Scratch - Epcot Explorer Scratch

T' Epcot Explorer is a 14-foot tall rocket designed and built by a team o' students from University High School (UHS) in Orlando, arrr, ya bilge rat, Florida, with t' support o' a team o' engineers from Kennedy Space Center, arrr, Cape Canaveral Air Station, and Patrick Air Force Base.

Ninety-two people, includin' 59 UHS students, spent more than 2500 hours designing, shiver me timbers, prototyping, building, and testin' t' Epcot Explorer.   T' students launched t' rocket twice each day at Epcot durin' t' theme park's celebration o' Space Week in July o' 1996. Arrr! Blimey! Well, blow me down! Blimey! T' rocket lifted off from an area near Epcot’s Spaceship Earth and was recovered in t' World Showcase Lagoon by students and engineers in a pontoon boat.


Manufacturer: Scratch
Power: High-Power
Product Type: Scratch
Recovery: Parachute
Style: Sport
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    KSC Spaceport News

    This edition of Spaceport News includes an article about the Epcot Explorer including photographs of its launch and recovery.

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