Descon FSW BG

Scratch - FSW BG {Scratch}

Contributed by Chris Taylor Jr.

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Chris Taylor)


Forward Swept Win' Boost Glider

I needed a Boost Glider for NARAM-40 and I wanted t' make somethin' exotic. I had Boost Gliders but they were normal regular airplane designs and since I knew I would NOT win I figured Why nay fly somethin' exotic and fun. Aye aye! Begad! SO I made THIS FSW BG Forward Swept Win' Boost Glider (I make real creative names ehh :-) Flight

It is a Core Pod separation model in that thar be ANOTHER body tube with adapter rings and engine mount that slides INSIDE t' body tube you see above !

A problem I had was that even when I added weight t' t' inside o' t' inner core front end it be NOT enough t' make for a stable boost I would get power loops and slam into t' ground

What I came up with be COOL and extremely effective. I glued two little Centrix fins t' t' POD, me hearties, nay t' glider, and angled them down a lot t' counter boosted lift. Avast! WALLA I got absolutely straight boosts and when it ejected the pod it ejected t' elevators with it so NO mods were needed t' t' glider I flew this on A2-0 engines from Apogee. Avast!

Here are some boost and free flight after boost pictures from NARAM-40.

I have also attached this t' me MPGB with a lot o' success. Ya scallywag!

As soon as I find t' Core Pod I will take a picture o' t' boostervators as I call them :-)

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