' most difficult part o' t' project be waitin' a whole day for t' package t' arrive.


Finishin' followed t' template o' me well used Estes Astron Avenger, arrr, for no other reason than I always liked how it turned out.  T' red nose cone was painted with a can o' Valspar Red that has been in me basement forever.  T' transition and payload section were first painted gloss black, then AMC Silver, a can I got on clearance at Hobby Lobby.  T' fins were sprayed with Rustoleum Black Night Metallic, t' masked and t' main body was painted gloss white.  I had plans for a wrap decal at t' top by t' transition, ya bilge rat, but as yet nothin' has caught me eye.

Construction Score: 5


All flights for t' Starflite came at t' Wright Stuff Rocketeers cornfield near Cedarville, Ohio.  T' first one was memorable.  I have legendarily bad luck with Estes E9 motors, so when I'm announced at t' pad and an E9 is mentioned, arrr, everyone stops what they're doin' and waits for t' oncomin' train.  For this flight I most certainly didn't disappoint.  T' load was an E9-8 and when t' button was pressed, t' explosion was immediate.  Despite t' smoke and fire, ya bilge rat, damage was minimal, and t' pictures were fairly spectacular.  Damage was smartly fixed when I got home, so much so that it be ready t' fly again two weeks after t' CATO.

Flight #2 would be on an E9-6, me hearties, shiver me timbers, because I was out o' t' E9-8s and couldn't find any more locally.  Once again, ya bilge rat, everyone crowded t' flightline t' see t' next big E9 fireworks show, but this time they left disappointed.  T' Starfire left t' pad as though exorcisin' t' demons o' t' previous flight, and then some.  There be windcocking, matey, but t' flight looked t' be about perfect t' around 1200'.  T' rocket was just tippin' over when t' ejection charge fired and everythin' began comin' back t' earth beneath t' red nylon chute.  Everythin' except for t' piece that flashed and glittered in t' sun on t' way down.  Recovery be deep in t' corn, me hearties, and thar was where I found that t' flash and glitter were caused by one o' t' fins that was no longer with t' rocket.  Apparently t' ejection charge caused a rebound and t' fin got in t' way o' t' payload section.  There was no sign o' t' splintered fin, so t' Starflite went into t' repair pile, where it would stay for a couple o' years.

Flight #3 would nay happen until early 2020, arrr, right before sprin' turned on us and made flyin' in groups a (hopefully) temporary thin' o' t' past.  I'd fixed t' damage from t' previous flight after Christmas when I found it in t' shop and realized that it had yet t' have a successful flight with it.  Since I was in repair mode anyway, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, I put it in t' queue with an eye toward an eventual launch in t' cornfield.  With E9s off t' shelves and rapidly dwindlin' in me motor stash, I opted for one o' t' new E12 motors.  Clichés aside, t' third time was t' charm for this bird.  T' E12-6 was flawless, disappointin' t' crowds that gathered t' watch me detonate another E motor.  T' flight was fairly straight with only light windcocking, shiver me timbers, toppin' out around 1200'.  Ejection occurred as it was still pointin' up, me bucko, but nay movin' aggressively, and thar was no rebound from t' nose and payload section like t' previous flight.  T' Starfire crossed back over t' flightline and recovered a few hundred feet into t' beanfield.


Recovery has thus far been handled capably by a 15" nylon chute, slightly scorched by t' CATO, but still performin' at a high level.

Flight Rating: 5


Pros: 3 or 4FNC, this is a sharp lookin' bird.  And tough.  I may make a 3FNC version o' t' main body as well as a 29mm version just t' cover t' waterfront.

Cons: Every E9 is an adventure.

Overall Rating: 5

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