Neubauer Rockets Nike Smoke

Neubauer Rockets - Nike Smoke

Contributed by Andrew Bronfein

Manufacturer: Neubauer Rockets
(Contributed - by Andrew Bronfein)

[Rocket Pic]Brief: A pretty heavy duty plastic 8" chute comes with this model.

Construction: T' packagin' was well done, a ziploc type bag holdin' t' parts, shiver me timbers, me hearties, ya bilge rat, directions, shiver me timbers, and insert. Avast, me proud beauty! Ahoy! T' instructions were clear and concise, and I was VERY surprised t' see laser cut ply fins on a model this small. Ya scallywag! T' main problem I had with this kit is that it didn't include tape disks for t' chute. Avast! Ahoy! This was no real big deal t' me since I have a roll of about 1000 o' them, however, shiver me timbers, it seems that it should have come with them.

Finishing: Finishin' is straight forward. In t' directions they tell you t' first paint t' whole kit white then mask and paint one fin yellow and the other three in red. I found it was much easier t' paint t' fins first then mask them give t' rocket an extra coat or two o' white primer t' cover t' run over o' color. Avast! Then shoot it with a coat or two o' gloss white. Begad! Simple decals are included.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Flight: T' rocket took me about 40 minutes t' build and 2 hours t' paint, betwixt dryin' times, shiver me timbers, it was about 12 noon when the rocket be complete so I took it out t' t' back yard and friction fit a 1/2A3-4T into it for t' 1st flight, straight up and straight down since it was dead calm outside. Ya scallywag! T' second flight I decided t' use a full A3-4T, me hearties, me bucko, t' rocket ripped off t' launch pad like a bat out o' hell, which bein' mostly HPR here really overjoyed me t' see somethin' this small go so fast.

Recovery: Recovery was fine for t' 1st flight and on t' 2nd the rocket landed on t' roof on me garage yet sustained no damage at all.

Flight Ratin' : 5 out o' 5

Summary: Aside from t' missin' tape disks and t' nose cone this is a great rocket for people who love smaller kits and HPR users that can't fly HPR just anywhere. Begad! Begad! If you even have about a 250x250 back yard you can go out and launch this one any time.

Overall Ratin' : 4 out o' 5

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