Estes Bomarc

Estes - Bomarc {Kit} (657) [1978-1980]

Contributed by Andy Hobbs

Manufacturer: Estes


OOP Estes Bomarc

This is a clone o' t' Estes Bt-55 parachute recovery Bomarc. Avast, me proud beauty! Finished in t' Canadian paint scheme.

T' needed parts consist of:

  • (1)18mm engine mount assembly
  • (1) engine hook
  • (1) bt-55x18" body tube
  • (2) bt-50x6.5" nacelle tubes
  • (2) nacelle tube pylons cut from 1/4" square balsa stock
  • (2) Balsa nacelle cones(bnc-50BA)
  • (2) 1/8x3/8 launch lugs
  • (1) pnc55AO nose cone(or balsa)
  • (1) 18" parachute assembly
  • (1) raceway shaped from 1/4x3/8x16" balsa stock
  • (4) round toothpicks for antennae
  • (1) body markin' pattern sheet clay or BB's for nose weight

OOP Estes BomarcI downloaded t' plans for the#657 Bomarc from Jim Z's site, T' download included t' balsa patterns and t' dimensions for t' two nacelle pylons..(1/4x1-1/2x3) T' download did nay include dimensions for t' raceway, but I could pretty much scale t' shape from t' instructions.

This build be simply a clone o' t' original Estes kit, shiver me timbers, so I didn't spend a lot o' time researchin' details about t' real Bomarc missile. I'll save that task for a more accurate example o' one t' be built in t' near future. Ya scallywag! I ordered t' Canadian decals from Jim Z

T' download includes a paint scheme for t' USAF Bomarc for those who would prefer t' build that version instead. I did nay stray from t' instructions, matey, other than addin' a length o' Keelhaul®©™line t' t' base o' t' shock cord. Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! I anchored t' shock cord assembly t' t' engine mount. Avast! Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down! I did nay attach t' antennae. Begad! Ya scallywag! I felt they would be broken too easily. Begad! I have nay made t' two nacelle cones yet, but I plan t' use a lathe or drill press t' make them when I have t' time to. Arrr! For now, ya bilge rat, t' Bomarc flies without them

I got all me materials from t' hobby shops and tubes from an internet source.

T' only problem I encountered be after I glued on t' raceway, t' yellow glue caused t' rudder t' pull t' one side when it dried. Blimey! I repaired this by usin' a hairdryer with a wooden block and a small clamp. Ahoy! I left t' clamp on for a couple o' days.


I used fill and finish on t' balsa. I then filled some o' t' nooks and crannies with a small amount o' bondo spot putty.

I tried t' be sparce with t' fillers and glues t' keep things light.

I used minimal primer and gave it a finish coat o' Gloss white.

I applied t' water slide decals, shiver me timbers, but I am waitin' t' apply a sealer coat untill after I install and paint t' Nacelle cones.


I took t' model out for a swin' test and ended up addin' 4 BB's and some epoxy t' t' inside o' t' plastic nosecone. Avast, me proud beauty! I ended up with a 3.8oz total weight without t' motor.

I flew her on a Quest C6-3 off o' a 1/8x3'" rod.

She be a little squirrely and t' launch rod velocity be borderline slow.

T' altitude was about 350' with a slow rotation durin' ascent.

OOP Estes BomarcRecovery:

Ejection be very close t' apogee.

Overall a fun couple o' test flights

T' 18" parachute be more than ample for t' soft field conditions.and she recovered both times without any damage.

My suggestion t' anyone who wants t' clone this kit is t' keep it light. Be sure t' swin' test your model!

Don't fly it on anythin' less than a C6. Well, blow me down! T' next time I build one o' these I will install a 24mm motor mount.

T' Bomarc is a borderline stable model no matter how you build it, so be sure t' check your cp/cg relationship.


T' Bomarc was somewhat o' a challenge t' build and a little more challengin' t' get it t' fly properly.

It's a good attention grabber with t' young kids at t' launch site (and with t' big kids too).

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