Semroc Centurion

Semroc - Centurion {Kit} (KV-40)

Contributed by John Lee

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 1.64 inches
Manufacturer: Semroc
Skill Level: 2
Style: Clone, Sport

This rocket is a retro-repro, arrr, 18mm, standard 4FNC rocket with baffle ejection and dual parachute recovery system.

T' balsa sheet was within t' instructions and was broken in many places parallel t' t' grain. Aye aye! Begad! One fin be broken into 2 pieces, t' other three were broken into three pieces each. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! Let me hasten t' add, I am NOT blamin' Semroc for this. This rocket be sittin' near t' bottom o' a rather substantial pile o' other level one rockets. Avast! I suspect that is be me own careless handlin' that caused this.

Since other reviewers have listed t' individual parts, shiver me timbers, I will nay do so again. Begad! Construction was supposed t' begin with t' traditional motor mount. For me, construction began with me attempts t' repair t' broken fins. Avast, me proud beauty! Fortunately, all t' breaks were very clean. I used thin CA and they were soon ready t' go and probably stronger than before.

Will that done, all t' parts were present and accounted for and I be ready t' begin in earnest. Begad! That brings us back t' t' motor mount. Begad! It was a farily standard affair. T' hook is set in t' provided slit and taped into place. Begad! Blimey! A thrust rin' is glued into t' forward end and t' centerin' rings are glued into place.

Next up be assembly o' t' ejection baffle. Blimey! This be t' first baffle I have ever tried t' build or use. Aye aye! Ya scallywag! It comes as a standard part o' t' kit. Arrr! T' two baffle rings are removed from their sheet and t' hole are punched out. Avast, me proud beauty! The forward baffle also has a small slit which is used t' fasten t' shock cord. Ahoy! Begad! T' supplied cord is a length o' sewing elastic. Ahoy! It is nay particularly long but certainly servicable. Arrr! I decided t' use 2 feet o' Keelhaul®©™® to attach t' t' baffle. Well, blow me down! This be nay because I doubted t' baffle's ability t' work. Begad! I just like long recovery trains. I will use t' elastic as well. semroc_centurion_baffleT' Keelhaul®©™® was fed through t' hole and knotted a few times t' prevent it from pullin' through. Begad! T' tail was then laid flat across the back o' t' baffle and glued down with yellow glue. I gave it a couple o' coats.

Then thar be t' matter o' gluin' t' baffles t' t' ends o' t' coupler tube. Begad! This be done with yellow glue as well. Arrr! I was interested t' see that t' baffles sit on t' shoulder o' t' coupler and nay within it. This makes sense but I had always pictured in me mind that they sat within.

T' rocket airframe consists o' two tubes connected t' each otehr by means o' t' coupler housin' t' baffle. Avast! Care must be taken so that t' baffles are centered correctily and t' coupler will actually fit into t' BTs. Blimey! Ya scallywag! Once they fit, it is an easy matter t' glue t' two sections together. Avast, me proud beauty! Ahoy! Two things need t' be remembered. T' direction o' t' the baffle and therefore t' shockcord matters. Also, me hearties, t' instructions suggest layin' t' assembled airframe down and rollin' it around once it is assemble t' make sure it is straight.

semroc_centurion_motormountAccordin' t' t' instructions, me hearties, t' next step is t' mount the fins. Since I wanted t' use me Art Rose fin jig, I elected t' install t' motor mount first. T' jig depends upon the motor mount t' recieve t' mandrel. Ahoy! Some glue be swabbed in, t' mount pushed part o' t' way in, matey, some more glue placed and t' mount be slid home.

I need nay have bothered with t' jig. I did nay set t' screws properly and t' result was an abomination. Well, blow me down! It will no doubt fly and is probably nay too noticable from a distance but lookin' at t' result makes me cringe. Avast, me proud beauty! It reminds me o' some o' me worst effots as a kid.

Despite me disappointment with t' fins, I plugged away at t' Centurion. Ahoy! T' rocket was filled and sealed with Elmer's FNF® and then sanded smooth. Arrr! Arrr! I then primed it with two coats o' white and gave it another sanding.

semroc_centurion_nakedT' sandin' be followed by 2 coats o' gloss white which went down smoothly enough. Ya scallywag! When t' white had a chance t' dry, me bucko, I masked t' lower body from t' couplin' o' t' 2 BTs and sprayed the upper body with gloss black. I gave t' upper body 2 coats as well.

