Estes Python

Estes - Python {Kit} (2129) [1997-2000]

Contributed by William Lee Ojile

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 1.84 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 2
Style: Military

Rocket PicBrief:
T' Estes Python is a large D powered sport scale air-to-air missile. Ahoy! Ahoy! It is not a scale model o' an actual missile. Avast, me proud beauty! This allows t' builder t' get a taste for scale effects without t' pressure o' livin' up t' t' real thing. Avast! T' size of this bird is very impressive for t' price and t' moderate skill level. Arrr! Avast!

T' Python comes in a large hangin' box, ya bilge rat, me hearties, which I appreciate because I always worry about crushed parts. Arrr! One look at t' fins in this kit and it is hard to believe t' quality for t' $16.99 price tag. They are just awesome and it is hard t' imagine goin' back t' Balsa.

I would agree with other reviewers that t' motor mount is way too wimpy. I wish I would have replaced mine but I was in a rush t' build o' course! I replaced t' shock cord with a three foot piece o' elastic, ya bilge rat, t' Estes' cord just seemed too short. If I had some Keelhaul®©™® thread I would have done a Quest style motor mounted shock cord. I think t' Estes style mount is a little scary for this size rocket. Once again, I be in a rush t' build. Begad! Begad! I also purchased a yellow Loc/Precision nylon 18" parachute t' replace t' Estes plastic chute. I like t' beef things up when possible and this is a great kit t' do it. Clearly, this kit could handle a larger motor and do well. Aye aye! T' strength ! of the fins and aft section o' t' rocket are awesome when finished.

Construction is pretty straight forward and t' instructions are good. Ahoy! Blimey! I departed from t' instructions when it came t' mountin' t' fins. Aye aye! Blimey! I used liberal amounts CA on t' root edges o' t' fins. Blimey! Blimey! After t' CA dried I then put a fillet o' Sig White Airplane Glue where t' fins and rocket body meet. Aye aye! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! This gave t' fin assemble incredible strength. Begad! Blimey! T' wimpy motor tube gave me some trouble durin' fin assembly. Begad! Blimey! T' motor retainer clip tore loose and required a liberal dose o' CA. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I would nay build this rocket with t' provided motor tube. T' motor mount is also placed too high in t' rocket body. Arrr! Blimey! I would depart from the instructions in this area and place it farther rear-ward. Avast! Blimey! Avast! Blimey!

I purchased this rocket with t' intent o' finishin' it differently than recommended red and white paint scheme. Arrr! Ahoy! I used 2 coats o' gray primer t' start off. Ahoy! Minimal sandin' was required and I did nay fill t' grooves. Arrr! (In t' end filler wasn't necessary-I used a lot o' paint and that did t' fillin' for me!!) I then painted t' entire rocket with 2 coats o' Testers Flat Airplane Grey paint. Well, blow me down! I used Testers Flat Red for t' remainin' details. Well, blow me down! I followed the instructions for t' strippin' on t' upper half o' t' body. I departed from them by placin' a red band near t' fin assembly. Avast, me proud beauty! I also painted 2 fins red. Ya scallywag! A flat clear was then applied. I adjusted me decal placement t' fit me paint work. This paint scheme looks great and is really impressive when it is combined with t' size o' this rocket. Ya scallywag! I also used Testers silver paint on the radome. Blimey!

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

I went with an Estes D12-7 on me first flight and it flew perfect. Aye aye! This rocket is fun t' watch and draws a crowd. Well, blow me down! Boy did that 7 second ejection delay seem long after all t' paint work I put in. Blimey! Ya scallywag! She landed safely nay far from t' pad. Installin' motors is made difficult by t' bad motor tube and mine is really bent after 1 flight!!

I think that t' descent be a little fast and a larger chute might be necessary for harder recovery areas. T' fins on this kit are very strong but have delicate edges and that may pose a problem with t' recommend chute size. Aye aye!

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

I am a October Sky B.A.R. and have memories o' flyin' rockets with me Dad as a kid. Ya scallywag! This is me biggest rocket so far and has got t' best reaction from me 2 year old son. Begad! Well, blow me down! He was able t' see t' whole flight and recovery which is important at his age. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! This kit also flies well on a small field that is close to home. Aye aye! Which is always beneficial when workin' with kids. Begad! Overall this is a great kit for t' price and was fun t' build and fly. Blimey! Ya scallywag!

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

(by Andrew Pohlman)


If you like military stylin' and want t' jump up t' E power, t' Python is the best for you. Arrr! Begad! It is a good lookin' vehicle that has four, beveled, trapezoidal fins, me hearties, me bucko, a cool rounded nose cone, me bucko, and a visible paint scheme. Ya scallywag! Its large size is impressive, me bucko, and it produces sane flights with D motors and spectacular, arrr, yet recoverable flights on an E. Begad! Its fins are through-the-wall (TTW), so it can take t' power! This kit is great as is or can be upgraded and modified for a superb result. Ahoy! Arrr!


