Balsa Machining Service School Rocket

Balsa Machining Service - School Rocket {Kit}

Contributed by Bernard Cawley

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Balsa Machining Service

T' BMS School Rocket is a basic four fin and a nose cone streamer recovery beginner rocket that is well thought out and well executed. Arrr! Blimey! Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! Blimey! It has a few interestin' features includin' through-the-wall fin mountin' for extra ruggedness and laser etched lines t' tell you where t' put t' centerin' rings on t' motor mount and t' launch lug on t' body. Avast! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! It's a little larger and more complex t' build than some starter rockets, me bucko, but this, t' me, is a good thing. Blimey! Blimey! Avast, matey, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' fins are laser-cut balsa, and t' nose cone is a typically high-quality BMS balsa turning. T' School Rocket is also good lookin' (in me opinion).

All o' that would be for nothin' though if it weren't a nice flyer. But it flies very nicely indeed.

At $5.25 each, it's also an extremely good value.


I'm a BAR comin' back t' t' hobby after well over 30 years, me hearties, at t' behest o' a group o' homeschool students for whom I was teachin' an "Aeronautics" course last school year. Begad! I'm also an engineer by trainin' and have a penchant for testin' and evaluatin' things. Begad! As such, after last spring's foray into rockets, I was lookin' for a rocket for t' this year's students that met a particular set o' requirements. Blimey! I laid them out in a post on Ye Old Rocket Forum in a thread askin' for what aspects o' a model rocket one was lookin' for. Aye aye! Ya scallywag! Here's what I posted thar last March 30th:

"First, me bucko, in opposition t' many o' t' others, I'm lookin' for a simple (but nay TOO simple) introductory model t' use with students. Avast, me proud beauty! 3 (or 4) FNC is OK for this. Arrr! Requirements and objectives are:

  • Balsa fins (and preferably nose cone), me bucko, though pre cut (laser) is OK
  • Larger than BT-20/ST-7 tube diameter (so that one has t' build a motor mount assembly)
  • Rugged, streamer recovery (small fields)
  • Either TTW fins (ala Quest Astra) or some clever fin alignment scheme like on t' FlisKits Triskelion would be a plus.
  • Modern recovery mountin' (long enough shock cord and probably a Keelhaul®©™® line t' t' engine mount rather than a trifold paper mount) would also be desirable.
  • Related t' that, maybe even a baffle system so as t' obviate t' need for waddin' would be really cool. Begad! I've yet t' try this myself but I really like t' concept. Begad! [Since I wrote this I have tried a baffle and love 'em.]
  • An optional short payload section t' accommodate t' Winged Shadow/Quest How High SP altimeter would also be a plus.

I'd really want a couple o' these for myself too, especially if all this list be met (though I have less need for t' fin alignment help - I hope)."

Recently I stumbled across t' Balsa Machinin' Service School Rocket - I'm nay sure where I first read about it - and doggone if it doesn't meet just about all t' requirements I laid out last Spring. T' only objective it doesn't meet is usin' a baffle. Arrr! Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey! There is even a payload section option (for an additional dollar!). Begad! Blimey!

As I understand it, t' current configuration o' t' BMS School Rocket was developed over a number o' years and with t' input o' a number o' teachers who have used it in their classes. Ya scallywag! This is apparent from all t' carefully thought-out details o' t' design.


Specifically t' School Rocket is based on an 11 1/4 inch long 0.976 inch OD body tube, with four through-the wall mounted 3/32 inch balsa laser-cut fins. Begad! It is streamer recovery, usin' a blue metallized and crinkly plastic streamer material that is 1 3/4 inches wide and 24 inches long. Bill at BMS tells me this material is sold as metallic party streamers in party supply stores. Begad! It reminds me o' an over-sized version o' that ribbed ribbon sold for gift wrappin' that you can curl by draggin' it over a sharp edge. Blimey!

T' all-Keelhaul®©™® shock cord (no elastic element) is about 3 feet long. Aye aye! Avast! I was skeptical about this at first but after six flights I find it works just fine without havin' any stretchy bits. Begad! Begad!