When I peeled back t' masking, I was both elated and disappointed. Arrr! I was elated because, for t' first time, arrr, I had gotten a perfect masking. There be no leakage at all and t' change was crisp and professional. Well, me bucko, blow me down! That bummed me out because it seemed wasted on a rocket whose fins I had hashed so badly.

T' decals are a simple affair but they are very effective. Arrr! Blimey! They consisted o' 2 Centurion logos and 4 red stripes. T' Centurion logos went on just fine. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! T' decal material is o' good quality and I had no problems. Arrr! T' stripes were a bit different.

Two o' t' stripes are intended t' be joined together t' make one circuit about t' BT just below t' black paint. There is more than enough material t' do so. Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down! Blimey! T' other two stripes are t' be placed on either side o' a single fin. They were long for t' purpose and had t' be trimmed t' fit.

If I had me choice, t' wrap around stripe would have been a single unit and t' fin stripes would have been the right length t' begin with. Begad! Begad! That may be picky but it is me opinion. T' decals improved t' look o' t' rocket marvelously.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

T' recommended motors for this rocket are t' A8-3, B6-4 and C6-5. I decided t' start small as is me usual practice. I loaded up an A8-3. That was nay t' best o' choices. Well, blow me down! I also added a bit o' dog barf since this was me first experience with a baffle. Blimey! It climbed t' a startlingly low altitude, me bucko, stopped and started t' come down. Ahoy! Avast! About 20 feet up, the ejection charge went off but t' chute did nay have time t' open. Arrr! I got a nice little core sample but thar be no real damage.

T' second flight was on a B6-4. This was a good flight. Begad! It went up straight, arrr, t' chute deployed at apogee and it came down gently. Ya scallywag! This time I tried it without any dog barf and t' baffles worked fine.

T' third flight be on a C6-5. Ahoy! Avast! This too was a good flight and recovery. Well, blow me down! It had a bit o' weathercockin' but landed near t' pad.

This rocket should nay be flown on an A motor... Avast! period. Blimey! I should have been able t' figure that out for myself. That bein' said, it does well on a B and very well on a C. T' baffle works great and t' rocket looks good... Ahoy! Ahoy! if you get the fins on right. I didn't, but it still flew well.

PROs: good launch, ya bilge rat, easy prep
CONs: A8-3 does nay belong on t' motor list.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

This is a nice rocket. Begad! It looks good and is easy t' build. Begad! Aye aye! It is fairly forgivin' and fles great.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Semroc Centurion By Ron Wirth (July 12, 2007)

    Brief: The Centurion is another nice addition in the Semroc Retro-Repro series of rockets. For being a 4FNC rocket, it has some cool extras, namely the dual chutes, ejection baffle and shape of the laser cut fins that lead me to purchasing this rocket. I really like the curved portion of the fin at the rear of the rocket. Construction: This kit comes with 2 sections of body ...

  • Semroc Centurion By Chan Stevens (June 7, 2007)

    Brief: The original Centurion was introduced in 1970 by Centuri and was one of the first rockets to introduce an ejection baffle system, eliminating the need for recovery wadding. This is good for long, slow flights, and a nice flier. Construction: The parts list: Balsa nose cone 2 ST-16 body tubes 4 Laser-cut balsa fins 18mm motor kit 2 12" plastic ...

  • Semroc Centurion By Bill Eichelberger (May 31, 2007)

    Brief: Originally a Centuri kit circa 1971-77, the Centurion was perfectly sized to fit in with the Estes Big Bertha and Semroc Vega. With 18mm power and an ejection baffle that all but eliminated the need for recovery wadding, the Centurion was another choice in the crowded field of skill level one birds that were perfect for flights from smaller fields. The Semroc version also ...



H.C.M. (June 18, 2007)
A great kit, my review would agree with everything the reviewer wrote. Only one small problem from my end. The red stripe decals provided weren't quite long enough to go completely around the main body tube. It took some "piecing" together of two stripe decals. Not a big deal, but might be trouble for a younger modeler inexperienced with decals.

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