Modification Jayhawk Modification

Modification - Jayhawk

Contributed by Eric Speckman

Manufacturer: Modification


[Rocket Pic]Brief:  T' 24mm motor tube was removed, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, and a 29mm mount be added.

Modifications:  T' reason I made this mod was because t' rocket landed in water, and t' motor mount tube was damaged when I tried removin' t' motor.  I carefully cut t' boattail along t' win' , matey, and removed t' top half.  I trimmed t' old tube t' an inch or so (I can't remember now).  I then enlarged t' aft rin' t' hold t' 29mm tube. I then cut and glued t' 29mm tube in t' rocket over t' 24mm tube stub (a perfect fit) that be left from t' old tube. Avast! T' stub acted as a block for t' motor.  I then glued t' aft rin' in place, matey, and t' boattail back where it was.  A little sanding, arrr, and it was good t' go!

Construction:  This is a good kit.  T' parts are good quality.  I don't remember how t' instructions are, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, since it's been years since I built it.  There were a lot o' decals, and t' placement with some o' them was nay very clear in t' illustrations.  It has antennae which stick out o' t' nose, shiver me timbers, but these are very hard t' assemble and adhere t' t' rocket, arrr, so after about five reassembles, I took them all off.

Flight:  Recommended is Estes D12's.  I've used Aerotech reloads (E11, F14), shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, matey, with impressive results.  It uses a lot o' wadding, and includes a nylon chute.  Dependin' on how you build it, ya bilge rat, it can fly either straight or in a corkscrew.  I chose t' spiral, which is neat.  It has a good recovery, ya bilge rat, me bucko, but t' fins can crack if it lands on a road or hard dirt.

Summary:  I really like it.  It's a fun rocket t' fly, and I like t' way it looks.  I think it should be built with a piston ejection or a baffle, though (I had slight meltin' on a few flights). Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I think this is a neat design, and it looks cool in flight.

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