LOC/Precision LOC-IV

LOC/Precision - LOC IV {Kit} (PK-48) [1985-]

Contributed by Chris Kiekens

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Diameter: 4.00 inches
Length: 47.50 inches
Manufacturer: LOC/Precision
Style: Sport

LOC/Precision-LOC IVBrief:
An easy t' build 3FNC rocket, shiver me timbers, matey, built for me first shot with a reloadable motor.

T' kit contains a 4" kraft paper body tube, two centerin' rings (plywood) included, nose cone, matey, 36" chute, me bucko, shiver me timbers, elastic shock cord, 3 plywood fins, arrr, 29mm motor mount, arrr, me bucko, me bucko, and a 1/4" Launch Lug.

This be a really easy kit t' build. Blimey! Avast! I spoke t' LOC briefly regardin' the fins, me hearties, as they don't use TTW construction. Ya scallywag! I be concerned, but was told that durin' testin' t' TTW fins were crushin' t' motor tube on hard impacts. Begad! Who am I t' argue? I have faith in Barry, matey, so I built t' fins "stock". Blimey! I used an eyebolt for t' shock cord, arrr, and added a couple o' feet o' strap nylon to boot. Well, blow me down! I didn't look too closely at t' instructions, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, so I couldn't testify as t' their accuracy. Ahoy! Havin' built several kits before, this looked t' be a straightforward construction job. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! Per typical LOC style, everythin' fit in its place, arrr, and required no coaxing. I left t' aft centerin' rin' off till t' end to give t' small fin tabs a good once over with epoxy on t' inside o' the body tube. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty!

I used nothin' but epoxy for construction, and tried Elmer's Fill 'N Finish for t' first time.

If I were t' add anythin' t' this kit, me bucko, it would be another centerin' rin' (I added one) and eyebolt for t' shock cord.

I am still learnin' different ways t' remove t' spirals, and I came mighty close this time. Ya scallywag! I expect that me next effort will get rid o' them entirely. T' Elmer's Fill 'N Finish was t' closest I came t' entirely fillin' the spiral's yet. Blimey! T' rocket looked great when it was done. Begad! Arrr! Some decals would have been nice, but I suppose that no decals gives you t' opportunity t' be creative in your finish as well. I had planned t' get some vinyl cut for it, but t' day after it was built, me bucko, me hearties, t' conditions were great for a launch, matey, so up it went! I liked t' rocket so much when it be finished that I took it t' a local automotive paint shop for a final finish. They painted it for free, and did an awesome job! Gloss paint sure does show up a lack o' finishin' skills!

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

LOC/Precision-LOC IVFlight:
T' only motors I was willin' t' fly this day were G75 black jack motors. Blimey! I sure love t' smoke! As I said, this was me first shot with a reloadable, and never havin' seen it done, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, I was concerned that thar may be more t' it than it seemed. Avast! Especially after seein' sooo many people on RMR suggestin' that you get someone else t' show you t' first time. No problem, I hope it isn't just luck, and they continue t' be easy for me. Aye aye! Aye aye!

I used cornstarch packin' material for wadding, matey, and added some machine threads t' t' aft CR for motor retention, ya bilge rat, along with a bolt, ya bilge rat, and a washer. Well, blow me down! I installed one on either side o' t' motor tube, shiver me timbers, but only put one in for the flight. Arrr! T' rocket went together without issue, me hearties, and on t' t' pad. I can count the number o' AP motors I have burned so far on me fingers, shiver me timbers, me hearties, usually I only have BP t' burn.

It took what seemed like forever t' light t' motor, matey, some smoke started to trickle out o' t' hole cut in t' red cap, shiver me timbers, matey, and I held me breath... Begad! Then it took off, and up and GAHN! Great flight, ya bilge rat, matey, slight wind cock, me bucko, but it was a little windy. Begad! It landed in t' worst possible location, with soy fields all around, arrr, it chose t' road t' land on. It suffered minor fin damage, arrr, and lots o' scratches to t' beautiful paint job! Hmm, matey, me bucko, me bucko, maybe I should ask for a refund on t' paint job! T' fins stayed on just fine, shiver me timbers, and will be easily repaired (only aesthetic boo-boos anyway). Arrr! T' short delay (6 seconds) seemed about right, matey, and t' chute popped just after apogee.

