Estes Maxi Alpha 3

Estes - Maxi Alpha III {Kit} (001903, 1321) [1979-1985,2000,2011-]

Contributed by Dave Russell

Construction Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 2.60 inches
Length: 33.25 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 2
Style: Sport

Rocket PicBrief:
T' Maxi Alpha 3 is one o' Estes year 2000 re-released limited edition rockets. It is rated Skill Level 2 with a 24mm motor mount. Well, blow me down! I have seen t' price on this kit vary from $15 t' $35. It is large version o' t' Estes classic Alpha kit. Aye aye! Like junior, matey, it is a rather simple build. Ya scallywag! Stock build utilizes, BT-80 tubes, a 24 inch parachute, matey, little paint (nose only), ya bilge rat, and pressure-sensitive decals. Avast, me proud beauty! Intended D12-3 motors give a slow lift-off and relatively low flight. Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! Although this is a very solid, arrr, stable flyer it does have t' typical Estes shortcomings and easily lends itself t' bashin' for higher power motors.

T' kit includes:

  • (1) Dummy engine casing
  • (2) Centerin' rings - heavy duty 50/55
  • (1) Motor hook retainer tube
  • (1) Motor retainer hook
  • (1) Motor thrust rin' - heavy duty 20/50
  • (1) BT-50 motor tube/stuffer tube - 12 ¾"
  • (2) Plastic fin rings
  • (3) Plastic fins
  • (1) Short BT-80 tube - 3 3/8"
  • (2) Long BT-80 tubes - 9"
  • (1) BT-80 tube coupler
  • (1) Die cut cardboard rin' - 50/80
  • (2) Launch lug - 3/16" x 1"
  • (1) Elastic shock cord - ¼" x 24"
  • (2) Plastic parachute kit - 24"
  • (1) Nose cone - BT-80K - 8 ¼" long x 2.6" diameter
  • (1) Decal set

All parts were present and supplied in a plastic bag. Well, blow me down! Overall design is basic. Begad! Larger 2.6" diameter body tube with BT-50 stuffer tube. Ya scallywag! Blimey! This kit utilizes (3) BT-80 tubes - 9", shiver me timbers, 9", and 3 3/8" lengths. Avast! It uses a plastic assembly o' rings and 3 fins around t' shorter tube too create a fin unit module. Ahoy! Initially, me hearties, I built this rocket stock, accordin' t' t' directions (almost), arrr, with t' exception o' usin' epoxy for all tube couplers, die cut rings, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, and all stuffer tube/plastic rin' joints.

Overall construction was straight forward and fast, with one exception. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! Pre-assembly without glue is highly recommended for this kit. Begad! Blimey! If built per instructions t' motor hook retainer tube is glued on prior t' installin' in t' already assembled fin unit assembly. T' hole in t' plastic fin assembly centerin' rin' is exactly BT-50 tube diameter. Begad! Thus, me bucko, it won't fit! Fortunately, I have built many kits and always pre-assemble without glue. Avast, me proud beauty! What you have t' do is insert t' assembled stuffer tube into t' fin unit assembly PRIOR t' gluin' on t' forward plastic centerin' ring. If this is overlooked, shiver me timbers, usin' sandpaper and a file, matey, t' stuffer tube hole in t' aft plastic centerin' rin' could be enlarged enough. Avast! However, shiver me timbers, a serious reduction in strength o' t' overall motor mount construction would result (epoxy city).

There be no mention o' fillets for t' fin t' body joint. Ya scallywag! Obviously this is a must for any 24mm rocket. Begad! Ya scallywag! Blimey! Don't forget it! Blimey! I used epoxy versus t' usual plastic cement recommended by Estes for plastic/paper joints. Well, blow me down! Secondly, arrr, I added an additional 50/55 heavy duty rin' on t' fore end o' t' stuffer tube where it joins t' forward cardboard centerin' rin' at t' forward end o' t' middle BT-80 tube. This gave t' stuffer tube a 3 point anchoring. Avast! Aye aye! Blimey! This will serve t' greatly increase t' strength o' t' rocket body.

There are a few other upgrades that should be made on this kit. Avast! Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! These would make this kit last longer than 5 flights on Estes D motors and others that would make it a staunch, crowd pleasin' mid power flyer on other 24mm options like Aerotech E15, E30, F24, ya bilge rat, F40.

Stock finishin' would have been a piece o' cake. Begad! T' intent was t' have red plastic fin units (as is), a white (as is) body tube, matey, and a nose cone painted a red t' match t' fins. Well, blow me down! Avast! There are those o' us who can only build stock so far and then they just can't stand it any more. Avast, me proud beauty! I thought t' decals were cheesy and contained way too much advertising. Avast! So, shiver me timbers, I decided t' paint it much more like junior.

