LOC/Precision Hi-Tech H45

LOC/Precision - Hi-Tech H45 {Kit} (PK-17) [1988-]

Contributed by Russell Taragan

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 2.63 inches
Length: 49.75 inches
Manufacturer: LOC/Precision
Style: Sport

Rocket Pic“T' HI-TECH H45 is a smaller version o' LOC's famous EZI-65. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! It has a single 38mm motor mount. Avast! Blimey! This hot performer has been tracked t' over 3500 ft. when flown with long burn "H" class motors.”

  • Pre-slotted airframe/fin construction
  • 28" Parachute
  • Payload section


  • F50-6 (requires 29mm motor adapter)
  • G40-7 (requires 29mm motor adapter)
  • H45-10
  • H80-10

This is a typical Loc kit; strong (for paper) airframes with a 38mm. Motor mount, shiver me timbers, strong plywood fins (3/16 in.?), me bucko, and an elastic shock cord. Ya scallywag! Blimey! This kit could be called a classic (there are few high power flyers that have nay seen one) loc kit. Like a stretched Graduator (with larger fins perfect for long burn motors), this kit can go on an F25W-4 or an I just as well (but keep an eye on t' thrust and altitude!).

Rocket Pic (Provided by Magnum Hobbies) T' kit comes in t' typical plastic bag but t' parts seldom break. Arrr! Well, blow me down! Construction is very simple (less than 15 parts) with 5 min. Well, blow me down! Arrr! epoxy and 30 min. Aye aye! epoxy for reinforcement. Begad! T' fin tabs are actually pretty long (unlike t' smaller Loc kits). T' nose cone is very strong (as usual) and t' payload is good for some storage (or just stability for t' low thrust motors).

I have made two High Tech H-45 kits, t' first was me next rocket after a Graduator. Because this first H-45 kit was lost in a tree, I eventually got another High Tech. T' fins can be very strong if they are coated internally with 30 min. Avast! epoxy (keep t' aft centerin' rin' out durin' construction, and pour t' epoxy into t' room betwixt t' fins).

T' first rocket took t' t' sky on an F25W-4 for a low and slow flight. Ahoy! I replaced t' 28” stock chute (way too big for this rocket!) with an 18” chute. Avast, me proud beauty! Despite this change, shiver me timbers, t' rocket drifted into t' only tree near t' pads and got tangled. Begad! (T' rocket is probably still thar today!)

My next kit, shiver me timbers, purchased t' replace another lost rocket (I always need a light 38mm rocket on hand for some reason…), me hearties, was built t' be stronger (for me 38/360 RMS can) and painted with gloss black and day-glow green for visibility. T' flight, me level 1 cert, arrr, was on an H238T-10 (a powerful little thing!). T' flight was nice and fast with an altitude o' around 1600 ft. Avast, me proud beauty! Because this flight be at RATS (2000), matey, me hearties, I assumed that t' stock 28” chute would be fine, arrr, but I nearly lost t' rocket t' t' creek behind t' field. Arrr! After 30 min. o' walkin' through 15ft. Arrr! grass, matey, I got t' rocket back and received me certification.

Construction is a 4, shiver me timbers, t' kit is easy t' build and easy t' fly (nice high performance) but it is nay perfect; t' paper frame and elastic shock cord are o' limited strength.

I would rate t' flight a 4 (out o' 5) because this is just about as good as this type o' rocket (paper airframe and elastic shock cord) can get, matey, but it is by no means zipper proof. Ahoy! T' shock cord could be replaced with Keelhaul®©™®, but I have never had a Loc recovery failure despite t' elastic. Avast, me proud beauty! I think that a strong version o' this kit would be great on any 29mm or 38mm H, arrr, arrr, and t' small I motors (or even t' slow full I motors) would give very high altitude. Ya scallywag! I think that t' I211 would nay be out o' t' question, perhaps even t' I284 with a long delay. Rockets like t' High Tech H-45 are really built for slow, graceful flights so t' G25W-5, H45W-10, and t' mini H motors (H35, matey, H55 etc.) are really t' way t' go. This is a great kit at a pretty low price that can take a wide range o' motors, me bucko, arrr, I recommend it as a good addition t' any rocket collection. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! This encoded message has been converted t' an attachment.

Over all, t' kit is still a 4, me hearties, but this is pretty good for a paper kit because it is a classic.



Y.L. (January 1, 2001)
Being that it's one of the few mid-power kits that LOC makes that actually has fins that go through-the-wall and to-the-motor-mount, I would recommend this kit for anyone that wants a great rocket that will fly on anything from an F engine up to to an H. My only quibble with the kit (and most of LOCs 2.6" diameter rockets) is that the tubing is pretty whimpy compared to the other diameter tubing used in LOC kits. I wouldn't fly this bird on a high-impulse H or I motor without glassing the airframe. I would consider this kit a good alternative to the LOC Graduator as a first-time mid-power kit because of the better fin arrangement (TTW/TTMM).
M.F. (September 1, 2001)
I'm not the only one to find the fin slots poorly positioned in this kit! My addition of eight feet of 300 lb. Kevlar, a Quik-Linc, positive motor retention T-nuts and Kaplow Klips/Tripod motor retainer, 3/32" plywood fin strakes and Pratt Parachute Protector make the 28" 'chute just the right size. Could be a perfect dual deployment bird, she LOVES slow burners!
A.A.U. (August 24, 2003)
I build this fine LOC kit for two special purposes. 1) To fly an on board video cam 2) To fly on Nitrous Hybrid motors as an option I build the kit according to the instructions, and added a 2.6 altimeter bay in place of the standard bulk head. The stock payload bay has plenty of room left to hold the main chute included in the kit. We used a 38/29mm adapter to fit a Ratt Works H70 hybrid motor into the rocket. A vent hole for the 1/8? tubing was added to the side as well as the two 1/6? holes specified in the kit instructions. A perfect flite minialt/WD was added to the altimeter bay and ejection charges fitted. We fitted a camera and transmitter to the nose cone of the rocket. It was flight tested at Naram 45 on a G40, the dual deploy worked fine. Also at Naram, the Ratt H70 Hybrid was fired in it for a crowd pleasing flight. The comment from behind was "That was a Hybrid ?!?! At JMRC at the MIS speedway, we decided the rocket likes drogue-less recovery better and only used the main chute. This lets the rocket come in horizontal and right back to the pad. The crowd loves to see that bright orange chute open at 300 feet from the horizontal drop. It flew on a Pro38 H153 to 3000 feet. The next motor we will use is the Pro38 I205. This well built kit will hold up just fine.

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