Semroc Mark II

Semroc - Mark II {Kit} (KV-1)

Contributed by Alan Tuskes

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Diameter: 1.04 inches
Manufacturer: Semroc
Skill Level: 1
Style: Clone, Sport

T' Mark II is a single stage Retro-Repro kit o' Orville Carlisle's Rock-A-Chute Mark II model rocket. It is, matey, as noted by t' history sheet that came with t' kit, matey, nay a clone kit, shiver me timbers, but rather a reproduction o' a classic kit updated with t' latest technology and buildin' components.

Openin' t' packagin' and layin' out t' contents revealed what would be an easy build, ya bilge rat, arrr, usin' t' high quality components that Semroc is known for. Avast! Blimey! T' package contents included:

  • 1 Precision turned balsa nose cone
  • 1 Series 10 body tube
  • 1 Series 7 t' 10 engine mount kit (engine tube, engine hook, ya bilge rat, thrust ring, 2 centerin' rings
  • 1 BT-3 launch lug
  • 1 Recovery kit (Keelhaul®©™® and elastic shock cords, screw eye, me hearties, arrr, 12" parachute kit)
  • Extremely clean laser cut balsa fins.
  • Instructions and history o' t' Rock-A-Chute
  • No decorative decals, arrr, however thar be a name plate decal, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, which includes t' name o' t' kit, ya bilge rat, and a production number.

I got t' Mark II as part o' me purchase from a Hobby Lobby sale at t' end o' December 2005, me bucko, me bucko, so what better way t' rin' in t' new year than hangin' in T' Rocketry Forum chat room and buildin' this kit at me desk.

Yeah. Arrr! I know. Arrr! Aye aye! Get a life...

Anyway, me hearties, matey, t' instructions are straightforward, ya bilge rat, me hearties, startin' with assemblin' t' EM-710 motor mount. Ya scallywag! T' engine tube even comes pre-slotted, so thar be no question about where t' motor hook goes. Blimey! Semroc does have a better trick for attachin' t' Keelhaul®©™ shock cord attachment than what I usually use and it's a real forehead slapper. Ahoy! (You smack yourself in t' forehead and say "Now why didn't I think o' that?") I usually loop t' Keelhaul®©™ around t' engine tube and notch t' centerin' rin' t' allow t' Keelhaul®©™ t' exit t' body tube. Blimey! Blimey! Semroc has you just tie t' Keelhaul®©™ around t' engine block itself and glue that into place. Avast! It is much less work and as long as you use a good grade o' glue (because o' t' attachment point, I glued t' block in with wood glue and reinforced with a dab o' 5 minute epoxy), me hearties, it isn't goin' anywhere.

While that assembly is drying, I put t' #10 body tube on t' fin markin' guide that was printed on t' instructions. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I personally prefer t' wraparound type, shiver me timbers, me bucko, but t' way Semroc does it maintains t' integrity o' t' instructions (which are printed on a good grade o' cardstock, interestingly enough...) for filin' away for future use and perhaps allowin' them t' be preserved for a generation o' yet t' be born BARs? T' three fins themselves are extremely clean laser cut and pretty much fell away from t' surroundin' balsa. Begad! I sanded all edges except for t' root edges round and used me handy yellow plastic Estes fin attachment tool t' attach t' fins with wood glue. After those were set, me bucko, ya bilge rat, t' engine mount be installed (again with wood glue) and t' Keelhaul®©™ shock cord is fed through t' front o' t' body tube, attached t' t' generous length o' elastic shock cord, and then t' t' beautifully turned balsa nosecone via t' included screw eye. Finally, shiver me timbers, t' oversized launch lug (accurately reflectin' Carlisle's original) is attached t' t' body tube.

I gave t' nose one and fins a coat o' thinned Elmer's Fill 'n' Finish. Well, blow me down! Blimey! T' next morning, I sanded them smooth and hit t' rocket with a shot o' sandable primer just t' make sure t' grain wasn't too obnoxious. That be then followed by a couple o' coats o' red spray paint, then one fin and t' nose cone were masked for a shot o' black. With that it was called finished, and I assembled and installed t' 12" plastic Semroc parachute. T' rocket was then ready for t' January 8th Sky Buster launch!

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Well, me bucko, t' January 8th launch was canceled for poor field conditions and since most o' t' flyers are HPR guys, a lack o' a waiver due t' changin' o' t' officers, so thar be no big launch that day. Begad! Begad! However, nay bein' one t' let a mid-winter 45 degree day go by, I packed me rockets, me bucko, arrr, me daughter, and myself up for a launch at Lakewood park.

Semroc recommends t' followin' engines: A8-5, matey, B6-6, shiver me timbers, C6-7. Begad! T' only one's I had out o' those 3 were t' C6-7s, but t' park wasn't big enough for those motors in that rocket. Ahoy! I did, however, arrr, matey, have some Quest A6-4s and thought that would be even better that riskin' too short a delay with t' A8-3s I did have. Avast! Since t' park is also surrounded by trees, I swapped out t' chute for a streamer for t' first flight. My daughter hit t' launch button and t' Mark II shot arrow straight into t' sky, me bucko, arrr, poppin' t' streamer at apogee, which I estimate t' be possibly 200 feet. Aye aye! As thar was virtually no wind, arrr, t' rocket landed maybe 30 feet away from t' pad with t' streamer recovery resultin' in no damage. Begad! For t' second flight I put t' chute back in t' rocket in place o' t' streamer, and launched again with me last A6-4. Ahoy! Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! Once again, arrow straight flight, poppin' t' chute right at apogee or maybe just a breath thereafter. Blimey! Well, blow me down! This time, matey, thar be a little drift but nothin' serious. T' 12" chute is just t' right size for a rocket this weight. Arrr! Recovery be right next t' but nay quite in a mud puddle. Ya scallywag! A few swipes with a baby wipe cleaned t' crud off t' gloss paint. Ahoy! Ahoy! This little bad boy is lookin' t' cut loose on a real field this spring!

There be no damage at all. Avast! I used dog barf for waddin' and it proved t' be adequate protection for t' recovery system. Well, blow me down! T' chute be t' right size for a rocket this size and weight, shiver me timbers, but t' rocket is small, shiver me timbers, light, and sturdy enough that a streamer can also be used easily.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

PROs: Very simple, inexpensive replica o' a historic model rocket that can be put together in an hour or so (dependin' on how slow settin' your glue is) at one sitting. Good performer. Good beginner kit without bein' insultingly simple (i.e., me hearties, Rip t' package open and launch).

CONs: I can't think o' any.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

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