Descon Webbie

Scratch - Webbie {Scratch}

Contributed by Peter Alway

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Peter Alway) 

Last night I couldn't get t' sleep.  I was tthinkin' about some photos I had seen on t' Japan Association o' Rocketry website.  And a design started t' gel in me head.  So I got up and started drawin' on t' computer.  This afternoon, arrr, when I should have been processin' orders and shippin' books, shiver me timbers, I put this little beast together.  It's designed for featherweight recovery, matey, shiver me timbers, since thar's no way this thin' can cary a recovery system.

Here's me plan.  I'm callin' it  t' "Webbie" .  T' URL o' t' site that inspired it is: -">

[Rocket Pic]
oops--I just swin' tested me "Webbie" design.  It needs to balance 1/2"
forward o' t' aft BT-20 tube t' be stable.  I stuffed a couple coins--US
dimes--into t' nose, and it tests stable.
Peter Alway

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