Quest Flics

Quest - Flics {Other}

Contributed by Geoffrey Kerbel

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Quest
Rocket Pic

I just want everyone t' know that t' only reason I am doin' this review is not because I am desperate t' get one in or because I need t' points for t' on goin' contest! Maybe! It just so happens that I received this kit with a Quest QEZ at t' same time. These were graciously donated by Matt Constable from Quest at a SSS club meetin' here in Phoenix for a build session at our monthly meeting. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! This is a rocket but nay exactly a powered one as we normally think of them. Ya scallywag! This one is launched with a rubber band. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! Simple but effective. Ahoy! And now that we have had a chance t' use them, me hearties, me hearties, you may want t' rethink about getting one for yourself. Avast! Begad! I'll explain more later. Ya scallywag!

T' kit consists o' two stiff paper preprinted, pre-cut, me hearties, and pre-scored rocket halves with a small bag containin' t' launch rod, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, me bucko, rubber band and two pre-cut pieces o' stiff paper which are t' launch hook and nose weight. Begad! The instruction sheet is on t' back o' t' header card. I could go into t' boring details o' t' construction (ok, you twisted me arm enough!) Glue t' two halves together. Aye aye! Ya scallywag! Duh! Better yet, ya bilge rat, follow t' directions exactly. Aye aye! They are clear, matey, easy t' follow and get t' job done nicely! Basically, thar are three pieces t' put together and t' rocket is complete. I used Titebond II for this as well as all me other kits and it works just as well on paper as it does on wood. Arrr! DUH, what is paper made of? You could use thin CA but I would be worried that it would bleed though t' paper and ruin t' face side graphics. Begad! Well, blow me down! A nice thin coat o' regular glue does t' job nicely. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! When t' two halves are together, me bucko, add t' nose weight, wait about an hour and you should be good to launch. Aye aye! Well, blow me down! We put ours together on a Saturday and used them t' next day at our park launch t' give them plenty o' time t' set up.

Kit Kit

This is a very easy t' assemble kit with excellent parts and well versed instructions. Well, blow me down! Avast, me proud beauty! I give it a 5 for a well done kit and a 5 on ease of construction.

There were no con's on this kit, ya bilge rat, matey, except for t' question o' why you would even want t' do it in t' first place. However, ya bilge rat, me bucko, after usin' it, you will quickly see all o' t' pro's o' havin' one.

No finishin' is required. Well, blow me down! Avast! (Now thar's a change I can deal with!) When completed, it does look surprisin' good and is actually slightly taller than my ancient Sprite!

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Now this is where things got interesting! We had gone t' our favorite B6-4 field t' lite some regular BP and brought t' Fliss kits along just t' try them and forget them.

Well that didn't happen! I started t' set up t' regular launch platforms while t' two boys moved out into t' field t' shoot t' Shredders. After remindin' them t' NOT shoot them at me or each other, I went about me business of set up and was smartly distracted by t' shouts and laughter comin' from the middle o' t' field. After watchin' t' boys, me bucko, I grabbed me Fliss and joined them in t' fun. Blimey! Yes, FUN! After usin' up t' novelty o' shootin' them straight up into t' air, me bucko, (yes they fly beautifully up and down), matey, we started t' use them for a spot landin' contest. Here is where they are an absolute blast t' use! We picked a spot on t' field and tried t' shoot them t' it. At first we were tryin' t' go too far and after findin' a suitable range, we were really bombing the target. Well, blow me down! T' best part was we could walk t' t' target spot, ya bilge rat, me hearties, retrieve the rocket and them shoot them back from where we launched them. Begad! Hey, no recovery walk! We then started t' shorten t' target distance so that they were going straight up into t' air, while still tryin' t' land in t' target area. Obviously you need a grass field for this and various dark or light areas become your target areas. You could also put an actual target on t' ground and try for that.

As it happened, we spent so much time playin' with t' Fliss rockets, me bucko, we ran out o' light t' do our regular launch! WOW, that was FUN!!!!!

After almost thirty or so launches with each o' t' three rockets, thar was very little wear and very minor din' damage on any o' them. T' paper is very thick and if your recovery area is soft, you should get hundreds o' flights out of this one. Even t' launch lug was holdin' up very well. Arrr!

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

We couldn't find any con's and t' pro's are many! There has t' be many more ways t' use this rocket and t' launch costs are only two or three bottles of water or a Poweraid or two! Nay bad for a few hours o' fun!

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

This may nay seem like much o' a rocket and very limited in what it can do but remember it becomes what YOU make o' it. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! As for us, we now include them with all o' our regular stuff!


J.R.T. (September 4, 2005)
I've built one of the Flics rockets, but haven't flown it yet. And btw, Matt's last name is Costabile. :)
G.M.K. (September 18, 2005)
My apologies to Matt!! I pushed the send button before I realized I should have checked the spelling of his last name. Thanks for the correction.
D.K. (March 13, 2006)
Launch your Fliks into the wind. Whenever I launched with the wind, my Flik went unstable, but with the wind, it was fine. Also, stay away from trees...

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