Always Ready Rocketry Predator Jr.

Always Ready Rocketry - Predator Jr {Kit}

Contributed by Ken Tsai

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Published: 2010-04-16
Manufacturer: Always Ready Rocketry

I often fly underpowered. I like low and slow for t' most part, shiver me timbers, and enjoy watchin' t' entire show rather than seein' a rocket disappear into t' sky and waitin' impatiently attemptin' t' re-acquire it.

Sometimes, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, though, it's fun t' see a rocket just disappear in an instant. Avast, me proud beauty! O' course, buildin' rockets that can survive high g-force abuse requires more strength. Without goin' t' full composites, matey, Blue Tube offers that strength in a very convenient package. Well, blow me down! I'd been lookin' at Blue Tube for a while, matey, and when they released t' 2.0 version, I thought it be time t' give it a try.

I really didn't want t' do minimum diameter - too many motor retention issues. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! I've gotten t' friction fit wrong too often and have lost too many cases. With dual deploy, I may try it again since thar won't be t' motor eject event shootin' t' case out t' rear, but that's for t' future.

Enter t' Always Ready Rocketry Predator Jr.

At roughly t' same time, Aerotech released t' larger 38/1320 case. Blimey! A few e-mails back and forth betwixt Randall (owner o' ARR, and t' manufacturer for Blue Tube) and myself led t' an updated Predator Jr capable o' flyin' the longer case, me hearties, and t' kit was on t' way in early January 2010.

T' Predator Jr. Aye aye! is a single stage, high performance, near minimum diameter rocket. How do you make a 3FNC rocket even simpler? How about usin' a one-piece fin can? This rocket uses t' ACME single piece molded reinforced resin fin can. Aye aye! There's a weight penalty t' usin' it, but t' advantages are easier alignment (none), arrr, and no bevellin' (already air-foiled). Besides, at over 3 lbs, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, this is high power, and weight really isn't that much o' an issue with these motors. Arrr! If you're lookin' for altitude, me hearties, you actually have t' ADD weight t' this rocket t' get maximum height from the largest motors you can fit. Blimey! Ahoy! Speed demons are a different story, matey, though.

Component list:

  • 1 36" 54 mm airframe tube (booster)
  • 1 24" 54 mm airframe tube (payload)
  • 1 26" 38 mm motor tube
  • 1 38 mm ACME fin can
  • 1 54 mm Pinnacle nose cone
  • 6 phenolic centerin' rings
  • 1 wire anchor
  • 1 38 mm electronics bay kit
  • 2 long lengths o' 1/2" tubular nylon.
  • 2 rail buttons
  • assorted nuts/bolts/washers.

Aside from t' 6 centerin' rings, me bucko, it's a pretty typical assortment o' parts and pieces.

Instructions? There aren't any. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' motor tube was pre-marked with pencil lines for t' various parts, me bucko, and the booster tube was pre-slotted for t' fin can.

Really, me hearties, me bucko, for how simple this kit is, instructions aren't really necessary. Build it in t' typical order o' a standard 3FNC rocket, arrr, and it should be pretty straightforward. Ya scallywag! Ahoy!

I started with t' motor mount. As I noted above, 6 centerin' rings was an unusual approach... Ahoy! In fact, arrr, me hearties, it's 3 pairs of concentric rings. Blimey! T' inner rin' is snug against t' outside o' t' motor tube. Blimey! T' outer rin' is essentially 54mm coupler, me hearties, me bucko, and slides nicely inside t' airframe tube. Begad! There's a really small gap betwixt t' two, but when slathered with epoxy, it's nay an issue. Ya scallywag! Begad!

