The Launch Pad Nike Ajax MIM-3A

The Launch Pad - Nike Ajax MIM-3A {Kit}

Contributed by Larry Zeilmann

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: The Launch Pad

Nike Ajax Model

T' Nike Ajax is a personal favorite o' mine, and I have wanted t' build this kit since I first became aware o' it’s existence. Avast! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! Unfortunately, It appears t' be a rarely available kit that commands a healthy price if you are fortunate enough t' come across one. Blimey! Blimey! Prices can range from high 30’s to retail o' $53.99 and beyond on E-Bay. Aye aye! Blimey! T' manufacturer claims that his kit’s are nay for t' beginnin' modeler, me bucko, shiver me timbers, me hearties, and require a moderate level of experience. Blimey! Blimey! I would have t' concur with his appraisal, arrr, ya bilge rat, and add that in t' Nike Ajax case perseverance leads t' success.

However, Bein' a bit o' a construction rebel, I am never happy with a “Plain Jane” construction process. Ahoy! Blimey! T' Actual Nike Ajax flew as a staged missile, and I wanted mine to mimic t' actual vehicle as close as possible. Begad! Blimey! Therefore, me bucko, mine will be a stagin' project with a three motor booster and a single motor sustainer. Blimey! Blimey! The sustainer ignition will be accomplished with a PerfectFlite Mini Timer, me bucko, ya bilge rat, and all chute deployments will be accomplished by motor ejection.

Finally, I would have t' add that one should nay expect t' be able to contact t' manufacturer for any assistance on this or any Launch Pad kit. Conversation amongst various rocketry communities and retailers often begin with; “Is T' Launch Pad still in business?” Several attempts to contact t' manufacturer concernin' construction questions always resulted in no response. Avast!

Packagin' is typical Launch Pad: soft plastic bag. I have no complaints. Avast! All parts were present and in good shape.

A part inventory is nay included so I will try t' provide me best recollection o' what is included. Aye aye! Plus parts needed for me staging modification.

Manufacturer included parts are:

Nike Ajax Lower Stage
  • 1 PNC60 nose cone
  • 1 BT80 Booster Tube ~ 19”
  • 1 BT80 Reinforcement Tube Coupler ~ 2”
  • 2 BT60 Sustainer Tubes, shiver me timbers, 12.5” and 13.5”
  • 1 BT60 Tube Couplers
  • 1 BT50 Interstage Coupler Tube
  • 3 BT50 24mm Motor Tubes ~ 3”
  • 2 Centerin' Rings for 3x motor cluster
  • 3 Motor Clips
  • 1 sheet o' 1/8” balsa for Booster Fins
  • 2 sheets o' 3/32” balsa for Sustainer Fins
  • 1 small sheet o' 1/16” Balsa
  • 1 Package o' Ballast Modelers Clay (Mine was unusable, hard as a rock.)
  • 2 CR5080 Centerin' Rings
  • 4 CR5060 Centerin' Rings
  • 2 BT80 Exterior Decorative Rings
  • 2 BT60 Exterior Decorative Rings
  • 1 Cone Transition Card Stock
  • 1 Antenna Card Stock
  • 8 Lengthy Square Balsa Stock 3/16” Thick for Wirin' Tunnels
  • 1 Lengthy Square Balsa Stock 1/8” Thick for Wirin' Tunnels
  • 2 Mylar Parachutes with Elastic Shock Cords and Swivels. (assembly required)
  • 1 3/16” x 2” rod guide
Interstage coupler.
Interstage coupler
Stagin' Modification Parts:
  • 1 BT80 1/8” Balsa Vented Bulkhead
  • 2 BT60 Tube Couplers
  • 1 BT50 Motor Tube 12”
  • 1 Motor Clip
  • Timer and Wiring, shiver me timbers, On/Off Switch
  • 1 24” Nylon Chute
  • 1 30” Nylon Chute & addition Shock Cord
  • 2 Rail Buttons
I Found t' Instructions adequate but did nay appear t' follow what I considered a logical order. Illustrations are few but sufficient. Blimey! All the templates you need are included. Remember that t' manufacturer states that this kit is for t' true modeler. Ya scallywag!

