Kit Bash Snarky Jr. Modification

Modification - Snarky Jr. {Modification}

Contributed by Steve Lindeman

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Published: 2014-03-17
Manufacturer: Modification
Style: Goonybird

Goonyshark shot3Brief

T' Snarky Jr. Aye aye! (a.k.a. Arrr! Ya scallywag! Goony Shark) be kit bash #6 in what was t' become a long list o' Baby Bertha's that I converted into various Goony Birds and such. T' inspiration for this one o' course came from me DynaStar's - Snarky and t' fact that I wanted t' be able t' fly it in t' smaller "B" fields near me.


As stated this is a kit bash so t' first thin' t' do be buy a Baby Bertha kit from Hobby Lobby as t' heart and soul o' this buildMoney Mouth. For t' bottom scoop rather than cuttin' up another BT-60 tube I opted for a paper towel roll as it's almost t' same size and if I cut it wrong it would be easy t' replace and do over. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! For t' initial build I will be usin' t' stock NC for t' Goony look but will swap it out later for a PNC-60AH (Prowler or Patriot) for t' final version t' give it t' Snarky Jr. Begad! Blimey! look. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' stock 12" parachute will be saved for replacement on a smaller weight rocket and I will be replacin' it with a larger 16" plastic one that I made from a K-Mart shoppin' bag as estimated final weight o' this rocket will be about 2.5 oz.. Blimey! Blimey! All fins will be cut and modified from balsa provided in t' Baby Bertha kit.


Construction began as with most Estes rockets with t' motor mount bein' put together and then glued into t' tube. Bottom centerin' rin' was glued flush with one end o' BT instead o' recessed as t' Baby Bertha calls for. Avast! This be done t' make it resemble t' Snarky mounting. BT be then marked for wings, me hearties, shiver me timbers, tail, ya bilge rat, me bucko, stabilizers, scoop and scoop support. Begad! Now is when t' real fun began. Ahoy! I took t' original scoop pattern from me Snarky t' work and ran it through t' copier at 50% reduction t' get a rough pattern t' use for t' Goony version. Next up was re-configurin' t' balsa and fins t' make t' wings, me hearties, stabilizers, arrr, tail, ya bilge rat, and scoop support. I took t' stock fins o' t' Baby Bertha and modified them t' resemble t' wings o' t' Snarky. T' same was done with t' tail and stabilizers. Scoop support was cut from left over scrap. Here's a copy o' t' patterns that I used.

Goonyshark patterns

Next, all balsa parts were glued together in their proper arrangements and then all wood was covered with white printer paper for a no grain finish and for added strength. Begad! Begad! T' next step was critical in makin' sure that t' wings were properly aligned when attachin' them in order for t' scoop t' fit properly. Begad! After t' wings were glued on, t' aft stabs and scoop support were attached. Blimey! Arrr! T' tail be left off at this point in order t' make attachin' t' scoop easier. OK, me bucko, here be t' fun part. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! Takin' a  paper towel roll, matey, me hearties, I traced t' scoop pattern on t' roll and cut it t' size. I next applied two coats o' primmer t' t' inside o' t' tube and put it aside for a short time t' dry. Avast! Here be t' only CON. Ya scallywag!  Again, extra care was taken for t' scoop attachment. Begad! T' original Dyna-Star Snarky had a nice jig t' help with alignment but I misplaced it so just had t' eye-ball this one makin' it a bit o' a challenge. Once t' scoop be properly in place though I let it dry and then glued on t' tail. T' launch lug be then glued inside t' right side o' t' scoop out o' sight and centered with t' wing. Arrr! Spirals in scoop were then filled with Hobbico's Hobby-Lite filler and sanded smooth.


After construction was finished all seams were gone over with white glue and then after dryin' any left-over holes were filled with Hobby-Lite. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! Base o' rocket then got two coats o' Rust-Oleum 2x White Primmer with t' usual drying and sandin' betwixt coats. Well, blow me down! Nose cone was then placed back on and entire rocket got two coats o' KRYLON FUSION FOR PLASTIC white paint. Ahoy! Rocket was then set aside t' dry over night and I turned me attention t' t' decals for this bird. Ya scallywag! I looked for t' appropriate size markings on t' web and copied them but had a little trouble findin' a P-40 Flyin' Tiger mouth that I liked and would fit on t' scoop. Blimey! T' deadlights for t' NC were another. Begad! Avast! After findings ones I liked and fine tunin' them in Windows Paint, me hearties, me bucko, I printed them out on standard printer paper and then applied a couple o' light coats o' clear paint t' them and set them aside t' dry as well. Well, blow me down! Begad! T' followin' day I took t' NC and carefully masked off t' back 1 3/4" in order t' do t' red tip. T' wings and tail were like wise masked off for t' red stripes. Blimey! Blimey! These were then sprayed with two light coats o' Krylon Bright Red and NC placed on a wood dowel and given t' same treatment. After allowin' all t' dry for an hour all tape was removed and rocket again set up t' dry over night. Begad! Final day o' finishin' was started by takin' t' NC and doin' a light wet sand with 1000 grit paper t' smooth paint line betwixt red and white paint. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! T' win' tips and tail were done as well and then t' rocket got a complete wipe down. Avast! Aye aye! I then proceeded t' cut out t' decals. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! These were then trimmed and attached usin' a glue stick. Begad! After waitin' an hour for glue t' dry all decals were double checked and entire rocket was given two coats o' Krylon Clear Gloss.

Goonyshark shot1 Goonyshark shot2

Construction Score: 5


Maiden flight be on a B6-4 and nay as good a flight as I had hopedFrown. Begad! Rocket didn't appear t' be 100% stable in spite o' havin' a 1/4oz. Begad! Blimey! clay in NC and seemed t' be a bit sluggish as it made its way t' apogee. Aye aye! Ahoy! Parachute ejection be OK as was recovery. Aye aye! Decided t' start work ASAP on new NC. Arrr! Followin' flights with new NC have been far betterCool. Well, blow me down! Rocket really slices through t' air now.

 Jr. with new NC

Snarky Jr. Ya scallywag! with new NC

1st flight with new NC 

First flight with new NC


On all B6-4 flights parachute ejection has been slightly after apogee as rocket starts t' make its dive just like big brother. All landings have been in grass with do damage.

Flight Rating: 5


This rocket has proven t' be an outstandin' gem o' a flyer and t' pride o' me Goonybird fleet.Cool

Overall Rating: 5


 I still haven't flown this on a C6-5. Avast! I'm waitin' till I can try and do a drag race with its big brother on a D12-5. Should be fun t' watch t' two come off t' pads.
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