Lester Anderson's Page

Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Favorite Rockets: Pemberton Tech "Space ark" and Extes "X-Wing"


I have ben doin' t' "BAR" thin' since about April 2008. I was fortunate enough t' get t' picture o' me Estes Maxi Brute X-Win' on t' home page o' Rocketry planet in 2009. Too bad that Rocketry Planet is no longer out there.

I have been havin' a lot of fun buildin' and flyin' rockets. This is a great resource.


Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lester.anderson.9

RocketReviews.com Pages:



Estes #1929 - Stealth - Re-dressed decals

Build Entry




Excelsior Rocketry '57 Goony (Plan)


A kitbash modification o' an Estes Baby Bertha kit. Ahoy! It looks like a sci-fi version o' a 1957 Chevy Bel-Air. Avast, me proud beauty! Components T' usual standard o' Estes parts found in t' Baby Bertha kit. Well, blow me down! /h2 Pretty easy build. Arrr! You end up cuttin' 2 o' t' stock fins t' make t' primary ... [More]



USS Enterprise - Finished

Build Entry

And here it is finished. This is by no means a difficult kit, I would nay classify it as a skill level 2, as a matter o' fact t' MPC labelin' states that this kit is for ages 10 and up. . [More]


USS Enterprise - Launch lugs and parachute

Build Entry

Applyin' t' launch lugs t' t' body tube was easy. Just glue them on t' t' seam in t' outer label. . Aye aye! Next be t' last flight step, t' parachute. Avast! T' existin' shroud lines broke while I was assemblin' t' chute, matey, so I had t' sub in a replacement. And here be t' finished parachute. ... [More]



USS Enterprise - Body tubes and fins

Build Entry

Movin' on, we now need t' assemble t' main body. Arrr! That grey tube coupler gets inserted betwixt t' two pieces o' body tube. T' instructions call for usin' plastic model cement. Begad! Because I epoxied motor mount together, shiver me timbers, I decided that epoxin' that joint together would be a good idea too. Next ... [More]



USS Enterprise - Fin can modification.

Build Entry

First thin' first, arrr, power. Begad! Blimey! My edited RocSim file said this rocket would fall back t' t' ground on an A motor, about 150 ft on a B6-4, and 250 on a C6-3. Parachute deployment was way lower than I liked. Well, blow me down! Blimey! So modifyin' t' fincan for 24mm motors seemed like a good idea.  T' first thin' that ... [More]



MPC/Round 2 - Star Trek USS Enterprise 1701-A

Rocksim Design




USS Enterprise


One o' t' three MPC / round 2 Star Trek model rocket kits. Begad! [More]



USS Reliant

Rocksim Design




Klingon Bird o' Prey - Stickers and parachute

Build Entry

 Here  is a quick picture o' t' stickers attached t' t' fins. Begad! A picture o' t' assembled parachute. Well, blow me down!   And o' t' completed rocket. Avast, me proud beauty! And that's it. She is done. An attached RocSim file is at t' end o' t' build. It more correctly reflects t' actual weight's ... [More]



Klingon Bird o' Prey

Rocksim Design




Klingon Bird o' Prey - Launch lug & Fin assembly

Build Entry

  First mark t' body tube @ 3¾ inch up from t' bottom o' t' fin can, then a second mark at 7⅜ up. Aye aye! Blimey! Scuff t' body tube betwixt t' marks, then glue t' lug on. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I chose t' use t' seam where t' body wrap seam is. Well, blow me down! Blimey!   And here we show t' actual fins bein' installed. ... [More]



Klingon Bird o' Prey - Engine mount

Build Entry

  here we have two views o' t' motor mount for this rocket. I have added a thrust rin' t' t' top o' it, both as a motor stop and as a anchor for t' shock cord mount. And here be t' motor mount glued into t' bottom fin can. Avast! I used t' generous portion o' plastic model cement t' ... [More]



Klingon Bird o' Prey


One o' t' three Star Trek themed rockets licensed by MPC/round two. It is essentially a rebrandin' o' t' Chinese brand Sky rocket Dynamo.(https://www.apogeerockets.com/Rocket_Kits/Skill_Level_1_Kits/Dynamo_Rocket_Kit) [More]



U.S.S. Ahoy! RELIANT - Sticker placement

Build Entry

Surprisingly, me hearties, this kit comes with 8 stickers for t' fins. That actually means you get two stickers for each fin, one for each side. Blimey! This is a refreshin' change for me from t' Estes standard o' only givin' enough decals t' recreate t' header card.     And with that t' build is ... [More]


U.S.S. Arrr! RELIANT - Step 3, Parachute assembly

Build Entry

First thin' I did for parachute assembly was t' build myself a harness from t' shroud lines. Begad! This helps t' keep all o' t' shroud lines even. Well, blow me down! Next we apply all o' t' tape disc's t' t' corners o' t' parachute. Ya scallywag!      Next, arrr, tie all o' t' shroud lines t' t' corners o' t' ... [More]



