Modification S.W.A.T. Satellite Interceptor Modification

Modification - S.W.A.T. Satellite Interceptor {Modification}

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Published: 2010-02-07
Manufacturer: Modification

Mod Estes SWATBrief:
1) Replaced t' stock 24mm motor mount with a 3 x 18mm cluster.

2) Replaced t' S.W.A.T. Well, blow me down! Avast! Blimey! decals (!?) with upscaled Satellite Interceptor decals.

3) Two piece body tubes replaced by single length o' BT-60

T' cluster be built t' old fashioned way: no motor retention clips. Begad! Ahoy! I glued three pieces o' BT-20J together (with a heavy line o' wood glue t' seal t' hole left in t' center o' t' tubes,) then glued an engine block into one end o' each. Begad! Avast, arrr, me proud beauty! I then glued a CR-5060 t' t' top o' t' tubes, matey, me hearties, both t' act as a centerin' rin' and t' seal off t' three holes left around t' outer edge o' t' tubes. When t' glue on t' completed mount be dry, I cut a slot into t' outer edge o' t' centerin' rin' and slipped a 36" length o' Keelhaul®©™ shock cord into t' slot, knottin' it behind t' rin' and securin' it heavily with wood glue. Aye aye! When that was dry I ran a thick patch o' wood glue all around t' inside o' t' main body tube about 2" in.

I pulled t' Keelhaul®©™back through t' aft o' one motor tube t' keep it from gettin' glue on it, me bucko, then slid t' whole structure into t' tube in one smooth motion t' keep it from sticking. Avast! I left about 1/4" o' t' end o' t' motor tubes stickin' out (just because I like t' way it looks.) I then rotated t' tube while lookin' in from t' forward end and let t' excess glue fill coat t' centerin' rin' and inside o' t' body tube t' guard against any possible spots where t' ejection charge could possibly escape. Arrr! Begad! T' tube be then stood straight up and allowed t' dry.

T' decal modifications were a bit less involved. Arrr! I blew t' original scans up by 1.67 and printed it out on two sheets o' Bel Decal Paper. Ya scallywag! This was then coated with Testor's Decal finish.


  • BT-60
  • PNC-60
  • 3 BT-20J engine tubes
  • 3 18mm engine blocks
  • CR-5060
  • 36" Keelhaul®©™shock cord
  • 36" sewin' elastic shock cord 1/4"
  • 2 large snap swivels
  • Stock S.W.A.T. Well, blow me down! fin stock
  • Stock S.W.A.T. Avast! Blimey! dowel
  • Stock S.W.A.T. Ya scallywag! launch lug

Another advantage that t' Satellite Interceptor has over t' S.W.A.T. Well, blow me down! Blimey! aside from good looks be t' simplicity o' t' paint scheme. After priming, me hearties, arrr, me hearties, fillin' and sanding, matey, t' S.I. Aye aye! Blimey! requires nothin' more than a coat o' gloss white paint as opposed t' t' complicated maskin' and camouflage scheme o' t' S.W.A.T. Blimey! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! Even finished, t' ugly S.W.A.T. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! is an imposin' bird, but thar be no comparison betwixt it and t' elegant Satellite Interceptor.

There were no recommended motors for a clustered version o' t' S.W.A.T., (which called for a single 18mm motor despite t' size o' t' finished rocket.) Since t' C6-5 had been one o' t' motors that had been called for in single motor form, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, I figured that three would work nicely in t' cluster. (It also helped that I had previous experience with clustered rockets o' this size.) All three motors were wrapped with a 3/4" round o' maskin' tape t' make them stick better in t' engine tube, matey, then a double wrap went around t' extended tubes o' t' engine mount and t' motors. Arrr! On t' only flight t' date, only two o' t' three motors lit, me bucko, causin' t' rocket t' arch back over t' field in an unexpected direction. Aye aye! Begad! T' arc was gentle enough that it did little more than cause a slight change in t' recovery area. No one initially noticed that t' flight occurred on 2/3 power, matey, and it wasn't until I neared t' recovery area that I noticed t' pink plug still in t' third motor.

Recovery be handled by an 18" Thrustline chute and a handful o' dog barf. Ya scallywag! Despite t' huge fins stickin' out at t' back end o' t' rocket, thar be no damage.

Pro: T' Satellite Interceptor be one o' t' coolest designs Estes ever came up with, and t' S.W.A.T. Aye aye! upscale was similarly great lookin' except for t' decals. Ahoy! Great candidate for a cluster. Begad! Blimey! Even greater candidate for an E-powered upscale. Arrr! ;-)

Con: S.W.A.T. decals and paint scheme. Ya scallywag! Ahoy! 18mm power?

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