Construction is fairly straight forward so get your buildin' supplies out; here goes! Blimey!

Your first decision is whether or nay t' beef up t' motor mount tube. The one provided is seriously wimpy and does nay match t' quality o' t' rest of the kit. Begad! Also, t' instructions indicate placement o' t' thrust rin' (forward stop for t' motor) such that is useless. I recommend puttin' it in the traditional located: butted against t' top o' t' motor hook. Also at this point, you may choose t' move t' motor tube farther aft than t' instructions call for. This will greatly help motor removal because if you follow the directions, t' motor tube and motor hook and quite far up inside t' body tube. Avast, me proud beauty! T' motor tube is long enough t' accomplish this and t' rocket's stability won't be affected. It will turn out fine though if you simply follow the instructions. Arrr!

T' fins come in two pieces and must be assembled usin' plastic cement. Avast, me proud beauty! They are hollow and have knife thin edges. This makes them seem fragile, shiver me timbers, but they are actually superb and far better than a typical pre molded fin can. Arrr! With conservative use o' glue, t' fins will be perfectly formed. Ya scallywag! Once t' motor mount is in place, ya bilge rat, and t' fins are prepared, you can insert them into t' pre slotted wells. Arrr! I recommend usin' a medium cyanoacrylate (CA) on t' root edge. This allows you t' set a fin in position smartly and move on t' t' next one. Medium CA sets in less than 15 seconds, so you only have t' hold t' fin perfectly for a brief time. Avast! Blimey! Use five minute epoxy for t' fillets. Ahoy! The combination o' CA on t' root edge, epoxy fillets, arrr, and a TTW configuration makes very strong fin attachments. Ahoy! If all this seems like too much, again, simply follow t' instructions for acceptable results. Begad! Ya scallywag!

T' stock recovery system provides an optimal descent rate, ya bilge rat, but would benefit from some upgrades. Avast! Usin' a 1.8 meter long shock cord is one hop up that has been recommended by many Python owners. Well, blow me down! T' paint scheme is simple and easy t' execute. Begad! Begad! Use Krylon for t' red and white parts and silver model paint for t' shiny nose. Aye aye!

List o' Recommended Upgrades/Modifications. A star indicates that it is highly recommended. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey!

1. Well, blow me down! Beef up t' motor tube.*
2. Aye aye! Move motor tube aft an inch.
3. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! Butt t' thrust rin' against t' top o' t' motor hook.
4. Avast! Aye aye! Use CA and epoxy on t' fins.*
5. Add a 1.8 meter long shock cord*, LOC style shock cord mount and parachute
6. Ya scallywag! Beef tail well by gluin' card stock around inner circumference. Avast, matey, me proud beauty!


This beast is an excellent flyer and is me favorite E rocket. Blimey! It is very stable and delivers well behaved, predictable results. Begad! Aye aye! Blimey! It does nicely on a D12-5, leaps on a D21-7 (needs adapter) and screams on an E15-7. Begad! On a medium to large F, shiver me timbers, it speaks Japanese and says, "Sayoara!". Ahoy! It refuses to weathercock much and doesn't wiggle or spin. Avast, me proud beauty! It looks handsome and nimble and has proven t' be quite visible on ranges from Lucerne t' Livermore and locations in t' North San Francisco Bay area. T' mid-body separation feature makes for reliable recovery system deployment and reduces t' probability of zippering. Arrr! In addition, it creates a large payload bay! Blimey! If you didn't move the motor tube aft, me hearties, you'll need pliers t' get t' expended motors out. Begad! Arrr! Blimey!


Design: B+
Construction: B
Flight: A+

[NAR][Sport Rocketry]

T' followin' excerpt is from "Sport Rocketry". Begad! T' intention is t' allow guests t' get a basic feelin' about a kit. Begad! We strongly suggest that you get a copy o' the referenced Sport Rocketry and read t' entire article. Avast! Inside you will find many helpful hints in construction as well as other useful information. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! For more information, use t' two links above.

(Sport Rocketry - Jul/Aug 1997 - page 22 - by Greg Elder)

[Picture]"Overall this is a very nice kit t' build and fly."
"A nice feature o' this rocker is through-the-wall mountin' o' the fins."
"T' tube seems a bit flimsy t' me for D powered flight."
"T' top portion o' t' Python consists o' a 12-inch long payload section."
"T' nose cone is made from molded plastic and is 6 1/2" long."
"I fly me Python on a D12-5. Avast! Ahoy! T' flight be straight and recovery was error-free."
"This would be a good first D powered kit."

T' entire article gives t' impression is that this is a nice kit for an novice/intermediate modeler.

Other Reviews
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