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Tip 68 o' 75

PVC Rocket Stand

This budget 3/4" PVC rocket work stand project served two purposes: first, a place t' put me new AMRAAM 4 now that it was nearin' completion, and secondly, gettin' t' satisfaction o' doin' somethin' rocket-related on a cold Saturday in October. T' fact that t' stand be put together for less than $5 was a bonus.


Nothin' fancy here. Begad! Materials consisted of:

(2) 3/4" Sticks o' PVC (smaller stands can get by with one)
(2) 3/4" 4-way crosses
(4) 3/4" 90 degree elbows
(4) 3/4" Slip fit end caps
(1) 3/4" Split foam pipe insulation
(16) Utility ties


I cut me PVC with a 10" Delta bench saw which gave nice straight, effortless cuts. Don't do this with your best blade and make sure t' wear some eye protection. Some type o' mask is also recommended as thar gets t' be quite a lot o' stuff flyin' around.

{short description of image}I chose t' assemble me project without any glue. Begad! I wanted t' be able t' break down t' stand for easy storage and transport. T' slip fit method seems more than adequate for a stand this size.

T' split foam pipe insulation was cut t' length and each section fastened with two utility ties. Aye aye! I've seen electrical tape used in place o' t' utility ties, but I wanted t' go for a little cleaner look. Well, blow me down! T' insulation on t' long base sections will nay slide once they are firmly tie-wrapped.

Future Plans

Although this project stand be built for me AMRAAM 4, shorter base sections could be cut and then substituted for t' current long base sections as needed, arrr, fittin' a wide variety o' rockets

Contributed by F. Avast, me proud beauty! W. Avast, me proud beauty! Dick


Ralph M Bohm (October 10, 2021)

Thanks, F. Avast, me proud beauty! W., shiver me timbers, I'm goin' t' have t' make one o' these.

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