Estes Eagle Boost Glider

Estes - Eagle Boost Glider {Kit} (2186) [2004-?]

Contributed by Joe Policy

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 0.74 inches
Length: 24.80 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 1
Style: Glider

Estes Eagle Boost Glider

T' Estes Eagle Rocket Boosted Glider is an easy t' build E2X level rocket that is fun t' build and even more fun t' fly.

T' kit includes:

  • BT-20 Engine Tube with Eagle decal already applied
  • Engine block
  • Engine hook
  • 12" boom
  • Red plastic nose cone with insert
  • 2 pieces clay weight
  • 1 large and 1 small steel ball for glider cone weight
  • Rubber shock cord
  • 30" plastic streamer
  • 2 pieces red vinyl tape
  • Black glider nose cone
  • Glider carrier
  • Fuselage
  • Glider hook
  • Tail adapter
  • Heat reflective tape
  • Horizontal stabilizer
  • Vertical stabilizer
  • Win' with Eagle decal already applied

Estes Eagle Boost Glider

You start by gluin' t' engine block inside t' engine tube, shiver me timbers, then insert t' engine hook and glue t' glider carrier over t' hook. Ahoy! T' instructions recommend usin' plastic cement, but I do nay trust cementin' plastic t' cardboard, so I opted for 5 minute epoxy. Aye aye! I believe CA would have worked fine as well. Avast! You then wrap a piece o' red vinyl tape around t' exposed cardboard t' finish off t' engine tube assembly.

T' red nose cone is for t' engine tube. Begad! You stuff one o' t' pieces o' clay into t' nose cone and then glue on t' insert with plastic cement. T' shock cord be t' new rubber band type that Estes has switched to. I just do nay trust them, me hearties, ya bilge rat, so I used Keelhaul®©™on t' tri-fold mount with a piece o' elastic tied t' t' Keelhaul®©™. Ya scallywag! T' streamer is then attached t' t' shock cord and t' other end t' t' nose cone. Avast! This completes t' engine tube assembly.

T' black nose cone is for t' glider. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! Blimey! It gets two steel balls inserted into it with a small piece o' clay t' hold t' balls in place. Avast! T' nose cone is glued t' t' end o' t' fuselage. Ya scallywag! I had a little problem here because t' end o' t' fuselage goes into t' clay o' t' nose cone. Aye aye! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I was a little concerned because t' instructions tell you t' put t' plastic cement on t' part t' goes into t' clay. Avast! I test fit t' fuselage and only put glue on t' parts that did nay touch t' clay. It be a fairly tight fit t' get t' nose cone all t' way on, me hearties, but be fine once t' glue set up.

You then insert t' tail boom into t' fuselage. Ya scallywag! Begad! Follow t' instructions carefully as t' boom can go in two ways but only one is correct. Ahoy! You are then told t' use plastic cement t' glue t' fuselage t' t' boom. Ahoy! Well, blow me down! I opted for CA instead since t' boom is some type o' carbon fiber and I wanted a good solid connection. Ahoy! Avast! T' tail adapter is then glued t' t' other end o' t' boom, and again, I used CA. Arrr! T' win' saddle has double stick tape which you peel off t' outer coverin' t' expose t' sticky side. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! I added several small drops o' thick CA t' t' tape around t' edges which I think will help hold t' Styrofoam win' in place in t' event o' a hard landing. T' glider hook is glued t' t' slots in t' wing.

T' tail adapter also has double stick tape, which I also strengthened with CA. T' horizontal and vertical stabilizers are just white Styrofoam with no decals. Avast, me proud beauty! T' instructions tell you t' color t' horizontal stabilizer with a black marker. Well, blow me down! I used a wide tipped Sharpie marker, shiver me timbers, black on one side and red on t' other. Arrr! I also colored t' vertical stab as well. Ahoy! Once t' horizontal stab is in place, arrr, you then need t' attach t' reflective tape t' t' top o' t' horizontal stab. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! This is t' help reflect t' heat from engine exhaust and is a nice touch. Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! Once t' vertical stab is in place, arrr, you take t' remainin' piece o' red vinyl tape and wrap it around t' front edge o' t' stabilizer. I believe this is t' help strengthen t' joint.

