Estes Big Daddy

Estes - Big Daddy {Kit} (2162) [1998-]

Contributed by Nick Esselman

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 3.00 inches
Length: 19.00 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 2
Style: Sport

In keepin' with me likes o' "stubby" rockets, I decided t' build three more that were around three inches in diameter t' compliment me 2.6" and me 4" collection. Avast! So, matey, I set off t' get a LOC Onyx, a RocketVision Grymm, matey, and t' Estes Big Daddy. Blimey! See me 3" Stubby Rocket Comparison Page

T' Estes Big Daddy qualifies as a "stubby" rocket because it is 19" long and has a 3" diameter givin' it a less than 10:1 ratio (6.3 t' be exact). Ahoy!

Rocket PicT' Big Daddy could be t' next step in t' Fat Boy family, however, shiver me timbers, they are very different, especially t' longer nose cone.

T' Big Daddy includes a 10" long paper glassine coated airframe. Avast, me hearties, me proud beauty! It is pre-slotted for t' four fins. Well, blow me down! T' plastic nose cone makes up t' remainin' length. Begad! There are four (4) 1/8" thick balsa fins that are die-cut. There are also two (2) 1/16" thick paper centerin' rings (die-cut). Begad! T' motor mount is 24mm and 4" in length (2 5/8" is where t' motor block is). It includes a standard Estes motor hook. Blimey! T' recovery system consists o' a standard 24" plastic parachute and 36" o' 1/4" wide elastic. Well, blow me down! There is an 1/8" launch lug and some decals t' complete t' kit.


T' instructions for t' Big Daddy were consistent with t' clear step-by-step method that we expect from Estes. Aye aye! Avast! No surprises and t' illustrations were clear t' allow an easy build.

I deviated from t' instructions with t' recovery system. They gave 36" o' shock cord which isn't too bad in light o' Estes norm, however, I feel is was still too short and didn't like t' attachment method either. Aye aye! I added a 2' piece o' 1/8" Keelhaul®©™ which I tied around t' motor mount and through a hole I made in t' upper centerin' ring. Begad! Ya scallywag! I then tied t' provided elastic shock cord t' that. Begad! T' directions did deviate from Estes' normal 3-fold method and instructed you t' attach it t' t' upper centerin' rin' which is a nice change, matey, however, arrr, I don't like elastic so close and unprotected t' t' motor mount and ejection path. Aye aye! So by addin' t' Keelhaul®©™ I'm sure t' extend t' life o' that attachment and I extend t' length o' t' shock cord at t' same time.

Rocket PicAnother technique I tried while buildin' this rocket was on t' balsa fins. I tried gluin' paper t' them, me hearties, matey, like a laminate, ya bilge rat, t' give them strength and ease t' finishin' job. T' first was accomplished but it did nay ease me finishin' job. As you can see I used a thin notebook paper. Arrr! First I put CA all over t' fin and spread it out thin, me bucko, then applied t' notebook paper and then CA'd over t' top o' t' paper. On a couple o' t' fins t' paper seems t' bubble which left a problem for finishing. Well, blow me down! I feel this be due t' t' thickness o' t' paper and next time I will use tissue paper. Ahoy! T' thickness also made t' edge more prominent and it actually had t' be filled and hit with several coats o' primer t' finally get it smooth.

You may also notice in t' picture t' color o' t' fin fillet. I used a ProBond glue for t' initial fillet and then filled over t' top with epoxy. Blimey! I have used this technique several times and really like it. 

For finishing, me bucko, I didn't use anythin' t' fill t' spirals and just started in with several coats o' Plasti-Kote Sandable Primer. Begad! After many coats on t' fins, ya bilge rat, matey, shiver me timbers, I finally was able t' hide t' paper edge and fill in t' paper "bubbles" t' a "as good as it gets" finish. Arrr! Begad! I then moved on t' t' painting. T' instructions are clear in how t' paint t' rocket and t' nose cone technique is well described. Ahoy! I chose nay t' paint t' nose cone tip and simply painted t' entire rocket gloss black usin' Walmart's paint.

