Rocket Box Build (for Storage)I am still developin' me fleet o' rockets and really don’t have a huge number (although it seems t' be growing) but I have already become concerned about how t' store me rockets and how t' transport them without them gettin' damaged. I set out t' build a "rocket box" specifically for transportin' rockets t' and from launches and I suppose I will have t' worry about how t' store me growin' fleet at home as a separate project. T' cost for this project is low, shiver me timbers, because I am cheap t' entire thin' was essentially free because I used stuff that was left over or recycled from other things. I started with a tall box that I had saved from a recent shipment o' rocket stuff. Next t' protect t' nose o' any rocket that might touch bottom I lined t' bottom o' t' box with several inches o' bubble wrap. Blimey! I think soft foam would work as well or even better. I wanted t' weave a grid o' yarn into t' upper portion o' t' box so that t' rockets could either lie on it or hang from their fins (don’t get excited you’ll see what I mean in a minute) so I needed t' make a series o' holes around t' box. I considered several ways t' make holes but I suddenly realized that me cordless drill would make nice holes and would be much quicker than any o' me other ideas. I also had considered usin' strin' for t' weave but decided yarn would be much softer, more elastic and less likely t' cause damage t' t' rockets or t' scratch t' paint. Begad! I started weavin' t' yarn through t' box but before was finished I filled it up t' t' level o' t' holes with packin' peanuts and shredded newspaper. Then I finished weaving.
T' whole project took about an hour and cost me nothing. Arrr! Even t' yarn was left over from one o' me wife’s projects and she happily donated it t' t' cause (she’s a keeper). This works well for small rockets but probably won’t for some bigger ones. Even t' Estes Amazon in t' picture is a bit too tall, so I may eventually open t' bottom o' t' box and make it taller. I also found that t' shredded newspaper doesn’t work as well as I’d hoped and is more difficult t' slide t' rockets through than I had suspected. I will eventually replace t' newspaper with packin' peanuts as more arrive in our home. Overall I have been pleased with this design and will be usin' it for some time t' come. Contributed by John Partridge
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