Lastly, arrr, you just need t' balance t' glider. Ya scallywag! T' bottom o' t' win' has two red dots which are t' balance points. Aye aye! Ya scallywag! You just add clay t' t' front o' t' fuselage until you can balance t' glider on your finger. I do nay like t' look o' gray clay stuck in t' front o' t' fuselage, matey, I would have preferred that thar be a container o' some sort t' hide t' clay, shiver me timbers, I may add somethin' later if it becomes a problem. Begad! Begad! It definitely detracts from t' appearance.

No finishin' is required. Avast, me proud beauty! You can opt t' use a marker t' color t' horizontal and vertical stabilizers. Begad! I would have liked t' seen decals for both t' help match t' rest o' t' glider. There needs t' be a better way t' add clay t' t' front o' t' rocket for balancing.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

T' first flight be on a B4-2, arrr, t' smallest recommended motor. Begad! Blimey! T' whole unit had a fairly straight flight t' about 250 feet. Begad! Ya scallywag! Good separation on t' booster but t' glider came down fairly steep and hit hard on t' grass. Begad! Blimey! It did nay do this when I made me "hand tossed" test flights. Aye aye! Fortunately, thar be no damage. Begad! Blimey! T' booster came down quite nicely on its streamer. It's hard t' follow both pieces when you launch alone. Begad! Blimey! I removed some nose weight for t' second flight on a B6-2, this time t' glider came down much more gently. Ahoy! However, it did nay fly in a circle as mentioned in t' instructions. I went all out on t' third flight with t' maximum recommended motor, a C6-3. Blimey! This time, me hearties, t' unit reached almost 500 feet and t' glider came down a long way from t' pad. Avast! Nay sure why it is nay circling, so I will have t' play with it some more.

Aside from t' fact that t' glider never did circle, me hearties, arrr, it was still fun t' watch. Just make sure you balance t' glider properly before you launch and you should have no problems. Avast! T' booster section had perfect landings each time on t' streamer with no problems.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

This is a fun rocket t' fly and it is very fast t' build--this one would be great for kids. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! T' decals are impressive and t' overall quality is good for an E2X rocket. Well, blow me down! Begad! I think decals for t' stabilizers would really have set this rocket off.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5



J.W.C. (June 22, 2005)
I tried the Eagle, the first time, on an A engine. The tail boom came loose, but didn't come out. That's how I discovered the "model glue" instructions were incorrect. I read one of the flight logs where the owner blamed the C engine. I'd look to the glue. The main body strut is pultruded carbon fiber -- just like that used for arrow shafts. The gluing techniques are, therefore, just the same. CA is good, but epoxy is better. There was another minor problem with the Eagle. The engine melted a small crater in the wing just over the nozzle at the rear of the wing. Estes doesn't tell you to tinfoil cover this area, but you should. I cut a small square out of a Coke can and epoxied it over the crater. I have had no problems since. When I reassembled it, my CA grabbed too quickly, leaving just a hint of twist in the tail, from the boom not being straight. What a lucky accident, when I tried it on a B engine. I got really decent altitude, but the chase was VERY short because of the tight circling done by the glider. It was a short walk, despite the breeze. The Eagle has little cardboard, and no wood. It is thefore one of the few boost gliders that I fly in a drizzle, without concern. However, I'm seriously considering substituting a small chute for the stock streamer. The booster unit hits hard enough to drive mud or dirt into the tube. If it landed on tar, I bet it could bend the hook. Overall, this is a great kit. The build is very quick, it flies high, and glides well with a minimum of trimming. I'd recommend it as a first boost glider for anybody.
D.K. (February 28, 2006)
I've never had a knack for hand-launching gliders, so I'm never quite sure if I've trimmed them right. I had more trouble trimming the Estes Eagle than most gliders. Even after adding all the included nose weight, it still seemed to stall, but sometimes it would appear to recover just before it reached the ground. The slightest cross breeze would send it cart-wheeling sideways. The Eagle boosted straight on a B6-4, and ejected horizontally at apogee. The glider stalled and dived, stalled and dived all the way down. It hit the ice nose first, bounced, and was recovered with no damage. The shoulder of the booster's nose cone was still attached to the shock cord, but the rest of the cone was missing. The plastic cement joint had failed. I've cloned older Estes boost gliders successfully, but I've been less than impressed with their recent gliders. Edmonds gliders perform better, and are easier to build and trim.
D.K. (March 13, 2006)
P.S. I forgot to mention - the directions suggest coloring the stab with a marker. I tried a Sanford Permanent Marker (Magnum 44) but it dissolved the foam. I switched to a Sharpie, and it was fine.

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