Rocket Pic After t' paint dried I applied t' peel-n-stick decals. Aye aye! They applied nicely and look great on t' black rocket.

Overall, matey, for CONSTRUCTION I would rate this kit 4 points. Arrr! Instructions are good, components are o' good quality and t' through-the-wall fins make this a nice buildin' kit. Begad! T' main detraction be t' recovery system.


Download RockSim file here! This file is set up with a modified nose cone weight and a mass object that are used t' set t' weight equal t' me finished rocket (7 ounces) and adjust t' CG t' 12.5" without motor.

Winter had fallen upon us and it didn't look good t' get this bird in t' air, however, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, arrr, we planned a vacation t' Arizona and it just so happened that thar was a launch on 12/23/00. Ya scallywag! Begad! So I packed this rocket and 3 others into a box and shipped them t' Arizona. Begad! I had t' rely on t' vendor at t' launch for motors and since it be a Tripoli High Power launch, shiver me timbers, thar was nay much selection for 24mm motors. I was able t' purchase a three-pack o' E28-7's which allowed me t' fly t' Big Daddy™.

RockSim PicI prepped it usin' a Heat Shield and had swapped out t' plastic parachute with an 18" nylon one.

With a picturesque view o' mountains in t' back and a beautiful Arizonia day, I put t' Big Daddy™ up for her maiden voyage. T' E28 popped it off t' pad and it be straight and stable. Aye aye! Ahoy! It be still travelin' up when t' ejection charge went off but deployed fine. Descent rate was good and thar be no damage upon impact. Ya scallywag! All-in-all a nice flight. Avast!

For FLIGHT/RECOVERY, me bucko, I would rate this kit 4½ points. This is only based off o' one flight, however, as I am nay t' first one writin' a review on t' Big Daddy™ and by lookin' at t' flight logs I think everyone would agree that this is a good flier. Arrr! Others have also changed t' recovery system. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! I will fly it again in t' spring.

Overall, ya bilge rat, t' Big Daddy is another very nice "stubby" rocket. Blimey! Begad! After t' enhancement o' t' recovery system and strengthenin' t' fins, I expect t' get a lot o' flights out o' this one. Avast, me proud beauty! Estes only recommends their D12 motor, however, this one is beggin' for Apogee (E6's) and Aerotech D-F motors. Blimey! Ya scallywag! T' only problem for t' Apogee motor be t' length so use caution with your center o' gravity. Ya scallywag! I give t' kit an OVERALL ratin' o' 4½ points. Avast, me proud beauty!

Other Reviews
  • Estes Big Daddy By Dave Brunsting (January 28, 2007)

    This project was an upgrade of the typical Big Daddy to a 29mm mount with fiberglass reinforcement to the fins and lots of nose weight with a funky flame job. Modifications: This is an old style Big Daddy I ran across for $15 which sure beats the heck out of the regular retail price of ~$30 or whatever it is. So first up is the MMT. I used 30 minute epoxy because that’s what I ...

  • Estes Big Daddy By Jim Stuckman

    19" LG X 3" Dia 24" Parachute 24mm Motor Mount - D12-3 & 5 recommended This is a great sport flyer that builds very quickly. If you upgrade the parachute to a quality nylon chute you have a very versatile companion for your Aerotech 24mm RMS! 4 My kit is a pre-release beta kit so it did not come in the standard Estes packaging - just a basic plastic bag. All parts were present ...

  • Estes Big Daddy By Jon Revelle

    Short, stubby, and fun rocket. Flies on Estes D engines. Unfortunately I think it was just discontinued because it was not in Estes' 2005 Catalog. The rocket made its debut in the mid 1990s. At the time, kits were being made with a 4/6 sided box with a bag. This one was no exception. It had: 1 Nose Cone 1 Fat body tube 1 24mm Motor tube 1 Sheet of balsa 2 Centering rings ...

