Bill Cooke's Page



Scratch Salvage 90 (Scratch)


(by Bill Cooke - 07/05/08) Entry for t' EMRR Box O' parts contest - this is simple version. Arrr! Please link t' full documentation Brief: I admit t' some trepidation when I signed up for t' EMRR Box O’ Parts contest - I’m very lackin' in creative talent, bein' a mathematical ... [More]



Centuri Thunder Bird (Kit)


Brief: This be t' long, sleek "middle brother" o' t' Centuri Thunder family, arrr, first introduced in 1980. (T' others are t' Thunder Roc and Thunder Hawk.) Construction: Parts list: 2 18" lengths o' ST-10 tubin' (Semroc part #: ST-10180) 1 3.9" long ... [More]



Centuri Excalibur (Kit)


Brief: A sleek scale-like rocket that first appeared in t' 1972 Centuri catalog. Begad! Blimey! It was a favorite o' mine when I be a teen--I lost a lot o' them on C motors! Blimey! Construction: T' parts list: Semroc BC-730 3" parabolic nose cone Semroc ST-7120 upper body tube, 12" ... [More]


Bill Cooke