I started by cuttin' a channel in t' smaller rings for t' shock cord anchor wire t' pass through. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Once I got t' fit I wanted, I slid t' anchor wire over t' motor tube, me bucko, ya bilge rat, and t' inner rings over t' anchor wire usin' liberal amounts of epoxy. Once that cured, I slathered t' inner rings with epoxy and slid t' outer rings over t' inner rings forming t' full width centerin' rings. Begad! Arrr! Blimey! Just for grins, I added chopped fiberglass t' some epoxy and made fillets for t' top and bottom o' each ring. Those rings aren't goin' anywhere without rippin' t' motor tube t' shreds. Begad!

At t' bottom o' t' motor tube, I tacked t' fin can in place, matey, matey, leavin' ~1/2" at t' bottom t' attach an Aeropack 38mm retainer. Avast, me proud beauty! T' retainer was attached usin' JB Weld per t' Aeropack instructions.

Since t' fin can be moved up, I extended t' slots in t' booster t' accommodate t' new position. A quick dry fit showed t' slots were too short, so I extended them a little more. Blimey! Blimey! Lather, rinse, repeat. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Blue Tube is tough to cut. Next time, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, I'm pullin' out t' router. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Eventually, matey, I got t' slots t' t' right length.

Onward. Begad! Time t' mount t' motor tube in t' airframe. Blimey! How t' $#@%$#@??? do you glue a 26" long motor tube? There's no way t' get glue on t' rings and hope it stays. By t' time t' mount is slid in place, you'll have epoxy smeared up and down t' entire airframe tube, me hearties, and Murphy's law says that exactly NONE o' it will be where you want it t' be.

While ponderin' t' motor tube conundrum, ya bilge rat, I figured I'd do t' e-bay. Avast! T' electronics bay assembled smartly and easily. Instead o' a stiffy tube runnin' t' entire length, ya bilge rat, a couple o' rings epoxied t' t' inner walls act as bulkhead stops. Arrr! T' plywood bulkheads rest against these while bein' sandwiched by 6-32 threaded rods, shiver me timbers, nuts and washers. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! In t' center o' each bulkhead is a 1/4-20 eyebolt for attachment o' various tether lines. A couple small brass tubes are glued t' t' plywood sled, me hearties, and t' sled assembly slides into t' bay ridin' on t' threaded rods. Avast, me proud beauty! A 1" rin' o' 54mm airframe is glued t' t' middle o' t' bay, me bucko, completin' t' bay construction. Arrr!

Back t' t' motor tube. Well, blow me down! Begad! Well, I give up. I went ahead and slathered t' rings hopin' that somethin' would stay. On t' airframe tube, I put a bunch o' epoxy where t' upper rin' should be, matey, and then slid t' whole assembly in. The top o' t' upper rin' ended up with a nice amount o' epoxy poolin' on top o' t' ring. Aye aye! Ya scallywag! Good enough. Aye aye! On t' bottom side, I took a 1" piece o' coupler and epoxied it t' t' airframe behind t' fin can. Avast! Now t' entire motor tube is sandwiched betwixt t' coupler in t' back and t' pool o' epoxy in t' front. Well, blow me down! Blimey! That's about t' best I could come up with, and it sure seems solid enough.

There's actually very little t' do for surface prep with Blue Tube. Well, me bucko, blow me down! A few coats o' sanding sealer like Minwax furniture sealer fills t' spirals nicely. It also soaks into t' Blue Tube formin' a nice vapor barrier against moisture. Arrr! Aye aye! You still can't dunk it in a pool t' clean it off, but it's nice extra protection against a light rain.

I painted t' bottom purple, matey, me hearties, and t' top white. I masked off a couple rings right around t' e-bay so that it has a series o' fadin' stripes from t' white t' t' purple and vice versa. Avast!

If you've seen some o' me other reviews, matey, you may have caught that I tend t' fly rockets naked. Ahoy! Well, blow me down! It's a superstition that goes way back with me. Well, blow me down! T' more time I spend finishin' t' rocket prior t' it's first flight, the greater t' likelihood o' somethin' bad happening. Blimey!