T' shock cord that was supplied was used in flight. Blimey! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! I added 3 feet o' strap nylon t' it, which I attached t' an eyebolt with a quick link. Begad! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! T' eyebolt was on t' forward centerin' ring, along with 2 washers, arrr, and two nuts t' hold it tight. Blimey! Blimey! Realizin' that I would nay be able t' get inside t' tighten t' nut ever again, I doused it with epoxy prior t' installin' t' centerin' ring. Arrr! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! T' corn starch peanut packin' material seemed t' do t' job, ya bilge rat, as I used all o' the supplied BP, arrr, matey, and thar was nay a scorch or burn on anything. Begad! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! It drifted for awhile, and nay surprisingly, hit t' ground! Blimey! It ended up about 1000 feet away from t' pad, where it was recovered by t' enthusiastic young guy I brought along for t' task o' runnin' after it.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

T' price o' this kit was great. Begad! Blimey! I picked it up from Hobbylinc for just over $50(US), me bucko, anythin' I added was on t' floor in t' basement, so $50 is about what it cost me. I hate it when $50 becomes $100 durin' t' build! Blimey! I can't think o' one bad thin' t' say about this kit, other than I wish it was twins! Blimey!

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

Other Reviews
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    This kit was my Junior. Level 1 and I must say it is a beautiful kit. Some people say this rocket is not good for certifications due to the fact that the fins hang below the body. But, unless you land on concrete or desert, these fins are hard to break off. This kit is four-feet tall, four-inches in diameter and, coincidentally, my finished weight was four pounds. I tend to build heavy and ...

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J.S. (November 1, 1999)
This is was my first High Power Rocket and my certification project (Level 1). Loc makes great kits and the transition to HPR is easy. The review is thorough and quite accurate in many respects, as the model will benefit from reinforcing the fin joints w/either with epoxy/FG on the fillet or better yet, extending larger fins thru the BT to the Motor mount. The fins extend below the bottom of the BT and "butt strikes" (even under canopy) tend to crack the fin joint loose. (My LOC IV needed fin reinforcing after each flight). I would like to know if anyone experienced this problem: On my first flight I used an Aerotech G55, which really put it up there, but the ejection heat must have damaged the stock white cardboard motor tube.... I couldn't get the Vulcan H100ss to fit for my next flight (certifiction) as the tube had collapsed somewhere ahead of the G55. So much for certifying that day. I extracted the whole works inside and replaced the stock kit motor tube with much sturdier stronger phenolic tube... no problem now!
M.K. (April 1, 2000)
Although I enjoy flying this rocket, I am disappointed by the fin design (true of all Loc/Prec models I have built). What would a few more centimeters of wood cost on the fin tabs? My Loc IV has been repaired every time I fly it, it is truly an epoxy sculpture. I guess I could 'glass the fins, but I really don't want to redo my paint job. My advice- if your looking for a 4" model to get into high power, check out Public Missiles instead. Their stuff is virtually indestructible.
S.F. (January 1, 2001)
The LOC IV was my first attempt into mid power rockets. I assembled the kit as per instructions and it was very easy to build. My rocket landed in a tree on its second flight, and broke a fin at the joint, despite glue fillets. I brought the rocket back home and used 2 oz. fiberglass and finish cure 20 min epoxy to reinforce the fins. This has made the fins extremely durable and the rocket is an outstanding flier on a RMS G64-4. To reinforce the fins, I first epoxied them into place and let them dry. Them I cut a piece of glass cloth slightly bigger than the area to be covered. I went down one fin, over the body tube and up the other fin. Then I repeated this until all fins were glassed.  after the cloth was cut, I mixed enough epoxy to cover all surfaces I was immediately working with. Then I carefully laid the cloth on the fins and rocket and smoothed it out with a squeegee until the cloth followed all contours and flat on the fins. After this has been done to all sided, sand it smooth and apply a second coat of Finish Cure 20 min epoxy. When that is dry add the glue fillets along the fin joints let that dry and sand and paint. This is an excellent rocket for those wanting something bigger then an Estes. It is straight forward and easy to build. It is straight forward and easy to build. If you reinforce the fins the rocket will fly straight and true for a long time. The review was right on the mark. I also found the rocket to be everything the reviewer said.
R.A.V. (November 4, 2001)
The review was right on the mark. The LOC IV was an easy build and finished up real nice. As the other comments stated the fins could use some work and a heat shield would be nice for the chute. Flew great on low Aerotech G motors and that big red chute made it easy to spot as it slowly floated back down. I launched with zero wind so it didn't drift very far at all but if there was wind it would drift quite a distance I'm sure. Even with that big red chute and slow recovery speed it still popped a fin on landing. Gave it some good epoxy fillets and it should be fine.

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