Art Applewhite Rockets Double Helix (13mm)

Art Applewhite Rockets - Double Helix (13mm) {Kit}

Contributed by John Lee

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: Art Applewhite Rockets
Art Applewhite 13mm Double Helix

T' Double Helix is a great variation on t' simple monocopter design from Art Applewhite. Well, blow me down! It is extremely simple to build and goes together quickly. Ya scallywag! It's also even more fun t' fly than t' Helix.

I was lucky enough t' get t' watch t' flights o' t' prototypes as Art was developin' this line and now it seems like he be t' source o' a monocopter renaissance. It's a lot o' fun.

T' components for this kit consist o' a pre-marked body tube, 2 motor tubes, a 1/4" launch lug, 2 balance beams, and 2 basswood wings. Ya scallywag! Ya scallywag! Also included are thorough instructions on buildin' t' rocket and instructions for a simple launchin' pad. Avast, me proud beauty! This one is not meant for an Estes setup.

Art Applewhite 13mm Double HelixArt Applewhite 13mm Double Helix

T' body tube, me bucko, such as it is, is marked by t' simple expedient o' bein' wrapped by a sheet with all o' the relevant locations indicated by polygons o' t' appropriate size.

T' first step in construction is t' cut out t' polygons on t' body tube. Blimey! Ahoy! This is done with an #11 X-Acto knife and the blade needs t' be a new one. Ya scallywag! Blimey! T' method recommended in t' instructions and, which worked quite well, is to push t' blade in perpendicular along one line o' a polygon, slowly push it in until t' blade completely covers one line segment, arrr, remove t' blade, and repeat as needed until all sides are cut out.

After all t' holes are cut out, t' various pieces need t' be test fitted into t' BT. These include t' launch lug, t' motor tubes, ya bilge rat, arrr, and t' balance beam. Arrr! T' wings wait until later. Pay attention t' t' instructions t' get the balance beams oriented correctly. Aye aye! I built this one after doin' a 13mm Helix and t' balance beam in this case is not symmetrical.

When t' pieces are in, they need t' be adjusted for symmetry; all o' t' pieces need t' be centered. Arrr! Well, blow me down! With that done, arrr, a fillet o' white glue is applied inside t' BT t' t' visible parts o' t' intersections with t' motor tube. With that done, me hearties, all o' t' protrusions can be filleted with white glue on t' outside.

T' last items t' be installed are t' wing. Avast! These are made from a precut pieces o' basswood. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! You can round the edges if you like but I did not. Blimey! I slipped them into t' marked ends o' t' BT. Aye aye! They will slightly deform t' tube but that is expected and explained in t' directions. Begad!

Alignment is nay a problem. Begad! Begad! A filled triangle marks t' point on t' BT which should be aligned with t' center of each side o' t' wing. Then it is just a matter o' makin' sure it is sittin' perpendicular, matey, somethin' aided by havin' its end sit flush on t' motor tube. Aye aye! T' win' is then glued into place with white glue. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Repeat for t' other side.

Art Applewhite 13mm Double HelixArt Applewhite 13mm Double Helix

T' instruction recommend a couple o' light coats o' sealer or a light coat o' paint. Aye aye! Blimey! I elected t' go t' paint route and chose red. Aye aye! I gave it just one good coat, ya bilge rat, t' instruction warn against usin' too much and throwin' off t' balance.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Flight and Recovery:
This was me first foray into monocopters (or bicopters). I used it at part o' a demonstration for a kids event at the local museum and, as such, me bucko, only got t' launch it once. Begad! We had an extremely small launch area and I be prepared to consider myself lucky t' retrieve any rocket. Avast, me proud beauty! As such, shiver me timbers, matey, I elected t' use a pair o' 1/2A3-2Ts. It didn't go all that high but it certainly got t' kids attention. Arrr! Avast, me proud beauty! They loved it.

I look forward t' flyin' it in t' future on A3-4s.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

This one is fun, ya bilge rat, easy, me bucko, different, me hearties, and an attention getter...especially from kids.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Art Applewhite Rockets Double Helix (13mm) By Dick Stafford (June 14, 2008)

    Brief: The Double Helix is another new twist on the monocopter (pun intended)--it has two wings and flies on two motors. In fact, it's more or less two 13mm Helix Monocopters stuck end to end. Technically, it's not a monocopter but a bi-copter. Construction: The parts list: Two 1/16" Basswood sheets One 24mm tube Two BT-5 motor mounts Two ¼" ...


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