That said, matey, t' size, me hearties, weight, shiver me timbers, and flight performance o' t' Predator Jr means that it probably won't fly at our local field, so it's a high power only rocket. Ahoy! Aye aye! That means at most 4-5 chances t' fly it per year. Avast! Well, ya bilge rat, arrr, with so few opportunities, I went ahead and painted it. Blimey!

When a superstition is based on empirical fact, is it really superstition? This be t' most expensive rocket I've built t' date. Why nay make it look good? This be t' most expensive rocket I've built t' date? How stupid o' me to ignore historical trends.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

With this rocket thar were a lot o' "firsts" for me:

  • My first 100% Blue Tube rocket
  • My first "Dart"
  • My first Dual Deploy flight
  • My first L2 flight attempt (yes, attempt )
  • My first motor CATO...

Pretty obvious what happened, matey, yes?

3/27/2010 be me first opportunity t' fly t' Predator Jr, and also me first opportunity t' make a L2 cert attempt. Serendipity, right? How could I nay use me "strongest" rocket for a cert flight? Unfortunately, the largest 38mm J engine on site be a CTI J330 at ~760 Ns. Ya scallywag! This wouldn't be a neck snappin' 8000' flight with a 1000+ Ns J motor, but it was still plenty big. Ya scallywag! Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down!

A quick shakedown flight with an H118 produced a picture perfect flight t' 1181' with t' altimeter deployin' the drogue as planned at apogee and 750' for t' main. Aye aye! Aye aye!

So on t' t' main event!

Yup, me first CATO. Arrr! Blimey! Roughly 1.5s into t' flight, it looks like t' nozzle/rear closure cracked and blew out the back end. Begad! Blimey! In any other non-composite rocket, me bucko, I'm 100% sure this would have been a total shred o' at least t' booster section; it be that violent. Ahoy! Blimey!

T' pressure ripped t' Aeropack retainer and t' bottom 1" o' t' motor tube right out leavin' a jagged shear line. Avast! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! T' ACME fin can that's supposed t' be indestructible? I got small pieces on t' aft chipped off. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! T' Blue Tube motor mount and t' fin can appear t' have absorbed t' brunt o' t' forces, me bucko, matey, for t' aft o' t' 54mm airframe is in perfect shape.

At t' front o' t' booster section, thar be a ~3" zipper where t' Keelhaul®©™® shock cord and t' wire anchor tore through. Again, ya bilge rat, only 3" zipper for t' level o' force that be displayed is pretty amazing. Aye aye!

I've seen videos and pictures o' CATOs at points in flight similar t' mine, me hearties, and thar's usually very little left t' recover. Begad! Ya scallywag! I'm lovin' t' fact that this bird is goin' t' fly again after relatively minimal repairs!

Blue Tube is TOUGH STUFF!

For drogue, I used an 18" Top Flight parachute. Arrr! T' main chute be a 36" chute from Public Missiles with a spill hole. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down! I think t' drogue was a little big. Begad! For t' shakedown flight at 1181 feet, shiver me timbers, it didn't matter, arrr, but comin' down from 6000+ will probably need a smaller chute.

T' manufacturer says t' just let it separate and tumble down, me bucko, but I think I'll go with a 7x70 streamer, me bucko, shiver me timbers, or perhaps a small 14" chute.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

Overall, me bucko, I really love this kit. Avast! It's a lot o' fun, shiver me timbers, arrr, and represents a ton o' new experiences for me. Ahoy! Because o' that, I'm sure t' Predator will always have a special appeal t' me. Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! Just like t' very first rocket I ever flew.

Repairs are already under way, ya bilge rat, and I hope t' have t' Predator Jr ready t' fly again for t' May 2010 launch. Begad! I haven't decided if I'll make another L2 attempt with this rocket. While I'm sure that it can handle it, t' fact is that t' performance envelope o' this rocket on a J motor is high enough that t' error margins are notably smaller. It would be a lot less stressful tryin' t' certify with a bigger 4" rocket that flies low and slow. Begad! And I get to watch t' entire flight.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5


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