Estes Renegade-D

Estes - Renegade-D {Kit} (2410)

Contributed by Gregg Discenza

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Published: 2010-07-17
Diameter: 1.64 inches
Length: 26.60 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 3
Style: Futuristic/Exotic

Estes Renegade-D

T' latest incarnation o' t' Estes Renegade kit has changed t' rocket from a 2-stage t' a single-stage, probably because o' t' booster stage's tendency t' semi-glide recover at a rather high rate o' speed. My daughter chose t' kit at t' local hobby shop, because "lots o' fins are cool, daddy!"

I have been impressed with t' quality I have been seein' from t' newer Skill 2 or higher kits from Estes, me hearties, me bucko, with one main gripe, arrr, that bein' t' shock cord length and mounting.

T' instructions are straightforward, with line drawings, arrr, a fin alignment template, and t' standard wraparound tube markin' guides t' be cut out o' t' instruction booklet.

I built t' motor mount first, and added an 18" length o' Keelhaul®©™ cord I had in me parts kit, me bucko, which I tied around t' motor mount tube betwixt t' centerin' rings and pressed into t' glue fillet on t' underside o' t' forward ring. Arrr! While that dried, I constructed t' add-on pods from t' tubes and nose cones accordin' t' t' instructions.

Fin assembly went rather quickly, once I realized that white glue is best suited for fillets after t' medium CA has made t' initial bond. Begad! Once t' fin fillets were dry, me hearties, I added t' fin pods, again startin' with medium CA and filletin' with white glue.

T' motor mount tube was then installed into t' aft body tube, shiver me timbers, a holdover from when t' Renegade was a 2-stage, as t' aft tube was just long enough t' contain t' motor mount and half o' a tube connector.

As t' aft tube assembly was drying, ya bilge rat, I mounted t' fins t' t' main BT, again with CA then white glue fillets. Begad! Once everythin' was dry, I connected t' two body tubes together. Avast, me proud beauty! I noticed that the engine hook extended beyond t' rearmost extension o' t' lower fins, shiver me timbers, so I trimmed t' large easy-pull tab down t' a short nub t' allow t' model t' stand on t' three large aft fins. Last, I stuffed t' included clay nose weight into t' nosecone usin' a long dowel section. Blimey! Ahoy! I worried that it wouldn't stick under power, shiver me timbers, arrr, but it hasn't yet moved.

I sprayed t' rocket with white double-thick primer, me bucko, then sanded and sprayed with el-cheapo Wal-Mart red, since that be what color me daughter chose. 2 more coats o' red, with light sandin' between, me bucko, and t' model was ready for t' decals. Begad! Aye aye! I have t' give Estes a plus here for t' quality o' t' water-slide decals included. Begad! After me (bad) experience with stickers on me last Estes kit, arrr, I was pleasantly surprised t' see t' water-slides here. Ahoy! After t' decals went on, I shot a quick clear coat, and we were ready t' fly.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

I brought t' red Renegade-D t' t' monthly NOVAAR launch in Great Meadow, matey, and sent it up first on t' recommended D12-5, shiver me timbers, t' only motor listed for this kit. Arrr! Blimey! Perfect boost, nearly straight up with a little weather cocking, me bucko, and t' ejection kicked just at apogee. Ya scallywag! T' chute didn't want t' completely unfurl, me hearties, but t' rocket landed with no damage in t' grass. Aye aye! Aye aye! Blimey! T' second flight, on an E20-7, took off like a scalded goose, coasted over, matey, and blew t' engine out o' t' mount when t' ejection charge blew. Luckily t' chute also popped, me hearties, but it got hung up on t' fins and didn't open until about 25 feet from t' ground. Again, shiver me timbers, zero damage recovery, but it was a bit hair-raisin' watchin' it flat-spin out o' t' sky. Aye aye! I repacked t' rocket with some dog barf, installed t' chute, and put in another D12-5. T' wind had picked up a bit by now, me hearties, so t' rod be slightly angled into t' wind. Avast, me proud beauty! T' rocket launched and soared up with no corkscrewin' at all, shiver me timbers, me bucko, and recovery popped just barely past apogee. Arrr! Avast, me proud beauty! T' chute opened up, me bucko, me bucko, and it landed about 40 feet from t' launch pad. Ahoy! Ahoy! I must agree with t' manufacturer that t' D12-5 be t' perfect engine for this kit. Ya scallywag! I am now a dog barf fan also, me hearties, me hearties, much easier t' fill t' big tubes than standard recovery wadding.

As stated, arrr, I ignored t' stock Estes tri-fold mount and instead wrapped Keelhaul®©™ cord around t' MMT, and tied t' rubber-band shock cord t' that.

With t' recommended motor, shiver me timbers, ejection is perfectly timed, and t' chute (when it opens) is a good size that t' rocket comes down without too much drift and without any damage if you are fortunate enough t' have a grass landin' field.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

Now that nobody is likely t' get hurt with a ballistic trajectory booster stage, me bucko, arrr, me hearties, I think Estes has a winnin' kit with t' repackaged Renegade-D. Ahoy! All t' cub scouts were starin' and chatterin' about t' red rocket with all t' fins, and many o' t' adults were interested t' see how this model would fly. Blimey! I intend t' find out how many times this bird will fly.

If Estes changed 3 things, arrr, this would be "T' Perfect Kit":

1) Keelhaul®©™ cord mounted t' t' MMT

2) Longer shock cord that does nay make me think 'rubber band'

3) Rip-Stop Nylon parachute

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Estes Renegade-D By Jeff Boldig (January 20, 2015)

    This was a neat kit of a space ship type rocket.  It included lots of fins and large pods on the end of the largest fins. Components The parts were typical Estes kit.  Everything went together well and the instructions were typical for Estes kits.   /h2 This went together quite well.  I did add a piece of Kevlar for the shock cord.  It was ...



John R, Brandon III (November 26, 2010)

I had two of the old two-stage Renegades, one of which had a three-motor cluster in the booster and a streamer in each pod. Lost my nerve and never flew it. Aside from the "semi-glide" recovery style of the booster, this rocket also suffers from the Krushnik Effect...caused by the recessed motor nozzle.

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