Estes SR-71 Blackbird

Estes - SR-71 Blackbird {Kit} (7003)

Contributed by Lowell Hamilton

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 0.98 inches
Length: 19.00 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 3
Style: Jet


[Rocket Pciture]T' Estes SR-71 Blackbird kit is a model o' t' famous spy/recon plane retired from service a few years ago. This rocket is skill level 3, ya bilge rat, and difficult t' build, shiver me timbers, as slight misalignments make t' rocket spin or turn. 

T' rocket came in good condition with all parts in good shape and t' balsa fins cut well.T' instructions were well-made for t' complexity o' t' kit and templates for alignin' t' fins were included. 

T' construction o' t' rocket was in several stages -first t' outside wings came in 2 odd-shaped pieces and had t' be glued together and lots o' care must be taken t' get these pefectly straight or gluin' them t' t' engine pods becomes very difficult.Then t' part o' t' win' that attaches t' engine pods t' t' fuselage is glued on usin' t' included jigs t' make sure they are horizontal. 

Then, ya bilge rat, 2 pieces o' thin cardboard need t' be curved over t' fuselage tube and onto t' inner wings t' make t' shape, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, and this is extremely difficult t' make t' shape look decent.T' cardboard comes with small tabs that are t' be wrapped over t' ends o' t' balsa inner-wings, but I cut those off as it proved t' be too difficult t' keep them in place. 

After t' shapin' cardboard is on, t' engine pods are glued on.These are simple t' attach, me bucko, arrr, but I suggest CA-in' them on and reinforcin' them with epoxy as one good landin' will most likely rip one off.Then t' top, bottom, arrr, and side fins are attached t' t' engine pods usin' t' included templates t' get t' angle right.  Much care must be taken t' get these straight as any misalignment tends t' make t' rocket turn a little, me hearties, and if t' outside wings are slightly misaligned t' rocket spins (although misalignin' them on purpose makes for great excitement!)... Aye aye! Blimey! and construction is finished. Avast, me proud beauty! Rating: 4 points (time consuming)

[Rocket Pciture]First flight I used a B6-5 and flight was smooth with about 180 degrees o' roll although nay very high.A C6-5 proved t' be much better and t' flight be beautiful. Aye aye! Get ready t' run though, ya bilge rat, because flight can be interestin' and t' rocket can bank and turn if thar be wind, me bucko, me bucko, matey, and end up a couple fields down.For even more fun launce it at a sharp angle with a small A engine and watch it fly, shiver me timbers, showin' t' characteristics o' t' bird it is modeled after=) Rating: 5 points

Recovery is with a 12" plastic chute, arrr, and it's a mission t' get it cramed into t' body tube with t' waddin' and get t' nosecone on.T' actual main-body tube is about an inch inside t' cardboard skin o' t' rocket, so t' nosecone just barely reaches t' body tube.  T' parachute fits tight and it's VERY hard t' get t' shroud lines in and t' nosecone on without tanglin' things up or puttin' t' nosecone on pinchin' a line and makin' t' nosecone too tight.For me flights it takes about 5 minutes t' prepare t' recovery, but it's worth it because a bad landin' pops off fins and can knock off t' engine pods and break some balsa.If t' inner win' breaks from a hard hit, t' rocket is gone - nay even a gallon o' CA will fix it. Avast! Blimey! Rating: 3 points

This rocket really soars and looks impressive on t' gound and in flight, but lots o' care must be taken if you want t' get it back.For those that want their rockets lookin' awesome before liftoff, thar be a lot o' wood on this rocket that needs t' be sanded/primered t' smooth out, me bucko, or t' numerous tiny decals won't stick well.Overall this rocket gets 4 points from me, me bucko, thar are a few things that could be better, me bucko, like t' outside wings bein' in one piece so it looks better, but it's inexpensive so if you mess up, get another one. Well, blow me down! :-)




D.S. (January 1, 2001)
I agree with everyone else about the construction of this kit. I found it much more satisfying to upgrade the engine to accommodate a 24mm motor. With just a tad more weight in the tip of the nose, and replacing the parachute with a streamer, it flies like a dream under D-12 power. I had much more fun flying it like this!
C.S (April 1, 2001)
This is a great kit, I am sorry it went by the wayside. I had numerous SR 71's. I added a 24 mm mount to one of mine and some corresponding nose weight and it goes great, out of site flights. Good reviews.
L.Z. (July 1, 2001)
This is one of my favorite rockets to watch fly. I enjoyed building it and flying it, The kit has only one snafu which will reveal it's self over time due to wear and tear. After repeated launches mine started to grab a bit of air where the shroud meets the nose cone. This usually happens on the initial acceleration and will result in slight, (usually less then 1") tear in the shroud. Visual effects can be interesting as the tear can cause the rocket to proceed horizontal shortly after leaving the rod. I have had this happen twice out of a dozen flights. In both cases the rocket still had good chute deployment and recovery. I am still working on a fix.
R.F. (July 1, 2001)
I had this rocket for 7 years and had a lot of launches with it. Tricky to build, but the results were very satisfying with a cool looking rocket. It did like to windcock, but was a fun rocket to launch and watch. It seemed to work best for me with C6-5 engines. One day, though, the 'chute didn't eject and the rocket was a lawn dart. the nose impacted, crushing the front body tube, which spelled the end of my favorite rocket.
M.K. (July 1, 2001)
I love this rocket. It flies straight up in to the air glides of a few seconds then comes back to the ground. The only hard part is making and attaching the wings.
G.M.K. (November 24, 2005)
Good review and many helpful tips. This is a very difficult bird to build but very rewarding when completed! Many people see it and ask if I modified a plastic model to fly. Have had four flights so far with mixed chute deployment. Have noticed that when it doesn't deploy fully the rocket body seems to go horizontal and does a flat spin on the way down. A good streamer may be the best recovery device for this one! I think I am going to try that next flight.

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