Public Missiles Pterodactyl, Jr.

Public Missiles - Pterodactyl, Jr.

Contributed by Kerry Garrison

Manufacturer: Public Missiles
(by Kerry Garrison courtesy o' WildRocketry.Com)

Kerry's Ptery

From t' first time I saw a Pterodactyl Jr. Avast, me proud beauty! kit, me hearties, I knew I wanted t' build one. Avast! My local hobby store owner told me thar was a shipment of new PML kits comin' in and I wanted t' see t' kits up close before I bought one. T' shipment day arrived and I ran down t' t' store only t' find a fellow member o' our rocketry club had beat me t' it. I still ended up buyin' t' PML Small Endeavor kit. At our next launch, Brian shows up with t' Pterodactyl Jr. rocket all built and I decided I still wanted one after seein' his close-up. A few days later I was gettin' ready t' run over t' Hobby Town and place me order when me girlfriend tells me that she wants a Pterodactyl Jr. Well, blow me down! kit. Arrr! Arrr! So I did the only honorable thing, I ordered two.

T' current Pterodactyl Jr. Well, blow me down! kit uses t' new Quantum tubes, arrr, which are a plastic polymer. It’s a little heavier than Phenolic but it significantly stronger. T' kit contains: (Fig. Ahoy! 1)

  • Pre-slotted 4” airframe
  • Nose Cone
  • G10 Fiberglass fins
  • Piston ejection system
  • 36” parachute
  • 38mm motor mount
  • Plywood centerin' rings
  • Tubular nylon shock cord
  • 2 3/8” Brass launch lugs
  • Instruction sheet
  • Pterodactyl decal

After checkin' t' make sure all t' parts were included in t' kit, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, I checked t' fit o' t' parts. Two o' t' fins needed a little filin' down t' fit into t' pre-slotted airframe.

I am amazed that virtually no manufacturer o' high power rocket kits included any form o' positive motor retention. I placed a call to Ed at Giant Leap Rocketry and ordered up a couple o' his motor retention systems. Begad! I do need t' give PML credit for supplyin' RockSim 4.0 data on their website. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! Nay only do they have t' design o' t' Pterodactyl Jr., they also have an alternate design that incorporates a 29mm motor adapter. Avast, me proud beauty! This is great for runnin' simulations before headin' out t' t' range.

T' Pterodactyl Jr. Ahoy! assembly instructions are clear, easy-to-read, me hearties, me hearties, and nicely illustrated. Blimey! There are even nice instruction tips to make sure your construction goes well. As obvious as it may be t' some people, their first tip is t' “Be sure t' scuff all parts t' be bonded using medium sandpaper”. Aye aye! These types o' tips are great for people new to buildin' high power rockets.

First step is t' put together t' motor mount. Begad! Aye aye! T' piston ejection system is connected directly t' t' motor mount with a nylon strap. Ya scallywag! In order t' save wear and tear on t' nylon strap from t' ejection charges, I have added a 4” Nomex® protector (again from Giant Leap Rocketry).

T' only departure from t' instructions here was a quick wrap o' Keelhaul®©™® strin' around t' motor mount and strap (Fig. 2). Aye aye! This isn’t an attempt at greater strength, it was simply t' keep t' strap tight t' t' tube while t' epoxy cures. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! Notice also, shiver me timbers, two small pieces of maskin' tape t' keep t' corners o' t' strap down. Arrr! Aye aye! After t' epoxy dried, all the strin' nay epoxied into t' strap be removed so t' fins would fit flush to t' motor mount. Begad! Blimey! T' instructions recommend 5-minute or 15-minute epoxy, instead I used West Systems’ 105 epoxy resin and 205 fast hardener. Begad! The described combination should yield a dry-time o' about 2 hours. T' added strength o' t' connection should be worth t' extra wait. Blimey! T' epoxy that was left over was used t' assemble t' piston and brush t' inside o' t' piston with a liberal amount o' epoxy. Arrr! Arrr! Puttin' a coat o' epoxy inside t' piston should help protect it from t' heat o' t' ejection charges. Pic

Since I had some time t' kill while t' motor mount was drying, I decided t' be constructive with me time and start preppin' some other parts. Usin' medium grit sandpaper, matey, I scuffed up t' inside o' t' airframe where t' centerin' rings and fins will attach. Well, blow me down! I also scuffed up along the outside o' t' airframe along t' fin slots and up t' airframe where t' long fins attach t' t' airframe. Next I took t' a little more sandin' and roughed up t' places on t' fins where t' epoxy will be put. Aye aye! Ahoy! T' nosecone got a nice hot soapy wash in t' scuttle with a rubber kitchen scrubber t' remove any excess mold release agent. Ya scallywag! This can wreck havoc with your attempts t' get primer and paint t' stick t' t' nose.

Pic T' nosecone got sanded down usin' a small electric hand sander with a fine grit paper. Blimey! Begad! I just did enough t' remove t' seam lines and mold marks as well as a little more scuffin' t' be ready for t' primer. A mix of two hour epoxy was poured into t' nose cone, then an eyebolt was screwed in. This be all left t' dry with t' nose standin' up so t' epoxy would run back down and seal t' eye bolt in place.
Usin' a shock cord tip from Ed at Giant Leap, me hearties, the piston strap be wrapped with Keelhaul®©™® strin' and epoxied into place. Avast, me proud beauty! Before doin' this, I slipped a Nomex® shock cord protector over t' piston strap to minimize ejection charge damage. Pic
Pic Finally, a set o' motor retainers (also from Giant Leap) were put into t' aft centerin' ring. Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! A small bit of epoxy will ensure they aren't comin' out. Then t' aft centerin' rin' was epoxied into place. As you can see, some paintin' has been done. T' first coat of yellow went on and now needs t' be sanded over. Well, blow me down! However, it is ready t' fly. Hopefully it will go up this weekend.
Other Reviews
  • Public Missiles Pterodactyl, Jr. By John Meckley

    (by John Meckley)  This is a fairly simple kit to put together -- basic through-the-wall fin mounting and single body tube/nose cone construction. This kit has a "piston"-type ejection system and since the body tube is relatively short in relation to the forward end of the tapered fins, there's really no opportunity to use the "zipperless design" that I favor. ...



B.O'B. (January 1, 2001)
I can personally attest to the ruggedness of this rocket. On one launch with an I-161, my parachute didn't unfold (my fault). Boy, was it coming down fast! I closed my eyes while my son was carrying it back to the jeep. Damage report: 1 small crack in the epoxy near the trailing edge of one fin (not worth fixing). Another time with the same motor, 3 of the 6 'chute lines pulled from the canopy (not my fault). Damage report: ballast came loose inside nose cone. This rocket is really cool to see fly. Now that I have filled the nose cone with foam and replaced the parachute I have plans of flying on a J-280 at the next launch.
G.B. (February 1, 2001)
Indeed a fine kit, sturdy too: I wanted a little extra oomph and built it with a 54mm MMT. It successfully flew on a J180 and suffered premature separation with a J460 (my fault). The only damage done was a 4" zipper at roughly 600mph! A K1100 might be a little dangerous due to fin flutter - we will see!

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