Scratch 1.8x Space Twins Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - 1.8x Space Twins {Scratch}

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Manufacturer: Scratch
Style: Upscale
(Contributed - by Bill Eichelberger - 04/15/09)

A 1.8x upscale o' t' Space Twins rocket from Estes Industries Rocket Plan #41. Arrr! Back in me 70's days, I was quite a glider freak thanks t' t' purchase o' an Estes Condor as me second rocket. Ahoy! Avast! Twenty plus years later when I rediscovered t' hobby, matey, matey, t' Space Twins caught me eye when I was workin' me way through t' JimZ archives. Havin' recently bought a nose cone assortment from Apogee, arrr, ya bilge rat, I found two identical BT-50 cones and set about makin' t' calculations for t' upscale. Begad! Initial tests upon completion o' t' gliders sparked me optimism because nay only did t' gliders glide, ya bilge rat, me hearties, they seemed t' float through t' air. Arrr!

space twinsspace twins

T' Parts list:

  • 2 PNC-50 nose cones (Apogee Components)
  • PNC-56 (Estes)
  • 18mm engine mount kit
  • 18" parachute kit
  • 36" length o' 1/4" sewin' elastic for shock cord
  • medium snap swivel
space twins

With no actual fins t' attach, arrr, t' booster section for this bird could scarcely be easier. Blimey! I used wood glue t' attach two sections o' launch lug on opposite sides o' t' booster instead o' goin' with t' attachment method detailed in t' plans. Two balsa scraps were then glued t' each side t' keep t' aft o' t' gliders from simply hangin' out in t' wind. Arrr! (They still hung out in t' wind, shiver me timbers, they just had bumpers t' keep them somewhat in line as they sat on t' pad.)

T' gliders were built as straight upscales o' t' original pattern. I had bought a nose cone assortment from Apogee Components and included were two matchin' red BT-50 cones, matey, which seemed light enough t' me. They were perfect.

I was tryin' t' keep t' weight down on this one, so I never bothered with finishing. Avast! Good thing. Avast! After t' first two flights it looked like it had been dragged t' t' launch behind a pickup truck.

Flight and Recovery:
First flight was at a local soccer field where I spent a lot o' time back in 2001. Avast, me proud beauty! I was a little hesitant about the ability o' t' whole rocket t' hold together under t' stress o' boost, so instead o' goin' whole hog with a C6-3, I went with what I thought be a somewhat less powerful engine, me bucko, t' C5-3. Begad! (You can see where this is going, ya bilge rat, can't ya?) Well, me hearties, shiver me timbers, I be right. At boost everythin' came apart. Avast, me proud beauty! T' booster left t' rod and began flippin' wildly, ya bilge rat, disengagin' both gliders and crashin' t' t' ground under power. Aye aye! Ahoy! Despite t' mess, thar was good news, me bucko, as both gliders floated serenely across t' field, arrr, light as a feather and under complete control.

Post-mortem showed that t' launch lugs that held t' gliders in place had pulled free from t' booster body tube, arrr, renderin' t' booster unstable. I'd obviously nay built t' thin' strong enough, so I decided t' re-glue everythin' with epoxy then try again (heavy sigh) with another C5-3. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! As you may have guessed, t' second flight didn't turn out any better than t' first, and t' remains o' t' project were banished t' a far-off corner o' me facility, never t' see t' light o' day again. Aye aye!

Well, matey, except for t' gliders. Arrr! Ahoy! I used them for a while as replacement gliders on me upscaled Condor. Begad! (T' Condor glider had crashed into a Porta-Pottie then was stepped on by t' occupant as he exited, although that wasn't his story.)

Almost five years passed and me motor savvy grew. (Or was finally born.) T' booster for t' Space Twins turned up again and t' PNC-56 was almost adopted for use on another project, ya bilge rat, arrr, but then I thought t' check t' flight logs for the first two "flights". Aye aye! I'd made t' C5-3 mistake on several other occasions (the Mach 10 comes t' mind,) but never with such horrid results. Avast! I began t' wonder if t' whole Space Twins project might have been different with a more sedate B4-2 or B6-2 instead o' t' Godzilla C5-3. Begad! Since t' whole thin' was still in one piece, tryin' it again was just a matter o' cartin' it up t' t' VOA and announcin' that it was a "heads up" flight. Arrr! On a warm day in May o' 2006, I did just that.

T' third flight was just as I'd hoped t' first flight would be. Avast! T' B4-2 boost was gentle enough t' allow lift-off without rippin' t' gliders from their mounts, arrr, me bucko, and t' gently curvin' flight path made for a nice photo op. Arrr! At ejection only one o' t' gliders disengaged and went sailin' across t' field in a northwesterly heading. Begad! Aye aye! I gathered up the booster and second glider, matey, shiver me timbers, then began walkin' in t' direction where I'd seen t' glider land. Aye aye! I walked across that field in an ever widenin' search pattern for 45 minutes but never again saw t' missin' glider. (Even with t' bright red cone that I thought would be a dead giveaway.) I be disappointed but nay as badly as I would have been had the last flight been a copy o' t' first two. Ahoy! Avast, me proud beauty! At least I proved t' myself that t' idea be viable, me bucko, matey, if nay unlucky.

space twinsspace twins

PROs: Apogee nose cones worked great, me hearties, as did t' whole project once I figured t' motor thin' out.

CONs: I think I needed a motor tutor.

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