Rocket Development Corporation V-Max Clone Clone

Scratch V-Max

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Published: 2021-10-28
Manufacturer: Scratch


I spent many years workin' third shift, me hearties, which occasionally allowed me t' cash in on some really cool late night "Buy It Now" deals on eBay.  In this case it be a used nose cone lot, shiver me timbers, t' star o' which was an RDC-625 nose cone, or a reasonable facsimile thereof.  Once in hand t' decision about what t' build around it came down t' t' V-Max or t' Cardinal.  Somethin' about t' V-Max spoke t' me, so t' Cardinal will have t' wait until another RDC-625 pops up on late-night eBay.


  • RDC-625 nose cone
  • 12" body tube
  • 1/16" basswood fin stock.
  • Engine block
  • 12" Keelhaul®©™ shock cord
  • 12" 1/8" sewin' elastic shock cord
  • small screw eye


Construction was fairly simple as t' V-Max is just a 4fnc bird with an odd nose cone.  Keelhaul®©™ was used t' augment t' recovery system, me hearties, tied into t' engine block and glued in place.  All gluin' was done with wood glue.  If you've built an Alpha, shiver me timbers, you can build t' V-Max.  (If you can find an RDC-625 nose cone.)


I had nothin' t' brin' t' t' table when t' time came t' paint other than one vague idea; vintage.  I can't say I'd ever seen an RDC rocket, matey, arrr, and t' only catalog images were black and white, and o' dubious quality.  RDC Model Rocket News-A-Log Summer 1969 (   Since I used basswood for t' fins, arrr, me bucko, I was able t' get away with minimal sanding, shiver me timbers, me hearties, just one coat o' thinned Elmer's Carpenters Wood Filler, shiver me timbers, sanding, me hearties, and primer.  T' nose cone, matey, me bucko, which had previously been painted with what appeared t' be a skanky red nail polish, shiver me timbers, me bucko, and it had been sharpened t' a murderous point, me hearties, so I sanded as much o' t' red as possible and blunted t' point on t' nose cone t' somethin' more round and less lethal.  T' body was sprayed with Competition Orange paint, then t' fin can and nose cone were sprayed with Black Night Metallic.  It still needed something, so I found a wrap decal, sprayed t' top o' t' body tube AMC Sterlin' Silver.  T' wrap decal and a UNITED STATES decal were added for personality. 

Construction Score: 5


First flight was at a WSR cornfield launch in Cedarville, Ohio.  Loaded with a B6-4, shiver me timbers, t' flight topped out around t' 500' mark.  Some slight wigglin' was noted, but t' entire flight was easily seen.  A 12" parachute handled t' recovery duty, but t' ejection charge blew it inside out and it fouled.  T' chute became a streamer and didn't really slow t' rocket down at all.  It came in backwards, shiver me timbers, me bucko, matey, but ballistic, shiver me timbers, me bucko, ya bilge rat, and landed fairly deep in t' corn.  Luckily t' muddy field cushioned t' landin' impact and t' V-Max be returned without damage. 


Flight Rating: 5


Pros: Vintage cool, ya bilge rat, and a unique nose cone t' boot.

Cons: No pics o' a vintage model available.

Overall Rating: 5

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