BSD High Power Rocketry Diablo (3")

BSD High Power Rocketry - Diablo (3") {Kit}

Contributed by Jason Vennard

Manufacturer: BSD High Power Rocketry
(by Jason Vennard - 11/21/03)

BSD DiabloBrief:
This is a downsized version o' BSD Rocketry's 4" Diablo. Begad! 3" Diameter by 26" in length qualifies it for a stubby rocket classification. Otherwise your basic 3 FNC style rocket made for mid and high power loads; a nicely versatile rocket.

Components included one body tube, matey, me hearties, nosecone, motor tube, 3 1/8" plywood fins, nylon shock cord, 10' elastic shock cord, arrr, 30" nylon parachute. Aye aye! Aye aye! Those bein' t' basics, BSD kits currently come with rail buttons and motor retention, and added bonus, nay t' mention t' incredible vinyl decals and excellent instructions.

Construction be fairly basic, arrr, startin' with t' motor tube and centering rings. 15 minute epoxy was used throughout construction on this model. Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down! The upper centerin' rin' is notched out for shock cord attachment. Avast, matey, me proud beauty! I deviated slightly here and went with Keelhaul®©™® instead o' t' supplied nylon strap. Ahoy! Avast, me proud beauty! T' bottom centerin' rin' is then drilled and blind nuts are placed into it for motor retention, shiver me timbers, all parts were supplied for this. Begad! Arrr!

Next came slottin' t' premarked body tube for t' fins, I did this the simple way with a hobby knife just takin' me time without any problems. Ya scallywag! Avast! After all t' slots were cut and I test fit them all with t' fins, arrr, t' motor tube was then inserted. Blimey! Ahoy! Instructions indicate t' glue t' whole thin' in at this time but I deviated leavin' t' aft centerin' rin' unglued, shiver me timbers, then fins were epoxied t' t' motor tube. After this I then applied internal fillets t' the fins and then epoxied in t' aft centerin' ring.

BSD Diablo BSD Diablo

Rail buttons were supplied but I went with 1/4" launch lugs due t' the fact that I don't own a rail launcher and wanted t' be able t' launch from my existin' equipment. Arrr! Blimey!

BSD Diablo Everythin' went together very well and tight, me bucko, me bucko, just a little sandin' was needed on t' centerin' rings. Instructions are on par with Estes bein' well written and well illustrated and in logical order.

Finishin' on this rocket was quite simple. Begad! T' entire rocket was primed with Krylon, arrr, allowed t' dry then painted in Krylon glossy white. Well, blow me down! T' single color paint scheme is quite simple. Begad! Begad!

Then comes t' good part: t' exceptional vinyl cut decals, which really set off from t' white rocket and give it a great look. Avast, me proud beauty! Overall very easy to accomplish and very nice looking. Ya scallywag! Begad!

Completely finished our bird weighed in at 14oz empty, me hearties, arrr, without recovery system. Blimey!

T' only thin' I would change, shiver me timbers, and this bein' personal preference is the internal fillets on t' fins and t' all Keelhaul®©™® recovery system. Avast!

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

It was late in t' season when I got this built, ya bilge rat, matey, and then we were late t' the launch so I only got one flight up with this bird. Begad! Ahoy!

We loaded up t' all Keelhaul®©™® recovery system, shiver me timbers, through just a small handful o' dogbarf waddin' in t' bottom and then loaded t' motor.

First flight was with an AT G64-7W, upon ignition t' rocket was off the pad very quickly. A very nice straight boost and it was out o' sight for my eyes. Avast!

BSD Diablo

T' nice quality nylon parachute that came with t' kit deployed and she be on the way down for a soft touchdown, luckily t' winds were minimal for us, shiver me timbers, any more wind and I think I would downsize t' chute on our rocket t' a 24" as it came in pretty light. Ya scallywag!

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

Overall another excellent kit from BSD (it was me fourth from them) and I'm hard pressed t' find anythin' wrong with these birds. Begad! Blimey!

I tend t' rate 4.5's as I don't think anythin' is perfect, but with these I can't seem t' find any problems, all parts possibly needed are included and in good shape, well fit and designed.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

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