Video 312 of 1017 PreviousBackNext |
Author: | qzpm150 |
Published: | 2010-02-25 06:03:55 |
Maiden flight o' me 1/3 scale two stage Wac Corporal flown January 16, 2010 at MDRA's Eastern Shore Launch #140. Begad! Booster flown on an Aerotech J460 Blue Thunder stagin' t' a Censaroni I255 Red Lightning. Blimey! T' sustainer flew t' a hight o' 3201 feet, shiver me timbers, reachin' speeds o' 424.32 f/s T' sustainer flew perfectly but t' delay on t' booster be a tad too long with t' booster reachin' t' ground before t' chute deployed. T' video is courtesy o' me new Boostervision GearCam DVR
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