| Best On Board video yet! Air Start pushes rocket to 2929 Feet (2011-09-02)      An H160 Skidmark(r) with an Air Start to two H140 Classics. Using high quality still photos, it is so cool to be able to see that the first H140 burns for .6 seconds before the second H140 ignites. The Raven altimeter makes Air Starts so fun and easy!
 | Big Yeller - 180 lb. Model Rocket - May 2009 (2011-05-29)      Tripoli MN Model Rocket Club Launches Big Yeller. A 180 lb, 17.5 foot model rocket.
 | Caribou Caffeinator - On Board Rocket Camera (2012-05-04)      Caribou Caffeinator Cesaroni 38mm 5 Grain I297 Skidmark(TM) 2165 Feet on July 10, 2010 North Branch, MN Tripoli Minnesota High Powered Rocket Club Adding a swivel did not help minimize spin. Drat! I will have to adjust parachute size next time....
 | Caribou Coffee Rocket (2011-05-29)      Build, Display, and Launch the LOC HyperLoc 835
 | Coca-Cola OnBoard Video to 1110 Feet (2011-09-09)      9 Feet Tall Modified Loc Magnum with Dual Deploy 54mm to 38 MM Adapter Cesaroni 5 Grain J357 Blue Streak motor Onboard Keyfob Spy Camera
 | Giant Flying Cardboard Radish of Death.... (2011-09-05)      What does Scott have this month? Scott, where do you get your ideas from, amazing! All the details are in the Audio.
 | Gizmo Drag Race 10/11/2008 (2011-05-29)      Two Gizmo rockets drag race on a sunny day in North Branch MN during the Tripoli Minnesota Rocket Club October launch day.
 | It Looks Good On the Ground... Will it work at 3000 Feet? Find Out on May 14th, 2011 (2011-08-19)      The Caribou Caffeinator has been modified to eject the Drogue Chute from the nose cone @ 3000 feet and 3 "Round" NASA style chutes @ 1200 feet. It Looks Good On the Ground... May 14th, 2011 will be real launch! www.tripolimn.org
 | Mars Lander - Lift Off - 3X Upscale of the Original Estes Model (2013-04-04)      Mars Lander - Lift Off - 3X Upscale of the Original Estes Model This was launched on a Cesa This is the first launch of the 3X Mars Lander, September 8, 2012, in North Branch, MN at the Tripoli MN lauch site. This is just lift-off, hopefully more video to come. This is an upscale of the original Mars Lander kit by Estes Rockets introduced in 1969. This kit is for sale through Colossus Rockets and its sole distributor Off We Go Rocketry.
 | Nuke ProMaxx 1Grain F59 White Thunder (2011-09-22)      Nuke ProMaxx 1Grain F59 White Thunder Propellant 623 Feet on May 31, 201 "Lawn Dart" I forgot to adjust the delay before black powder motor eject North Branch, MN Tripoli Minnesota High Powered Rocket Club
 | Nuke ProMaxx 2Grain G83 BlueThunder - (2011-09-22)      Nuke ProMaxx 2Grain G83 Blue Thunder Propellant 1374 Feet on May 31, 201 North Branch, MN Tripoli Minnesota High Powered Rocket Club
 | Photon Disruptor Fails (2011-05-31)      One rocket does not make it on a sunny day in North Branch MN during the Tripoli Minnesota Rocket Club October launch day.
 | Ride the Rocket - Looking Up! (2011-05-29)      Don't forget to "duck" when the first chute is deployed! I just found this misplaced spy cam 7 months after it's launch. The cam is looking up the 9 foot Coca-Cola rocket. The twin cam looking down, can also be found on this channel. August 25, 2010. "Coca-Cola OnBoard Video to 1110 Feet"
 | Simulated Rocket Flight with Raven Altimeter (2011-11-04)      The Raven Altimeter is from Featherweight Altimeters www.featherweightaltimeters.com. Not shown in the video is the maximum altitude being beeped out, after you pickup and tip the landed rocket.
 | Spidey Rocket 1 Reg Res 5-15-10 Tripoli MN Club Launch (2011-09-24)      Spidey Rocket 1 Reg Res 5-15-10 Tripoli MN Club Launch Scratch Build by Mike C.
 | Sweet! 16 Foot Rocket by Scott - The Leviathan (2011-06-24)      The Leviathan. Launches at the Tripoli MN November 2009 Club Launch.
 | The Spool Crash - Slow Motion (2011-09-22)      The Video Say's it all... Scott
 | Tripoli Minnesota 7/12/08 - Only High Powered Rocket Launches (2011-06-28)      Tripoli MN Model Rocket Club launches rockets the 2nd Saturday of each month. Check out www.TripoliMN.org for more information.
 | Tripoli Minnesota 7/12/08 - Rocket "Launches" Only (2011-05-29)      Tripoli MN Model Rocket Club launches rockets the 2nd Saturday of each month. Check out www.TripoliMN.org for more information.
 | Tripoli Minnesota 9/13/08 - Club Launch Day (2011-05-29)      Tripoli Minnesota Club Launch day in September.
 | Tripoli MN 04/24/2011 (2011-08-19)      A few launches by Tripoli MN on Sunday 4/24/11.
 | Tripoli MN 11/15/09 Club Launches (2011-05-29)      Two "M" motors and a lot more!
 | Ultimate Patriot Crash (2011-08-19)      (2 on-board cameras) This launch was supposed to be all about dual deploy from a single payload compartment. No such luck. The center motor exploded out the top of the motor case, ejecting it's self and the left side motor. The right side motor continued on but with no nosecone. Ugly!