  • Estes Big Daddy By Andy Tate

    single stage, 24in. parachute, 24mm motor mount, 3/16 launch lug This is a standard Estes kit. It utilizes TTT (through the tube) fin mounting for the four balsa fins. One three inch paper tube is the body tube with a 24mm paper tube for the motor mount. The nosecone is a large plastic one with the standard Estes shock cord attachment loop. Two cardstock centering rings are included. The ...



T.T. (July 1, 1999)
I agree that the Big Daddy is an above average kit. I upped its fun factor by installing a 29mm LOC stuffer tube with plywood centering rings, a heavy duty shock cord mount, 30" Top Flite nylon chute, and glassed the entire airframe before painting. About 5 oz of clay and epoxy in the nose was needed for stability. With an F62 Dark Star or G35 Econojet, it will get off the pad in a hurry for arrow-straight flights to about 2000'. I'm tickled with the conversion, and it is a real crowd pleaser.
R.T. (November 1, 1999)
I have put the Big Daddy up five times. The motors were: 2 D12's, 2 E30's, and one F12. The first D had a recovery failure, the upper centering ring got pulled out due to the use of some terrible Radio Shack glue. After epoxy was used to improve the rocket (including taking out the motor clip and beefing the thing up), I started pushing the rocket. The E-30 gives a nice fast flight, and the F12 gives a nice soft contrast to my typical G125/F101 flights. The rocket is very solid, It could probably take an F72 (in terms of strength if not stability).
E.P. (April 1, 2000)
This is my best rocket. It is very sturdy and has withstood several hard flights. The only modifications I would make is to get some Nomex® permanent wadding because this rocket takes like 10-11 sheets of wadding and half the time the shoot melts anyway. This is a great rocket and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a long-lasting rocket.
G.B. (April 1, 2001)
Maybe it's just me, but I love stubby fellas like the Big Daddy and Fat Boy. I thoroughly enjoyed building the Daddy, with my only complaint being the fin slots were longer than they needed to be. But that's a minor complaint. I made two modifications: I used braided steel picture-hanging wire run through a hole in the forward engine ring and wrapped around (and glued to) the engine tube to protect the shock cord from ejection heat. The wire extends to the top of the tube, where the shock cord is then tied. I also cut the Estes logo out of the 'chute, and thought the descent rate was about right when flown on the D. I had a bit of wind and was afraid she'd drift away. Great flight, flawless recovery. A real nice flyer.
B.E. (May 1, 2001)
I thought this would be a good candidate to fly on a small field since the box claims 350' flights on the D engine. WOW! Was that ever wildly pessimistic! This thing went almost twice that before landing on the roof of a house that borders our launch field. (The field has since been renamed "B6-4 Field".) Luckily the houses owner was in as big a hurry to get the rocket off of his roof as I was. He wouldn't even let me clean his gutters for him as payment for use of his ladder. Bottom line: Make sure you have ample space on your chosen field and DON'T believe everything you read on Estes packages.
D.B.Jr. (June 1, 2001)
I highly agree with the above comment. I bought the kit when it first came out. The projected altitude of 350 feet caught my eye too. I thought about flying it on a high school field. I was getting desperate and wanted to see it fly but held off the get-go fever. The next summer I was granted permission to launch from a giant hay field. Boy am I glad I waited. The projected altitude of 350 feet looked about right but because of the large parachute this thing must of drifted at least a 1/4 mile. I recently replaced the 24 inch chute with an 18 inch one but haven't tried it out yet. Excellent rocket, highly recommended A++++.
D.C. (June 1, 2001)
I really like this rocket. The review is very accurate. Estes really had a winner with this kit. I have about 6 flights on mine so far. It is built like a tank. I launched it in high winds one time and it curved into the ground while the motor was still burning but no damage. I love this rocket so much that I'm going to buy 2 more. One of which I plan to cluster on 4 C motors I give this kit a 6 on a scale of 1 to 5. I highly recommend it to anybody. It is super easy and fun to build and fly. I was my third rocket. By the way it also flies well on single C motors.