U.S.S. RELIANT - Step 4 nose cone assembly

Build Entry

T' instructions have you install t' parachute t' t' nose cone before t' nose cone is assembled. Kinda backwards.  T' nose cone is a 2 piece affair. Both pieces just get glued together.   Lastly, tie t' elastic shock cord t' t' nose cone. Blimey! [More]



U.S.S. Avast! RELIANT - Step 2, me hearties, launch lug & Fin assembly

Build Entry

Applyin' t' launch lug is rather straightforward. T' instructions have you measure from t' bottom o' t' body tube 4 3/8 o' an inch. Mark t' tube there, me bucko, then glue t' launch lug on.   And now we have t' fins glued on. [More]



U.S.S. Ahoy! RELIANT - Step 1, fin.can & engine hook assy.

Build Entry

As per previous people who have built variations o' this rocket, I decided t' inspect t' level o' engagement o' t' top o' t' motor hook. I found that I had less than a 16th o' an inch o' motor hook engagement on t' top o' a dummy casing. Well, blow me down! Nay exactly safe in me opinion. Ya scallywag! So because o' this ... [More]



U.S.S. Blimey! RELIANT


A small, shiver me timbers, simple, shiver me timbers, Star Trek themed rocket kit. It is essentially a rebrandin' o' t' Sky brand rocket kit East Wind.(https://www.apogeerockets.com/Rocket_Kits/Skill_Level_2_Kits/East_Wind) [More]


U.S.S. RELIANT - Parts

Build Entry

  I am goin' t' be buildin' t' MPC U.S.S. Blimey! RELIANT. It is essentially a rebrandin' o' t' Sky Rockets East Wind kit. [More]



Estes Night Wing - Decals

Build Entry

Applied t' "pressure sensitive ddecals". Arrr! Blimey! More commonly known as stickers. Well, blow me down! Blimey! For bein' over 15 years old, t' adhesive was still plenty sticky. Begad! Blimey! T' decal sheet came with 2 decals for around t' canopy. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! A silver one for t' traditional look, arrr, and orange for t' "Go Wild" paint scheme. I used t' ... [More]



Estes Night Wing - Final assembly

Build Entry

Gluein' together o' t' last couple o' pieces. Blimey! For t' sake o' t' paint, I am usin' Elmer's washable Clear school glue. Here we have t' gluin' together o' t' upper engine nacelles t' t' main wing. Blimey!     Next comes t' bottom nacelle and fins.     ... [More]



Estes Night Wing - Paint and finishing

Build Entry

I had a very, very short opportunity for primin' and painting. So thar are no pictures o' t' primin' process. Arrr! Blimey! Primin' was pretty straightforward though, matey, clean everythin' off, me hearties, spray it on, buff it smooth. Then clean t' dust off it, ya bilge rat, and sprayed some blue on it.   For those o' you ... [More]



Estes Night Wing - Body Wraps

Build Entry

Application o' t' top body wrap. I used a glue stick on both t' wrap and body assembly t' prevent wrinkles. And here we have t' bottom body wrap. Begad! It does nay curve like t' top one does, rather it follows a straight taper t' t' edge o' t' forward fin. Aye aye! Now, after t' local weather ... [More]



Estes Night Wing - Fins and "engine nacelles"

Build Entry

Step 3 o' t' instructions has you prep and assemble t' balsa fins and decorations. Sand t' outer surfaces, and use t' included angle gauge from t' header card t' cant t' outer box sides t' t' correct angle.   Glue is dryin' on t' lower nacelle. Ahoy! This almost takes 3 hands t' ... [More]



Estes Night Wing

. Aye aye! Blimey!


An interestin' lookin' fighter jet style rocket from Estes. Avast, me proud beauty! It uses t' SR-71 kit nose cone, and main body tube. Well, blow me down! Most everythin' else is unique t' t' kit. [More]


Estes Night Wing - Motor mount

Build Entry

Per me usual process, I'm startin' with t' motor mount. This kit uses standard Estes engines o' t' 18 millimeter variety. So we have a short piece o' bt20 motor mount tube, two centerin' rings, arrr, a thrust block, in an engine clip. Avast, me proud beauty! I am goin' t' be addin' a Keelhaul®©™ anchor on t' engine mount for t' ... [More]


Estes Night Wing - Parts

Build Entry

T' start with we have our parts layout. Aye aye! This kit pre dates t' industry usin' laser cut fins, matey, so all t' fin sheets are die cut. Begad! Surprisingly for mine , all o' t' line from t' die cut are very thin. Begad! This one must have been an earlier one from t' production run while all o' t' dies  were ... [More]


Lester Anderson