Lower stage and stuffer.
Lookin' into t' Interstage Coupler. Ya scallywag! Ahoy! Sustainer Motor Mount and Baffle is on it’s left.
In previous reviews many complaints were made concernin' t' quality o' Balsa stock. Avast, me proud beauty! Well, me hearties, blow me down! I don’t agree with these allegations. Ya scallywag! Follow t' instructions, me hearties, ya bilge rat, is probably t' biggest “Gotcha” when it comes t' workin' with the balsa. Avast! I followed t' recommendations by coatin' me fins with thin CA, followed up by thick CA. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! With minimal effort I ended up with a very sturdy fin, no grain marks in t' paint finish. Ya scallywag! While you are workin' with CA, matey, matey, cover that card stock transition t' strengthen it. Fin alignment is important. A little patience, care t' detail, and fin alignment tool will accomplish this task successfully. Avast!

Makin' and sandin' t' wirin' tunnels is a tedious task. I decided t' best approach was t' cement t' tunnel ends together and sand them as a assembled unit. Aye aye! That way t' 45 degree chamfered edge is uniform. Avast, me proud beauty!

I finished me rocket with three coats o' Blitz primer. Begad! Well, blow me down! This sealed remaining wood grains and tube spirals. I then followed t' booster up with three coats of Krylon Satin Green, t' interstage received three coats o' Gloss Gray, and sustainer received three coats o' Gloss White. Ya scallywag! Begad! No tapin' be required since I painted each section as a separate unit. Begad! Since mine was staged this is easy to do. If you choose nay t' stage, I think you could still paint in this method by holdin' off on gluin' t' interstage in place ’till after t' paintin' is finished.

No Decals are included in any Launch Pad Kit that I am aware of. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! This did not impose any problem. For t' less ambitious assembly, one can make the minimum decal markings with relatively inexpensive press-on adhesive lettering. This is actually mentioned in t' instructions. Ahoy! Begad! Since I be after realism I visited Jim Ball’s Scale Data web site and downloaded t' drawings illustratin' t' actual markings. Begad! I then purchased some water-slide ink-jet decal paper and printed me own decals. Blimey! For those interested in t' actual markings I used, see Jim Ball’s Scale data web site.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5


Lift-off with a cluster of three E9s.
Moments after liftoff on a three motor cluster o' Estes E9-4 motors.
Recommended motors are three Estes D12-5’s. Begad! Arrr! My staged version flew on three Estes E9-4’s in t' booster and one Estes D12-5 in t' sustainer. Begad!

Preparation o' t' stock kit requires waddin' in t' sustainer t' protect your Mylar chutes. Since me staged version incorporated a baffle in the sustainer, I only required waddin' in t' booster (see pictures).

I used t' included Estes style motor clips and then wrapped one windin' of maskin' tape around t' motor and clip for security.

Moments after staging.
Moments after stagin' is completed. Ya scallywag! Booster be t' other light smoke trail to left o' sustainer's smoke trail. Aye aye! Ya scallywag!
Mine flew beautifully. Ahoy! Stagin' was perfect on a rather windy day some very slight weather-veinin' occurred off t' eight foot rod. Well, blow me down!

I thought with all that lumber hangin' off t' sustainer and booster somethin' would certainly break off. Ahoy! I believe t' Mylar supplied chutes barely meet t' recovery demands of such a big rocket with so much fin area. Begad! Blimey! Since I recovered in stages with big Nylon chutes, matey, everythin' came back pristine.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

Overall, this rocket is pricey, me bucko, ya bilge rat, (sorry Launch Pad). Blimey! I don’t believe the parts should command a $53.99 retail price. Well, me bucko, blow me down! However, shiver me timbers, this is probably my favorite kit t' date. I also believe that it is a fairly easy kit t' scratch build. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! In t' survival durability area, ya bilge rat, me bucko, I can’t stress enough the importance t' follow t' instructions on applyin' CA t' t' fin material. Begad! The payoffs are big when you have that much lumber hangin' from such a tall rocket.

A Strong 4+  
I like this kit and would give it a 5 except for three areas I believe it cries for change in. Aye aye! First, this kit needs t' be staged! Blimey! Second, at this price a decal package should be included. Begad! Begad! Blimey! Finally, arrr, Manufacturer support o' some sort would be nice. Aye aye! Blimey!

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

PerfectFlite Mini Timer Assembly and six cell, me hearties, AAA, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, NiMH battery pack. Complete assembly is mounted in t' nose cone area and serves as ballast. Begad! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! Thus no further ballast is needed.

[NAR][Sport Rocketry]

T' followin' excerpt is from "Sport Rocketry". Arrr! T' intention is t' allow guests t' get a basic feelin' about a kit. We strongly suggest that you get a copy o' the referenced Sport Rocketry and read t' entire article. Blimey! Inside you will find many helpful hints in construction as well as other useful information. Blimey! Blimey! For more information, use t' two links above.