T' motor mount assembly features a laser-cut hole in t' motor tube for t' Keelhaul®©™® shock cord, a laser-cut slot for t' upper end o' t' motor hook, and laser-scribed lines showin' where t' fiber centerin' rings should end up when glued in place (so that they're well out o' t' way o' t' tabs on t' fins that are glued t' t' motor tube). There is both a motor block and a motor hook in t' mount assembly. Ahoy! T' hook is nice and springy and made in t' style o' t' original Centuri/Estes hooks without t' extra "handle" on t' end. Begad!

Laser etchin' is also used t' mark t' launch lug position on t' body. Aye aye! Begad! Blimey! By t' way, matey, t' launch lug is 3/16 inch in diameter, so as t' make it easier for kids t' thread it onto a regular 1/8 inch diameter launch rod. Aye aye!

T' nose cone is a nice, me bucko, smooth 2 5/8 inch ogive (with rounded tip) balsa cone. Ya scallywag! Would you expect anythin' else from a company called Balsa Machining? It has a large diameter central hole into which you glue a supplied ribbed dowel. Begad! T' supplied screw eye is threaded into a pilot hole in that dowel. Arrr! T' Keelhaul®©™® shock cord is tied t' t' eye and t' streamer attached t' t' it. Ya scallywag!

T' payload section option consists o' a laser-cut 1/4 inch ply disk which is piloted for t' screw eye, a stage coupler and a 2 3/4 inch-long section o' body tube. Begad! Blimey! Blimey! I haven't tried it yet, but have one in hand t' try.


T' instructions are clearly and profusely illustrated with drawings. They take up most o' both sides o' two 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheets. Half o' one side is taken up by t' NARRRRR Safety Code - a handy reference for a student. Arrr! As appears t' be customary with bulk packs o' kits, shiver me timbers, you get one set o' instructions no matter how many kits you order and are expected t' reproduce them as needed for your group. Avast! Begad!

T' assembly order is conventional - first t' motor mount assembly, arrr, then t' fins, then t' nose cone and recovery system. Avast! Avast! T' only tiny departure I took from t' instructions was t' use t' double-gluin' technique rather than "hold and wait" t' attach t' fins. Ya scallywag! Ya scallywag! By t' way, me hearties, t' instructions can be downloaded as a .pdf from the BMS site here:

I used regular Elmers White Glue for all assembly. Ya scallywag!

T' motor block was a surprisingly loose fit in t' motor tube. Aye aye! I asked Bill at BMS about this and he said that it be intentional - so that inexperienced hands could put too much glue on it and still get it into place without worryin' about it gettin' stuck part way in. Avast, me proud beauty! I also thought that t' fin tabs could be just a laser beams' width longer and he said this, too, was intentional, and for t' same reason - t' easily cope with heavy-handed application o' glue.

Once t' mount/shock cord assembly is ready, arrr, ya bilge rat, it's installed. Arrr! Then t' fins are mounted t' both t' body tube and through t' laser-cut slots in t' wall o' t' BT t' t' motor tube. Begad! This, o' course, matey, guarantees that t' fins are parallel t' t' direction o' flight and helps get them nice and perpendicular t' t' body. Begad!

T' next step is t' apply glue fillets t' t' fin/body joints and glue t' launch lug on t' body tube in the laser-scribed rectangle. Ahoy! Blimey! T' resultin' fin joints are VERY sturdy, and t' School Rocket be t' only one o' my streamer-recovered fleet that hasn't popped a fin on a landing. Well, blow me down! Avast! I really had a chance t' test t' fin attachment on the fifth flight - but I'm gettin' ahead o' myself... Avast!

T' instructions next have you install t' screw eye in t' dowel and then glue t' dowel into t' nose cone. Ya scallywag! It might make more sense t' do this in t' opposite order so as t' be able t' insert t' glue laden dowel all t' way into its place in t' nose cone by simply pressin' t' assembly down on a flat surface. Unlike t' motor block, matey, me hearties, t' dowel is a fairly snug fit in t' nose cone and one wouldn't want t' glue t' grab while it be still stickin' out some.

