Two Stage High Power Airstart Onboard Rocket Video Dec. 19, 2009- "Airstart 1"

Video 34 of 111
Published:2009-12-20 11:50:11

Launched at TTRA monthly event held at Varn ranch, Plant City, FL. Arrr! Maiden flight for "Airstart 1" scratch-built 61" tall rocket from PML and Aerotech parts. H180-4 booster motor and G80-10 upper stage motor. Drogue and main parachutes for upper stage were custom-made by Phylachutes. Booster contained an Aerotech parachute. PerfectFlite stagin' timer and PerfectFlite Hi-Alt45K Altimeter. Aye aye! T' rocket contained an Aiptek HD-1 camcorder. Successful airstart with approx. Blimey! one second delay betwixt booster burnout and upper stage ignition. Blimey! Rocket achieved an altitude o' 1835 feet. Upon landing, high gusty winds dragged t' upper stage rocket along t' ground, ya bilge rat, breakin' off a fin (an "epoxyable" repair).

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