(Sport Rocketry - Holiday 1996 - page 22 - by Tom Hand) 

[Picture]"Top notch computer generated instructions, laser cut discs, pre-cut tubing, arrr, me bucko, engine clips, me hearties, Mylar parachutes, arrr, me hearties, fabric shock cord, me hearties, fin templates, me hearties, matey, and first rate balsa combine t' make a detailed, ya bilge rat, me hearties, challenging, ya bilge rat, arrr, me hearties, and rewardin' kit." 
"Fin installation is critical on all model rockets, ya bilge rat, but this Ajax, having fifteen fins t' install and align, requires extra patience and care." 
"My biggest problem be makin' t' wirin' tunnels." 
"T' Ajax kit uses three 18 inch diameter metallized Mylar parachutes that are complete with color-coordinated shroud lines and snap and barrel swivels." 
"Usin' two D12-5's and one D12-0 in t' booster and one D12-5 in the missile . Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! . Aye aye! ." 
". Arrr! . Begad! Aye aye! . Ya scallywag! t' Missile/booster combination flew dead straight, and the staging, shiver me timbers, matey, parachute ejection, matey, arrr, and recovery were perfect." 
". . Aye aye! . Well, blow me down! it is great fun t' build, matey, me bucko, me hearties, t' instructions are excellent, and the final product is well worth t' time spent." 

T' entire article gives t' impression is that it is a nice scale model for t' experienced, patient modeler.

* SPECIAL NOTE off o' RMR from Chuck Barndt, President o' T' Launch Pad



R.W. (May 1, 2000)
I found the product to be substandard. The excuses the manufacture gives for the thin balsa, are just that, excuses. There seems to be A LOT of nose weight needed in the model. The clay that comes with the model will fill up 1/2 the nose cone. I think a little better design and construction are called for on a $55 dollar model.
J.S. (May 1, 2000)
This is in my opinion the finest "model rocket" kit on the market today. For those of us who remember the time when there were actually kits that challenged your building skills, the Ajax is a breath of fresh air compared to the [stuff] Estes puts out now. I would stick with the original motor configuration since these kits do NOT lend themselves to much modification. They need to be built to stock in order to maintain stability. Also the components used are top quality and not cheap. It's worth every penny.
J.C. (October 1, 2000)
Kit comes with 2 chutes and is one stage. First flight with D12-5s had good lift off but only 1 chute opened. Instructions aren't clear on what is a good way to pack both chutes so that they both open. It is a little hard to fold up two big chutes and fit them in the small body tube. Mine got damaged, the missile section got loose from the booster section. There is a lot of weight up front and it hinges on the booster/missile join so be sure to use extra glue there. I used CA on the fins and didn't get any warping. The rocket flew straight even though there were light winds.
K.J.T. (October 31, 2001)
I've built and flown TLP's Nike Ajax and must say I disagree with some of the comments regarding this kit. Build it as the instructions direct you to and it's a stable, reliable kit that attracts a LOT of attention at the field. My Nike Ajax has flown three times; the first two times, only two of the motors lit. Yet both flights were perfectly straight, with a successful recovery. The third flight, all three motors lit, causing the rocket to leap off of the pad. If you're not willing to invest hours in a rocket, this kit is NOT for you. It's a challenging build, especially shaping the conduits that run the length of the upper stage. If you want a great looking kit that will challenge you and fly extremely well, consider this one.
R.F.W. (May 19, 2003)
My first cluster rocket, and first from TLP. I love "scale" kits and this is a good looking rocket, but not for the novice. I upgraded the bottom fins to light plywood because the balsa was warped badly in the kit. I too had problems with the wiring tunnels, so I decided to leave them off. Plenty of fins anyway. Instructions were good. Love the mylar chutes. First flight got off with only 2 motors burning (broken igniter on 3rd). Turned a bit down range but was recovered fine. 2nd flight was perfect. All 3 motors and ejection at about 1000 feet with 5 second delay. Upon recovery I discovered the bottom body tube just above the fins was badly damaged from too much internal heat. Also the bottom of the body tube was burned badly too. In my opinion, the body tube material used is very poor quality. 2 flights and its toast. Big disappointment! I like the looks of this kit so I will probably try to recreate it with stronger material, maybe even upscaled a bit to fly on F or G motors.
H.D.C (April 29, 2006)
First off, have to say I enjoyed the kit, but have to agree on the lack of quality compared to cost. Have built a couple of mids and now several high power rockets. For the cost can get into a much more higher quality product. Fins material is almost useless, tubes are not much better. This is a 25 dollar kit sold for much higher.

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