Finally t' streamer is taped t' t' shock cord about six inches from t' nose cone, then t' end is folded over and stapled. Begad! I like this attachment better than, me bucko, matey, say, tyin' a plastic streamer t' either t' nose cone or t' shock cord directly (as I've seen in some other basic streamer recovered rockets), me hearties, shiver me timbers, and it's simpler than havin' a separate line attachment.

T' instructions make finishin' t' rocket optional - it certainly could be flown naked. I applied several coats of Varathane sandin' sealer on t' fins and nose cone, then sprayed one coat o' Kilz primer from a rattle can. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! Final finish was red and white Ace Hardware spray paint that has t' characteristics o' t' old Krylon. Avast! Ahoy! I managed t' find some this past sprin' as I was readin' about t' change in Krylon's formula on YORF.

There are no decals supplied - but then, matey, for $5.25, I didn't really expect any. I still think I should use some adhesive backed model airplane trim material t' put a stripe or somethin' on it, but I haven't, yet.

My SR's finished weight (no waddin' or motor) was 0.98 ounce.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

The only recommended motor is an A8-3. Aye aye! Blimey! Since t' SR only weighs an ounce before waddin' and a motor, arrr, arrr, an A is definitely the way t' go unless you have a good sized field and little or no wind. Begad! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! Since t' tube is BT-50 sized, arrr, four squares of Estes waddin' is about right.

As o' this writin' I have six flights on t' one in t' pictures. T' first four flights were at t' monthly Boein' Employees Model Rocket Club (BEMRC) launch in September. Begad! Avast! T' site is nay large and is bordered on t' north by t' Boein' Kent facility and on t' south by a very active four-lane street, so stayin' on t' field is important. Begad!

T' first flight be on an Estes A8-3. Blimey! It be nice and straight and very pleasingly high, shiver me timbers, arrr, with ejection occurring a little early. Arrr! Deployment was good and t' streamer is quite effective at slowin' t' descent while nay havin' the rocket drift too far. Begad!

Next I tried a Quest A8-3 (this is a German-made motor that Quest is currently substitutin' for their Chinese A6-4s when you order directly from them - Here's a discussion on Ye Olde Rocket Forum). Begad! T' flight profile was similar, shiver me timbers, but with a more appropriate ejection point. It appears that these really do have 3 second delays.

After that I got cocky and tried an Estes B6-4. Avast, me proud beauty! Wow, what a nice high flight. Trackin' smoke be a good thing this time. Ya scallywag! Ejection appeared t' be very near apogee. Avast! T' field almost didn't contain it, ya bilge rat, though as it came down maybe 30 feet from t' road. Arrr!

T' next flight, me hearties, also on an Estes B6-4, me hearties, was on a nearly windless mornin' after me class, from a nearby park. Again a spectacularly high boost, good deployment and recovery...until it just brushed t' leaves o' a tree on t' edge o' t' soccer field I be operatin' out of. T' good news was that t' tree didn't eat it. Avast, me proud beauty! T' bad news was that there be an asphalt trail next t' t' tree, so it landed, ya bilge rat, hard, on t' asphalt. Well, blow me down! Just about anythin' else would've popped a fin, arrr, but t' through-the-wall mounts meant that they stayed on. Ahoy! Two o' them were cracked, ya bilge rat, and t' engine hook was loosened (it's t' lowest point on t' rocket). Avast! T' nose cone also acquired a few dents.

A few drops o' thin CA took care o' o' t' fins and t' motor tube tear and she's ready t' go again. Aye aye! Blimey! She's nay as pretty as she was, but she still flies fine. Blimey!

T' most recent flight be at t' October BEMRC launch. Well, blow me down! This time I used a Chinese-made Quest A6-4. Begad! Even though t' breeze was quite light, me hearties, arrr, matey, it tipped upwind comin' off t' rod. Avast! T' oversize launch lug lets it angle a few degrees from a 1/8 inch rod, me hearties, and t' slow thrust buildup o' t' Quest A6-4 (see t' time/thrust curves on t' NARRRRR site) means it's nay movin' as fast as it might be with another motor choice. Begad!

