Banshee and StingRay to Sting-Shee Modification

Modification - Sting-Shee

Contributed by Mark Fisher

Manufacturer: Modification

T' Sting-Shee is a combination o' two o' Estes more popular E2X kits into a high flying, payload-carryin' two stage rocket. Blimey! It's appearance is reminiscent o' many ship-to-air missiles like t' Talon. Blimey! Arrr! It's nay t' cheapest two stager you can buy, shiver me timbers, but it sure does look cool. (I've left t' decals off mine, but it would probably look neat with them applied, too.) It's a simple bash, me hearties, me bucko, requirin' no special skills or additional parts, arrr, so it's perfect for young flyers.


 To make t' Sting-Shee, me bucko, follow t' Estes instructions for both rockets, EXCEPT WHERE MODIFIED HERE.

NOTE: Drawings are nay t' scale. Ahoy! Blimey! Follow t' dimensions given in t' instructions. Ahoy! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! Do nay scale drawings.


Mk-109 StingRay
Mk-109 StingRay -EST2105 (82108, 3-97)

1B. Begad! Blimey! ADD: Usin' a pair o' metal shears, trim t' last bend off t' engine retainin' clip. Begad! Blimey! (see diagram at right)

Motor Clip 6B. Push t' loop though eye o' t' TUBE COUPLER.

 6E. Avast! Aye aye! Tie shock cord from t' Banshee t' t' installed shock cord with a double knot. Ahoy! Tie t' other end t' t' TUBE COUPLER with a double knot.

 7. Avast! Avast, me hearties, me proud beauty! IGNORE.

 8. Ahoy! IF DESIRED.

 9. Begad! IGNORE.


Banshee - EST2132 (82110, matey, 5-96)

0. Ahoy! Cut t' Banshee body tube in half, shiver me timbers, 3" from t' fin end. Ahoy! T' fin end will become t' booster stage, and t' remainin' body tube will become t' payload section.

Booster1A. Ya scallywag! Arrr! IGNORE.


 2B. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Attach t' LOWER LAUNCH LUG ONLY.

 3. Avast! REPLACE WITH: Cut a slot 3/8" long and 3/16" wide from t' top edge o' t' booster stage t' remove t' upper launch lug attachment hole. Begad! (see diagram at right) This slot will accommodate t' upper stage engine retainin' clip. Sand t' inside upper portion o' t' engine mount t' size. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! Use a spent engine (NOT a yellow spacer tube) t' test for fit. Begad! T' engine should slide completely though t' booster stage with slight pressure.

 4C. Well, blow me down! IGNORE.

 5. REPLACE WITH: Glue t' payload section t' t' StingRay's tube coupler. Aye aye! Make sure t' unused shock cord mount is at t' far (i.e., ya bilge rat, matey, shiver me timbers, nose cone) end. Place t' StingRay's nose cone on t' other end o' t' payload section. Begad! If fit is loose, add a layer o' maskin' tape t' t' nose cone shoulder t' get a good, tight fit. (see diagram below)

Payload Section


 Completed Model8. IF DESIRED.

 9. REPLACE WITH: Tape t' booster and upper stage engines together with CELLOPHANE TAPE. Begad! Do NOT use maskin' tape. Blimey! Be sure t' NOZZLE end o' t' upper stage engine is joined with t' OPEN end o' t' booster engine. Begad! Begad! Slide t' engine assembly into t' StingRay's engine mount. Ya scallywag! T' engine clip will NOT engage; this is normal. Ya scallywag! Slide t' booster stage over t' booster engine, matin' t' StingRay's engine retainin' clip with t' slot in t' booster. Ya scallywag! Check alignment and fit. Avast! If fit is loose, remove t' booster stage and add some maskin' tape t' t' booster engine until a good, tight fit is achieved. Arrr! If alignment is incorrect, arrr, add t' maskin' tape t' only one side o' t' booster engine t' correct. Avast! Begad! Once t' booster is properly installed, matey, insert t' appropriate igniter in t' booster engine.

Recommended engines:

 Booster: B6-0 (first flight), C6-0
Upper stage: A8-5 (first flight), arrr, B4-6, ya bilge rat, B6-6, C6-7

 OPTIONAL: Build t' second 'chute and attach it t' t' Banshee's nose cone. Avast! You can replace t' payload section and it's 'chute with this assembly, and still fly t' StingRay as a single stage rocket. Avast, me proud beauty! Paint t' nose cone white t' match. Begad! Begad! (T' Banshee's nose cone is heavier than t' Stinray's, addin' some much-needed stability.)

What t' Expect

Durin' staging, me hearties, ya bilge rat, t' StingRay's motor clip will engage, kickin' t' booster out o' t' upper stage engine's plume, and puttin' one heck o' a spin on it. Aye aye! This slows it dramatically, ya bilge rat, and it will come back quickly. Begad! Your booster stage tracker will have plenty o' time t' recover it and still enjoy t' upper stage flight. Arrr! On a C6-0/C6-7 combination with no payload, I estimate t' Sting-Shee will reach an altitude o' about 1,250 feet, matey, hence t' single, twelve inch 'chute. Aye aye! T' added shock cord should prevent any "Estes dents."


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