Flight Log - 2015-03-09 - Ken E. Coyote's Rocketarium Mega Vortico

Looks like two popsicle sticks stuck together...kinda like the "helicopter" all of us made growing up; however it takes surprisingly big motors.  Was quite a hoot to fly and very entertaining. I'll be bringing this to most of my launches.  Added a spiral red pattern to one side and black stripe edging to the other...looks AWESOME!

Flight Date: 2015-03-09
Rocket Name: Rocketarium Mega Vortico
Kit Name: Rocketarium - Mega Vortico {Kit} (RK-1202)
Flyer's Name: Ken E. Coyote
Motors: D12-0
Expected Altitude: 400 Feet
Wind Speed: 10.00 mph
Actual Altitude: 200 Feet

Not a good flight.  Tried upside down again since last flight was so good.  Rocket took off with a wobble and swirled away.  Should have had it a bit lower on the launch rod, but may have been a defective nozzle.  

Close review of video shows it fluttered off the rod...should've used a 3/16" rod rather than 1/8"...hadn't had trouble before, but now I know. :)

*UPDATE* I should've used 12-16" of the rod, but made a mistake and had it down about 6-8" from the top of the rod.

1Estes D12-0


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