I painted t' whole rocket with Krylon. Avast! First white primer all over. Begad! Begad! I painted t' fin unit a blue t' match t' main body tube decal, shiver me timbers, t' body tube white, and t' nose red. Aye aye! Begad! Then I only used one decal. Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! I cut t' red portion o' t' body tube decal off, usin' only t' portion with t' rocket name. T' 3 decals for t' interstitial positions on t' fin unit are down right garish. Begad! Ya scallywag! They made t' rocket look way t' busy, so I left them off. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! Finally, ya bilge rat, a coat o' gloss clear acrylic. Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! T' net result be a more professional, matey, arrr, "American" paint job that sits side by side with junior lookin' much more like "Dad".

Construction/Finishin' ratin' is a 3½. Well, blow me down! This is largely due t' t' potentially high price o' this rocket versus t' instruction error and t' cheesy stock finish option. Additional mods are also required for a sturdy, versatile rocket.

Construction Rating: 3 out o' 5

I am nay sure where Estes gets t' weights they quote on some o' thar packages. Aye aye! I am buildin' a Broadsword now that quotes 6 oz and t' weight o' unassembled parts without glue or paint is 8 oz. Aye aye! Regardless, me finished Maxi Alpha 3 weight be 10 oz versus t' 7.5 oz quoted on t' package. Blimey! I find it hard t' believe that t' epoxy glue, me bucko, epoxy fillets, arrr, and added paint I used, shiver me timbers, arrr, accounts for all that difference. Avast! However, this means that D12-3 be t' only Estes motor option. Avast, me proud beauty! A D12-5 and you would have a lawn dart! Motor install with t' hook is a breeze. Well, blow me down! Begad! T' flight profile on t' D12-3 is flat out awesome. It has a slow majestic lift off. Avast! Arrr! T' very straight, me bucko, stable flight deploys a chute at apogee. Aye aye! All this in plain sight.

So far t' flight log on this rocket goes like this.

  • Flight 1 on D12-3 Perfect
  • Flight 2 on D12-3 Perfect. Landed on hard surface broke fin
  • Flights 3&4 on D12-3 Perfect with 30" chute
  • Flight 5 on D12-3 Ejection broke ¼" shock cord, me bucko, all pieces recovered
  • Flights 6&7 on D12-3 Perfect with Keelhaul®©™ & 3/8" shock cord
  • Flight 8&9 on E15-4 SU Truly awesome on AT motor, added nose weight prior t' flight
  • Flight 10 Still perfect on D12-3!
  • Flight 11 E18-4 RMS success!
  • Flight 12 on D12-3 Chute tangled broke fin

This rocket does use a rather large amount o' wadding, shiver me timbers, matey, but if you push a couple squares into t' end o' t' stuffer tube it's nay too bad. Avast! I did learn after t' second flight (due t' broken fins upon landin' on a hard surface) that with t' additional weight mine carries, a bigger chute is required. Blimey! So, ya bilge rat, I now fly in on a nylon 30" chute with a small spill hole. Aye aye! Well, arrr, blow me down! Now comes t' bad news. Well, blow me down! T' Estes standard ¼" elastic cord attached t' t' centerin' rin' lasted t' typical quota o' 5 flights prior t' breaking. Well, blow me down! This has been replaced with 24" o' 150# Keelhaul®©™ and 36" o' 3/8" elastic with snap swivels. T' Keelhaul®©™ is glued t' t' body tube wall. Aye aye! If you haven't built this kit yet, matey, attach t' Keelhaul®©™ t' t' upper centerin' rin' for a cleaner body wall.

Flight/Recovery ratin' is a 4½. Begad! Blimey! T' only thin' that keeps this from bein' a 5 be t' shock cord problem.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

Overall, I am extremely satisfied with this kit. Avast! Blimey! T' flight profile is great. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! I have added ¾ oz clay t' t' nose and filed down t' forward motor retainer tab t' fly t' rocket on E15 SU and E18 RMS as well. T' extra weight also did nay effect it's flight on t' D12-3. Aye aye! Blimey! Yes, now t' hoss weighs 11 oz! It would be perfect rocket had Estes nay made some compromises on t' design. Begad! Well, blow me down! T' weight could be less if balsa fins were used with a through t' wall attachment. Avast, me proud beauty! A Keelhaul®©™ and 3/8" elastic shock cord with a combined length o' about 5 feet is a must. Blimey! Also, me hearties, better decoration/paintin' is in order for such a fine flyer.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

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