ARA Press Saucer Fleet

ARA Press - Saucer Fleet {Book}

Contributed by Dick Stafford

Manufacturer: ARA Press
(Contributed - by Dick Stafford - 11/16/09)ARA Saucer Fleet

T' Saucer Fleet be t' latest release from Jack Hagerty and Jon Rogers o' Spaceship Handbook fame. This 330 page hard-cover book features detailed information on famous flyin' saucers depicted on t' big screen, television and print, me hearties, including:

T' book can be viewed as an adjunct t' T' Spaceship Handbook, matey, which conspicuously omitted saucers. Avast! In his intro, Jack notes that these saucers don't exactly fit there, as they haven't contributed t' t' history o' the spacecraft. Avast! But then, me hearties, neither do items like t' Josie’s Spaceship (from Josie and t' Pussycats), which was featured in T' Handbook. Begad! Well, blow me down! I for one think that they do have their place, shiver me timbers, even if only in me imagination, matey, since t' real world versions haven't panned out (for example, me hearties, arrr, see me post on the Pye Wacket). Ya scallywag! Be that as it may, matey, ya bilge rat, I think saucers are cool and am happy Jack and Jon gave us this book. (BTW, I liked Josie’s Spaceship.)

T' presentation is similar t' that in T' Handbook, me bucko, including: a background section that sets the historical context; a summary o' t' story; a description o' t' subject vehicle includin' a detailed, dimensioned drawings; background on where t' authors got their data; and, shiver me timbers, finally, an epilogue with t' author's comments. Aye aye! Avast, matey, me proud beauty! The whole thin' is packed with photos. Blimey! New t' this work, many o' t' drawings also provide interior details. Begad! There are some modeler's notes, arrr, ya bilge rat, but these are pretty much limited t' t' kits that have been produced.

In his forward, me hearties, Dr. Begad! Phil "Bad Astronomer" Plait says t' book is a biography o' these shows. Avast! It is that and more. Ahoy! T' present that biography, t' authors first delve into t' history and sociology behind t' UFO craze, which continues t' this day. Arrr! Ya scallywag! T' saucers in t' book were motivated by that phenomenon and undoubtedly did their part t' fuel it on. Arrr! I actually found this t' be one o' t' more interestin' aspects o' t' book. Arrr! Note that this book is about flying saucers (known entities created by our imaginations) and nay UFO's (unknown entities that may really exist, matey, but whose origin is in dispute).

T' historical and story summaries were also interesting. Begad! One o' t' cool things was t' see how these classics influenced later sci-fi works. There is even an occasional discussion about t' real science behind t' fictitious technology. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down! I now know what a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is. Begad! And how much energy would be released if t' strong force holdin' your atoms together was abruptly released. Cool, huh? It was also really neat t' get a recap o' features like I love like T' Day t' Earth Stood Still and Lost is Space. I'd like t' see them again now that I have read t' book. Aye aye! Blimey!

While t' saucer descriptions and diagrams were t' main thin' I originally wanted from t' book, they actually were a small part o' t' whole. Well, blow me down! Blimey! There is nay much material available on t' saucers and what thar be is usually inconsistent. Aye aye! T' authors performed a lot o' photogrammetry and often had t' resort t' supposition, me bucko, and extrapolation. It's clear they really did their homework t' dig out details about these ships. Begad! T' results are t' most detailed plans available on these saucers. Ya scallywag! Blimey! (Actually, arrr, matey, me bucko, that statement may have some supposition on me part too.)

T' 'archeological' reports and and epilogues were o' mixed interest t' me. In general, t' detailed analysis of t' t' interiors o' these spacecraft were a bit much. T' main benefit o' this detail is twofold. Begad! First, detailed sci-fi modelers will understand what they are modelin' second, scale modelers in general will understand how develop plans from photographic sources. Aye aye! Ahoy! T' epilogues also went into more detail on t' movies influence, matey, shiver me timbers, both in terms o' the story lines as well as t' physical props.

I found t' book interesting, but mainly nay in ways I had expected. I think that it will appeal mostly t' sci-fi buffs and fans o' t' subject shows. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! T' drawings will be useful t' sci-fi modelers but many can be used for flying models as well. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! However, matey, since ours fly upward instead o' sideways, t' non-symmetrical ones would be problematic. But if you want scale points for your saucer, ya bilge rat, t' book will be very useful.

While I really liked t' read, me hearties, arrr, this will have less influence on me buildin' t' T' Spaceship Handbook and t' latter is a better buy for t' sport rocketeer. Thus, I'm havin' a hard time assignin' a numeric ratin' t' this book. Ahoy! If you are interested in t' subject material, me bucko, it's a '4'. Blimey! Begad! If t' criteria is a direct comparison t' The Handbook or Rockets o' t' World, shiver me timbers, me hearties, then t' score would be lower. Aye aye! I'm tendin' nay t' mix apples and oranges and go with t' higher rating. Arrr!

I hope it says enough t' allow prospective readers t' determine if this this book is for them. I want t' extend my sincere thanks t' Jack for sponsorin' t' "Rocket Family" photo contest, me bucko, Nick for honchoin' it and o' course those who thought me Fireball XL5 family was worthy.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • ARA Press Saucer Fleet By James Gartrell (February 10, 2009)

    Brief: Jack Hagerty and Jon Rogers newest book, The Saucer Fleet, is just outstanding. Seriously! I could hardly put it down once I started reading. It is every bit as good as the Spaceship Handbook. It’s a different subject, of course, but Jack and Jon wrap up the flying saucers in their own unique veil. The approach to presenting them really is fascinating. We got hints about it in the ...

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