D.B.Jr. (June 1, 2001)
I would like to update my previous comment. Recently I launched my Big Daddy with the smaller 18 inch chute. It came down a little faster than I would of liked. Because of the tall grass at my field no damage resulted. If anyone makes a 20 inch chute, this would probably be the way to go.
T.J.C. (September 17, 2001)
This is a fun rocket. My son and I built it stone stock and finished like the photo. Using D-12 motors the Big Daddy takes off slow, almost too slow as it was substantially above the launch rod before aerodynamic stability was apparent. We also cut a spill hole in the center of the chute to cut drift and soon had it landing within a few feet of the launch pad. Flight number seven was the Big Daddy's unlucky one. A slow lift off combined with a slight tendency to fly into the wind (over stability?)put the Big Daddy into a low drift which ended in the top of a 60 foot maple tree 150 yards down range. Several weeks later the cheap Estes shock cord broke in a wind and the Daddy returned to earth minus the nose cone and chute. Even though having hung in a tree for weeks it was in surprisingly good shape and will soon fly again. I plan to try a 6 foot launch rod this time to give the Daddy a little more time to stabilize at lift off.
P.T. (October 2, 2001)
The Big Daddy was my third rocket. The other two being E2X kits it was quite a jump to explorer kits. I was very impressed with the first flight on a D12-3. Straight up 350'. However the second flight was not so successful. I counted to 5 for the delay on the D12-5. But the ejection never happened. It came down like a shell and made a huge thud as it burried itself into the grass. The nose cone was squashed inside the body tube. At first I thought the motor mount had fallen out, but then I realized it was at the top of the rocket. When I finally got it apart I could see the motor mount tube had ripped itself free of the two centering rings. The tube was crimped, the nose cone dirty and the parachute melted together. Amazingly I fixed it, and flew it again on a D12-3, the flight was perfect. A few weeks later I flew it again on a D12-5. Guess what, it nose dived again! I think I might be able to fix it again, but I might just get a new one! Great first D rocket though, and I'm sure it could take E and F motors too.
M.V.L. (October 19, 2001)
This is a great rocket kit, especially for those just getting into bigger diameters/engines. Very sturdy and stable. One suggestion I would make is to turn the "yellow spacer tube" supplied in the kit into an ejection baffle. I used the extra balsa wood from the fins to make a plug for the tube, cut holes all around the top inch of the tube, then glued it into the top of the motor mount, resting on the thrust ring. Works like a charm, and doesn't go through 30 pieces of wadding per launch.
C.V.H. (November 19, 2001)
I did this rocket after I got it as a factory reject. The fins were missing but I got the pattern from a friend and I put it together stock except I added another 24mm mount and used 1/4 nylon for the shock cord. First flight was on 2 D12-5's. It was a perfect flight and it came down on a 24'' nylon chute. Next I will try 2 E9's or reloadable E11's. Hmmm, I wonder what 2 F39's will do. :)
T.W. (June 3, 2008)
Save yourself about thirty bucks and DON'T BUY THIS KIT! The balsa fins are flimsy and prone to breakage (thru-the-wall construction can only help so much). The shock cord and mounting is outdated. And the plastic parachute is cheap and ugly. I was told that the legendary Matt "The Man Of" Steele designed the original Big Daddy for Estes. But I find it hard to believe that the man who spearheaded North Coast Rocketry could've had ANYTHING to do with a bungholeo of a kit like this.
A.H. (June 7, 2008)
The Big Daddy has enough appeal by now to be considered an Estes classic. I papered the fins on one of mine and regularly fly it on G motors. I found the parts in 3 kits so far, to be quality materials.
Steve Lindeman (February 14, 2015)

This is an absolute must have kit. I have bought and built 3 kits so far and this is my goto rocket at launches. Kit #1 was lost in a tree:( Kit #2 was soon built to replace it and kit #3 was lengthened 30" and modified for 3 - 24mm motors (3D MD).

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