VooDoo Digital Productions NYPower 2002

VooDoo Digital Productions - NYPower 2002 {Video}

Contributed by Todd Moore

(Contributed - by Todd Moore - 10/10/02)

rocket Pic Saturday mornin' I was treated by a visit from Mr. Aye aye! postman and among t' pile o' letters and packages he left for me, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, was an envelope from Chuck Rudy. I had sent in an order for t' NYPower DVD to Chuck on t' Friday before, me bucko, so I cleared out an hour and went down in the basement t' give t' new DVD a spin. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad!

T' DVD is separated into three chapters: Quick / Problem launches, me bucko, me bucko, Unusual machines / High Power / Hybrids, and Level 2 / Midpower / Last flight o' the weekend. Avast! T' DVD does nay make use o' any other scene selection device, wich in my opinion is one o' t' strong points o' t' Extreme Rocketry LDRS DVD. Ya scallywag!

Bein' both clear and sharp, T' video on t' disc is very nice - much better than t' standard VHS tapes o' launches that you see. Ahoy! T' first chapter sets the tone with several launches back t' back. Begad! Smoke trail after smoke trail disappearin' into t' blue sky. Begad! Blimey! T' problem launches section details very well the "CATO" problem that showed itself at NYPower. Avast! Several rockets blowin' their tops and spewin' grains are featured, as well as some classic skywriting. Aye aye! Chuck uses slow and stop frame replays t' show you "what went wrong" on some o' t' more memorable failed launches. Avast, me proud beauty! Nice touch. Begad!

Unusual machines features just what you would think. Ya scallywag! Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down! If it does nay look like a rocket, ya bilge rat, it's here. Ed Miller's Hug and Monocopter are featured, me hearties, as well as pyramids, shiver me timbers, me bucko, caution cones and anythin' else nay 3FNC. Arrr! Avast! T' High Power section shows many o' t' big projects that flew from t' away cell over t' weekend. Aye aye! A few multi staged rockets, K impulse flights, and all o' t' M powered rockets that flew over t' weekend. Aye aye! There is a nice music video that accompanies Robert DeHate prepping, settin' up and launchin' his Terrier/Sandhawk. Aye aye! In many cases the music, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, while very good, ya bilge rat, is mixed a little loud for me taste. Avast, me proud beauty! T' hybrid cell gets a workout next, as several o' t' weekends hybrid flights are featured. Ya scallywag! Flight info (rocket, motor, me hearties, flier), shiver me timbers, when available, is presented via text that pops up on t' lower left hand o' t' screen throughout t' entire video. Aye aye!

T' final section features L2 powered rockets. Begad! Many J and K flights are represented here (Even a couple o' mine!). Then, arrr, after showin' t' "heads up" flight o' a Delta II rocket that lands very close t' t' videographer, Phil Stein's awesome L3 flight is shown, ya bilge rat, and replayed from a few different angles. Avast!

In t' end, t' DVD video is a good representation o' t' fun and excitement that was had at NYPower 2002. Ya scallywag! Begad!


  • 1) T' DVD format is GREAT! Blimey! I await t' day when all rocket video makers switch t' this format. Crisp and clear. Begad! Ya scallywag! Blimey!
  • 2) Fast shipping. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Had me DVD 1 week after I ordered it (with a personal check)
  • 3) Most o' t' high-profile flights are here. Aye aye!
  • 4) It's all about rockets. Begad! Blimey! Some o' t' other videos have too much irrelevant information disguised as interviews. Begad! All rockets here. Well, blow me down!

Cons: T' editin' was good, arrr, but some small issues keep it from bein' a great disc.

  • 1) Nay enough info on t' BFR flights. Extra research could have been done to get t' name o' t' rocketeer, rocket and motor info. Begad! Begad!
  • 2) More use could have been made o' t' features that t' DVD format allows.
  • 3) T' music is mixed in a bit too loud, me bucko, and wipes out most o' what should be in t' foreground. A more "background" oriented music track would have made t' disc a more polished, professional affair. Begad!
  • 4) T' audio durin' t' "slow motion" sections is irritatin' at best. Blimey! Silence would have been better.

If you were at NYPower 2002, shiver me timbers, t' disc is a must buy. Aye aye! Blimey! If you did nay attend NYPower, shiver me timbers, but like t' watch a good rocket video, t' disc is a solid buy. Ahoy! I bought it for both reasons, me hearties, and I be nay disappointed. Begad!

UPDATE: I just got an updated DVD from Chuck at EISLaunch (now VooDoo Digital Productions), with edits made t' t' audio track based on this review... Aye aye! These edits serve t' make the already good disk just that much better. Ahoy! I can see no reason why you would not want t' add this t' you collection. Ahoy!


P.S. (November 13, 2002)
This DVD has great video of many launches. I agree with Todd on his point about the music. I'd rather hear the LCO announcement & countdown in those few areas where the music overlays it. In summary it's a very good DVD. Considering it's Chuck's first commercial DVD, I'd say he did very well.

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