T' net result was an arcin' flight with a quite late ejection that ended again testin' t' TTW fins by landing on an asphalt parkin' lot. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! One o' t' fins cracked in t' prior asphalt landin' got chipped again, arrr, and thar are a couple more dents in t' nose cone....but a little thin CA on t' fin returned it t' flyin' status. Begad! Blimey! At some point I should fill all t' nose cone dents and maybe shoot another coat o' white on it. Ya scallywag! Ahoy! But I'll probably just keep flyin' it.

As I alluded t' above, arrr, t' shock cord is only a Keelhaul®©™® line. Begad! Blimey! It is attached t' t' motor mount through a precut hole and looped around t' motor block. Begad! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! T' streamer is then attached as I described above.

T' streamer seems t' be just about perfect for t' SR's weight - a good compromise betwixt slow descent and drift. Avast! I have had a little meltin' (when I used three squares o' Estes waddin' instead o' four) so I am in search o' a party store that has this neat material available so that I can replace it when needed. I haven't found it yet, though.

So far (six flights on a combination o' American, German and Chinese-made motors) t' shock cord is doin' well. Begad!

I may fit a larger streamer or a small 'chute (BMS also has a $2 9-inch ready-to-use ripstop nylon parachute option) when I try t' payload section. Blimey! I will definitely fly one o' me Winged Shadow/Quest How High altimeters in one o' these in t' future. Arrr!

It would also be really cool t' fly one on a C motor, matey, but I have no idea when I'll have a venue suitable t' try that with a reasonable chance o' gettin' it back. Blimey! :-)

If thar were one thin' I'd change, me hearties, it would be t' use ST-9 rather than BT-50 tubin' for t' body so it would be a little more rugged, matey, nay that I've seen a need for this yet in actual flying.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

T' Balsa Machinin' Service School Rocket is easy t' build (but nay so simple as t' nay teach a new rocketeer basic buildin' techniques). Avast, me proud beauty! Well, blow me down! Buildin' it yields a rugged, shiver me timbers, good flyin' and pleasant-lookin' rocket. Begad! Its recovery system works well yet helps keep it in t' park or school yard. It is obvious that those who help beginners get started in model rocketry have had their inputs t' t' design.

T' through-the-wall fin mountin' is almost unique in this type o' starter rocket and t' combination o' TTW fins, me bucko, streamer recovery and balsa nose cone IS unique so far as I can tell. Blimey! It's a good combination. Begad! Begad!

I really can't think o' anythin' I'd call a "con". Begad! Begad! In me opinion t' BMS School Rocket hits t' center o' t' target. I'll be usin' it in me Aeronautics class this year, me bucko, so soon I'll see if it works as well with inexperienced young builders as I expect it to. Avast! Perhaps I can check back in here after we've flown them.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Balsa Machining Service School Rocket By Geof Givens (October 4, 2008)

    Brief: The BMS School Rocket is a small, traditional 4-fin rocket. BMS is a good low-power parts supplier for scratch builders. This the first time I built a pre-packaged kit from them. It is 14" long with BT-50 airframe and 18mm motor mount, weighing only about 1 1/2oz finished, much of which was extra nose weight we added (see below). My daughter and I built this kit ...



M.G. (March 28, 2009)
Ten bucks is kind of high however, but mine came with a streamer which I used along with a 12" chute kit. So for the price, you get a free chute plus I really like the TTW fins on a small rocket.
L.D. (April 14, 2009)
I have used several hundred of these rockets for group builds with kids and have found them to be the easiest, most reliable to build and launch. The parts quality are second to none. The laser marks on motor mount and body tube and pre-cut slots for the through the wall fins make assembly easier for novices and make the launches straighter and predictable. The kit was always available with a motor hook and now it seems to be standard instead of an option. In bulk they are $5.25, or $6.25 with an A8-3 motor included. There are new instructions available which seem very clear and easy to follow. Also BMS provides excellent customer service!
Jeff Curtis (November 2, 2019)

I used this rocket with an A8-3 to win one of the spot landing prizes at NARAM 61. It has such a straight flight it was perfect for spot landing.

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