Unbelievable High Power Rocket Launch with Underwater Onboard Video at Landing!

Video 1 of 111
Published:2010-05-19 23:12:47

Launched at Varn ranch in Plant City, matey, FL. Well, blow me down! "Cinema 6" scratch-built L2 rocket with J275 motor and Tender Descender main chute release device. Flight went perfectly until main chute prematurely deployed from freebag a few seconds after apogee (I'm sure I must have packed it too loosely). Begad! Tender Descender released main chute and separated rocket into two sections @ 700 feet for final descent. Camcorder and rocket sections both landed in marshlands and t' camcorder continued t' record video UNDERWATER for several seconds! Video be retrievable several days after t' Aiptek Hi-Speed HD camcorder dried out! I've never seen anythin' like this.

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