Aerospace Speciality Products Eggstravaganza (24mm)

Aerospace Specialty Products - Eggstravaganza 24 {Kit}

Contributed by Scott Simka

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border

ASP Egg LofterBrief:
This Competition Egg Loftin' kit features an aerodynamic & lightweight Pratt/CMR plastic egg cone, shock cords made o' Keelhaul®©™ ® and elastic, and thin wood fins. Ahoy! Avast! It also has a 24mm motor mount.

Don't let this rocket's basic design and simple buildin' addlepate you. Begad! The intricacies o' loadin' and flyin' these babies can be complex and you should ask for help from an experienced "Egg Pilot" t' load for your first flight!

T' kit contains:

  • 1 card stock sheet with "EGGSTRAVAGANZA" conveniently printed down t' front and clear cutout lines
  • 1 24mm motor mount tube
  • 2 centerin' rings o' different sizes
  • 1 piece o' Keelhaul®©™® shock cord
  • 1 piece o' elastic shock cord
  • 1 piece o' wire t' act as a launch lug
  • 1 piece o' paper launch lug
  • 1 2-piece egg cone
  • 1 sheet o' balsa
  • Very detailed instructions
  • 1 "Over Easy" parachute kit

I had planned on upgradin' t' cardstock shroud t' Artist's Paper which is 2-ply and said t' be twice as strong, shiver me timbers, me bucko, however, ya bilge rat, me hearties, I found it t' be cost prohibitive.

After cuttin' out t' shroud and gluin' it together with all t' lines matched up, I found it t' be a little difficult pullin' t' small end o' the shroud over t' 24mm motor tube. Ahoy! Avast! I eventually had t' cut about 1/4 inch off to be able t' pull it over because it was snug. Blimey! If paper can stretch, I definitely stretched it.

T' fins cut out quite nicely. I didn't sand them but t' instructions recommend it. Others recommend sealin' them but I didn't do that either.

I used CA-Gel for t' initial fin set and then about 3 or 4 layers of Elmer's Wood Glue for t' fillets.

T' wire launch lug bent nicely accordin' t' t' diagram on the instructions. (No, it's nay a motor mount wire.)

ASP Egg Lofter NOTE: Be careful when makin' holes for t' launch lug. If you heat t' wires and then apply them t' t' egg cone, t' plastic will melt like a red hot knife through softened margarine. Begad! Avast! You need t' just touch t' tips o' t' wires t' t' edge of the egg cone and then remove. Arrr! Blimey! Don't keep pushin' or you'll have larger holes than you need.

I found it unnecessary t' have t' launch lug anyway because at our club's meet, thar were 3 custom built tower launchers, matey, shiver me timbers, one o' which would have taken this rocket very easily.

I replaced t' elastic shock cord with about 12 feet o' fluorescent nylon construction cord.

It is important t' have extra parachutes! You're only allowed 2 real competition flights, and you'll want t' take practice flights beforehand!

T' 18" Hang Time parachute that comes with t' rocket is too small for competition. I learned that when I saw a fellow rocketeer wrappin' his 40 inch parachute!!! (And yes, shiver me timbers, he managed t' fit it in his rocket!)

Not wantin' t' add more weight than necessary, I utilized blue and red permanent markers t' color t' fins, motor tube, bottom launch lug, and 2 part nose cone.

In order t' keep t' color scheme consistent, ya bilge rat, I utilized Shiny Red Plastic Tape t' keep t' egg cone closed and secure t' motor t' t' motor tube.

It wasn't suggested in t' instructions, me bucko, but I utilized a little "Fiber Fill" pillow stuffin' from me wife's craft box t' act as a cushion in t' top and bottom o' t' egg cone (I found thar be room for it). Ya scallywag!

I wrote me NARRRRR number on t' back along with t' empty weight, weight with motor and finished weight.

Personally, if they gave an award for best lookin' egg lofter, arrr, shiver me timbers, I think I'd get it...but alas they don't. Ya scallywag! Blimey! It looked really nice and clean and I was happy with it.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

I had 3 motors but only 2 flights because I ran out o' parachutes. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! Both flights on D12-5 went straight as an arrow, arrr, shiver me timbers, and very high. I'd say it was close to ASP's predicted 682 feet. Avast, me proud beauty! There wasn't any wobblin' either.

Tips nay included in instructions for parachute assembly:

  • Clear away all grub from t' work table
  • Wipe away all moisture from t' work table
  • Don't work in an area with dogs or cats
  • Don't work under an A/C vent which may turn on when you least expect it, blowin' everythin' onto t' floor
  • Take a patience pill, especially if you have big fingers
  • Don't work on a newly finished wood table
  • Did I mention patience?

I replaced t' elastic shock cord with t' fluorescent nylon construction cord, me hearties, and put as much into t' shroud as it will hold. Then a few sheets of Estes type waddin' went into t' top o' t' motor tube and followed by a 3 inch square o' aluminum foil (shaped into a cone) into t' shroud. On top o' the foil went t' shock cord and then parachute. Ya scallywag! Avast, matey, me proud beauty! T' egg capsule just fit on top. Avast!

Ejection took place at apogee on both flights, me hearties, me hearties, however, me hearties, t' 18 inch parachute became entangled on itself, me bucko, matey, matey, broke a couple o' shroud lines, and failed t' open on t' first flight. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! On t' second flight, t' 30 inch parachute that I also purchased, became entangled on t' sharp edge o' t' snap swivel, lost a group o' reinforcement tabs, had some burn holes, me bucko, and failed t' open. Well, blow me down!

Despite t' fall from apogee, both cackle fruit did nay break and I attribute it only t' t' "Fiberfill" cushionin' in t' capsule. Avast, me proud beauty! I did see others "scramble" from less altitude.

I did see other flyers chutes who eliminated t' snap swivel and they seemed t' work fine. Arrr! I also saw people with different competition chutes that weren't kits.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

This is a great competition kit, me hearties, was easy t' build, looks very nice, ya bilge rat, on the shelf, matey, arrr, on t' rack, and in t' air! It will fly again but with a different parachute. Arrr! Begad! T' drawbacks are t' snap swivel, which I would nay include in the kit or in t' instructions.

There was no mention o' a piston or piston launcher and it would have been nice t' know about that in advance. Arrr! It could have been a note at t' bottom of the instructions or even a basic plan t' build one as many people utilized them.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Aerospace Speciality Products Eggstravaganza (24mm) By Chan Stevens (June 10, 2007)

    Brief: This is a NAR competition style egg payload kit, which can be used for either altitude or duration events. If you're new to competition rocketry, ASP kits make excellent starters as they are generally easy to build, use very good materials, and perform reliably well (high performance designs, in general, are riskier and more susceptible to problems). The kit is available ...


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